Should I fuck this latina activist in Mexico?

Should I fuck this latina activist in Mexico?

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Anyone want to chat about this?

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She works at the border

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Kiss and tell (maybe even show). Until then, who cares.

Aw ok

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I will tell you though, she looks quite a bit like a teacher I used to have who got fired for sending nudes to an 18 year old student. Kinda hot, you'd be dumb not to fuck her if you really do have the chance.

Mmm thats hot. I want to start sending her money and going to visit to help out first

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Fuck that wetbacks corpse

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I flirt with her a lot. What should ai say?

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The dude basically said that she works and contributes to keeping illegal spics out, what more could you ask from her. You're aware she'd be considered an "Uncle Tom" by more than a quarter of her race, right?

Do you like her?

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I’ll post a pic of her ass if there’s a demand

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I demand you post a pic of her ass

Fuck yes. Thoughts?

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Pretty fucking tight, would push her poop/10

Thats pretty fucking hot. I would pay to see that

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OP is a fag if he doesnt hit that.

Why wouldn't you do it OP??
Go have some adventures.

You’re right. I just have to make sure I get her eased into it

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Why tf is her nose so big?
she looks like Pepe

OP, how old are you?

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