Why don't liberals understand that trannies are mentally ill? There's something wrong with them...

Why don't liberals understand that trannies are mentally ill? There's something wrong with them. Fucking with your biological being complete disrupts the electrical impulses in your brain and the chemistry that makes you function as a normal person.

Trannies are violent, psychotic and the drugs they take to transition often comes with suicidal thoughts, which is why there's such a high suicide rate. It has nothing to do with "bullying" or "not being accepted". The MSM, Hollywood and Social Media hails these people as heroes. Destroying your family's bloodline to be some mentally ill nutcase is nothing to celebrate. Why do we praise these fucking ticking time bomb freaks?

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>Why don't liberals understand that trannies are mentally ill?
Because they like Traps, and want one of their very own.

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Trannies are an illness and they must be cleansed. Will the Fourth Reich start already FFS?

Tranny's are disgusting

But like, why would I care?
I don’t Obsess over the fact that there are people with depression, or ocd, or shizophrenia walking around. Why would I think about any sort of other mental illness, especially as one as controversial and on the ropes as something like this?

Liberals have to stop blasting there propaganda to the youth of America and other countries. Its not normal to be transgender and telling people that is not only straight up brainwashing but it is also corruping the youth

Yep, Rationally.Motivated

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The youth is gone. Look at the state of the west today. Just go to Twitter. Every college kid is a hyperactive politically correct SJW.

>Every movie has to be majority black or it's racist
>Being a straight white male is offensive
>You can just pick and choose your gender at will, anyone who doesn't understand is sexist
And so forth.

We live in clown world and it's going to get worse.

That pic xD but so true

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Either California or Canada

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what the fuck...

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Hailing them as heroes is too far. Extremism either by liberals or conservatives (trumptards are very much extremists) is idiotic.

I'm just glad I have Thai ladyboys to fuck. Western guys have way too manly, you can persecute then if you want. Let me fuck my Asian ladyboys in peace!

Jesus is a liberal - who loves trannies

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Imagine living in this guys mind

Like who gives a fuck. This whole thread reeks of projection, and secret desire to fuck lady boys. It’s the Alex Jones technique

>Like who gives a fuck.
Who indeed

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>Fucking with your biological being complete disrupts the electrical impulses in your brain and the chemistry that makes you function as a normal person.
Fucking hell you retarded cunt, go back to biology stoopid

Shut your filthy blaspheming jew mouth!

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Trying so hard to be oppressed

I don’t get your point. Your afraid of something?

Lol this
The victim card is strong with that snowflake

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>hurt Durr other people are gross
>I'm not retarted it's literally everybody else
Ok incel

There really has been studies that show how closely linked homophobia and disliking trans people are linked with being aroused by homosexual thoughts or transsexuals

I’m getting that vibe here

Israel makes these drugs and distributes them. Big pharma is getting rich on tranny's while draining our govt money

because the other kind of people you mention are not trying to brainwash society

It has nothing to do with liberalism. I'm liberal, but I don't support forcing people to have to police their speech around trans people lest they end up in deep trouble for simply offending them. At the same time, I don't support hating them, even if I do find the whole trans craze rather repugnant.

Grow up, idiots.

They are sexual degenerates that have to cover for each other, or face up to the fact that they are fucked up.

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Nobody is getting rich on trannies. There simply aren't enough of them. I know they show up on Sup Forums all the time because Sup Forumstards love jacking off to pictures of traps, but they don't make up a significant part of the population.

What? Now your trying to introduce some sort of weird conspiracy about the lgbtq community trying to brain wash? That’s nuts bruh

But never the less, depression, substance abuse, other mental illnesses are 100% romanticized within pop culture. I mean like 70% of the songs people listen to touch on this in some way

>Lol this
>The victim card

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Because people with depression aren't parading around and trying to convince other people to feel miserable with them you fucking faggot.

But they kinda are?
And do you go outside? I have literally talked to a trans person twice, and I live in a liberal city. No one is trying to convert you
You just live on pol and only see the stories and cherry picked images to scare you about whatever your scared about. It’s fear mongering the sheeple, and your falling for it

You like to make up stories, don't you?

>I'm liberal

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Highest suicide rate really. Hopefully they will all die out sooner than later.

I never mentioned anything about a conspiracy, but these people are actually messing with laws and social structures, just because you dress like a girl does not mean you are a girl, I mean if I start using a wheel chair can I enter into the Paralympics?

If you take hormones to break your legs, I dunno, probably?

This pretty much describes how I feel about the whole thing. We are all born believing our bodies are inadequate, it's an evolutionary mechanism that forces us to work hard at maintaining our health. With the corruption of societal norms, this has been twisted into the belief that we should seek out a transformation. Now, on top of all of this, women have become equal in our society, so that has been the focal point of this corruption. And here we are, a bunch of twisted, mentally ill, homosexual, faggots cutting off their genitals to satiate a desire to better their bodies that they don't understand in a world where physical dominance is considered taboo. What a fucking bullshit world we are creating.

