Gross its new years and marks the 2th year of me streching my cock to no avial

Gross its new years and marks the 2th year of me streching my cock to no avial.

Is there anyone on Sup Forums with a dick length simmilar ot mine?

And if so have you hade meaningfull loving relationships with a smallish dick?

Attached: IMG_20191230_152245.jpg (3264x2448, 1.48M)

What is this link?

No shit dumb ass. You can't stretch body parts out. LoL.

Meh I tried really hard, It gave me a mild case of ED and dick discouluration.

Really need input from anons who have smalsihd cocks would you hold a gf?

Stop trying to stretch your dick, faggot. It doesn't work.
Also stop obsessing over size judging by the pic yours is fine.

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are you the smae size as me? Have you had relationships with girls that are like wholesome?

I'm a little under 20cm when fully hard, and yeah I'm in one right now.

I see this thread and just laugh at you insecure faggot. My dick is not big, 6ish inches on a good day and super rock hard horny... I have had years long relationships with women and fucked til they squirted, orgasmed, and came all over my cock. Being in a relationship is more than just your dick, it's how you treat a woman, show her you are passionate for her, are you cool, do you have a good moral compass, do you take pride in yourself, are you respected, do you do the best you can with the dick you are given, do you eat ass, eat pussy, suck tits, all these things and more will draw a woman to you and make her want to stay, relationships are a statis thing, if you're not with someone because they are improving you or because you feel good then it doesn't make sense to be in one regardless. Stop posting pics of your cock on Sup Forums and start respecting yourself, stop giving a fuck about your junk and just beat cheeka with what you have man because at the end of the day YOU AIN'T GROWING MORE DICK SO GET USED TO IT

18 cm here. Never had complaints, some girls went so far as to tell me I was big. They measured me against their faces or their tummies to see how deep I would penetrate them. Mostly, I'd say girls will decide to fuck you before they even see your dick. Then as long as you aren't pathetic, they'll continue to do so.

post dick pls

>dick stretching thread
That’s the 2th.

Im at work bro and I'm not posting a picture of my dick

fair enough, was just wondering if you're attractive or have other things going for you that makes your girl feel attracted to you

what is that picture?

Your way bigger then me if your 20cm is that a bad angle?

How would you both know?

18cm + is a respectiable size?

im 16cm at my best and its so small in my hands and in her vag.

I'm a dicklet and used to be very self conscious about it until I lost my virginity and realised the whole dick size thing is a myth pushed by jews

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Im not huge, and I've been happily married for years. Size ain't all that important.

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I am 6ft 250, tattoos. ex military, I carry myself like a man, I earn 100k a year, own a home, nice things, guns, jewels, I'm good with money, funny, can fight, I'm not self conscious about my dick size or anything for that matter. Just be a fucking man and of a woman really wants to make fun of you then she's a bitch and you don't need that in your life

>can fight
interesting, did you learn to fight while in the military?
you ever fought in front of your girl?

16 is above average

I can fight to lol, why discout a womans opion as wrong becuase it does not fit your world view?

How can you be a man if you cant fuck your girl right? what its thats all you want from life?

No its not its much smaller then whats normal.


Attached: Average-Penis-Length-Revealed-In-New-Study.jpg (1290x932, 362K)

gabro bs stat.

Google works you can use it yourself or you can keep feeling bad for a non issue

Also this is bait
i'm out

Dick size does matter to a certain extent, but it’s not the end all be all

If she actually loves you and her emotions are involved you’ll have a much easier time making her cum. They just become super sensitive if their heart is in it