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Trust me, YOU would be able to get into the special olympics long before getting into any wheel chair

>literally writing a fucking shakespeare play over one cherry picked image
I wonder what the same faggot would have to say about a passing trap next to some gorgon of a natural woman. As if all women are beautiful hairless pornstars.

It's less about the specifics and more about the concept of "forcing nature upon something it does not belong will never be natural". You can't own something that is inherently unownable. Just like I can't sew wings to my back made of my own skin and expect to fly, I also can't take hormones, cut off my dick, get implants and expect to be a woman. You are not able to be something you simply aren't, and the more you force it, the less you are it.

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Prove it

The joke was that that your retarded. They’d let you in as is

then it will be a fair competition a trans woman entering a woman category may have some advantage

Claiming that I am retarded is no proof that they would let me participate

But it's just bullshit. Trans men for example basically all pass and that's just as "unnatural". This guy is probably more masculine than 99% of Sup Forums. And that's kind of the point. We don't walk around with our cocks hanging out so you don't actually KNOW there is one there or not. This idea that you can TELL just because NATURE is horseshit. You must have witnessed all natural women who you could easily mistake for a dude before.

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i would fuck that pussy

It doesn't matter if you can tell or not, that's not the point. The point is, even if you look perfectly like a female, you are still a male, all the dick cutting, hormone therapy, breast augmentation, and whatever the fuck else in the world isn't going to change that. Same on the other side, it's arrogant to think otherwise, that medicine and mutilation can change who you were born as. We say the same thing about religions who mutilate their bodies to become more "godlike", why do we not question this insistence that gender can be manipulated? Because it can't be manipulated, and you know it, it can only be mutilated, and I consider that to be a perversion of human existence.

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Why doesn't it matter? If you want to be treated like a man, you take some hormones that successfully make you look like a man, and then people treat you like a man, thus giving you access to the partner and lifestyle you want - what more do you need? What more is there? Other than the possibility of natural children, which I'm sure is a pain in the ass for those who want them.

But she's only in the first or second grade.

All of your posts read like some manifesto
It seems like you are trying to justify your dislike for trans people. First comes the dislike, than comes all of your logic.

Anyway, again, why would I care?
Who dislikes religious people for doing crazy things anyway? I mean Hindus will spend 70 years with there left arm up for god, people will shove needles through their cheeks for ceremonies, monks will take vows of silence for years and live in isolation. I don’t see anyone having a problem with that
I see problems with mutilation of other people, especially when religions often work with an indoctrination and brain washing policy. But I don’t think trans people are anywhere near that level of cult like power, even if your cherry picked images make you think other wise

The point is that it doesn't address the underlying issue, which is that we are programmed to hate our bodies, and surgery doesn't fix that. It's one of the reasons the suicide rate is so high, you get the surgery and take the hormones, only you aren't what you expected to be and now the hormones have exacerbated the feelings, so you are worse off than you were to begin with. It takes a psychiatric problem, tries to treat it with surgery, and is surprised when it doesn't work. It's the same as shock therapy and lobotomies, it's not an actual solution, it just looks like one, but by the time you realize it doesn't fix anything it's too late and your only option seems to be death so suicide among that demographic skyrockets. Getting what you want is rarely the same as getting what you need.

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There's a certain segment of the population (like OP) that is way too interested in trans people. I don't disagree that something is clearly wrong with them, but they're generally not hurting anyone but themselves, so I have some compassion and empathy for them. There's no point in constantly posting negative things about them. Honestly, how often do you encounter a transgender person in your daily life? I'm guessing it's exceedingly rare. Stop being so focused on this and get a life, OP.

OK, Botter.

I feel bad for these people mainly
It takes a lot of mental hurt to cut off your penis

>we are programmed to hate our bodies, and surgery doesn't fix that
what does this even mean. I have never hated my body in my life
>the suicide rate is so high, you get the surgery...
You haven't read the data properly. Trans people commit suicide a lot. If they get the surgery, the suicide rate goes down, but is still above the base rate.

Now, it doesn't take a genius to realize that trans people might not have the best home life, so the whole framing of your point is retarded.

You could just as easily argue that trans people commit suicide a lot because society is cruel to them. That's probably better supported than whatever your point was supposed to be.

Also shock therapy is still used sometimes and is occasionally a very effective therapy, which is pretty funny given the point you were trying to make.

I live in California. So I’ve met plenty of SJWs, feminists, fags, and a few trannies. Maybe they blog about how much of a shitlord I am on their free time but in person, none of these people rage like the straw man degenerates you conservatards are obsessed with.