Daily reminder, he is still our President

Daily reminder, he is still our President.

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Unlike Clinton, President Donald Trump has not been convicted of anything.

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landslide 2020

that NY con man was always good at fooling the hayseeds

When you're not american

i think big city life with all of its wireless signals has changed your brain chemistry so now you all wear skinny jeans, man buns, and gay pride colors. you dont know if youre male or female anymore let alone the lies the liberal media tell you. enjoy your 3rd world cities and stop relocating to republican states please.

No, you'll still be the President of the United States. You will NEVER be my president. Daily reminder.

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He isn't my president! THIS IS MY MANLY MAN OF A PRESIDENT (for life)

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I'm actually not entirely sure about the claim in your pic, OP....which is fucking sad.

Trump is the impeached president - the IMPOTUS.

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>landslide 2020
President Biden

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>President Biden
keksimus maximus.

Thanks for that laugh.

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Clinton was never convicted. Just impeached.

The Saviour of the United States of America.

propaganda lies, shill

No one relocates to republican states. They are the poorest and shittiest

Yours is the President of Constant Fellatio, correct?

ha! dolt.

What's your opinion of people fooled by Hillary?

Literally all of those things are true lol

>Thanks for that laugh.
No problem.
If you need some emotional support on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020, I'll be here to console you after IMPOTUS loses his reelection.

>of the United States of America
I smell the jealousy of an Englishman

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LMAO so fucking true

searing comeback. Ow.

>propaganda lies, shill

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Literally prove it

Oh you poor snowflake. You are in for a rude awakening on that day if you actually believe that drivel you typed.

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Why do you think he'll lose? It's basically not possible at this point. And it's not because Trump is perfect, the Democrats don't have a strong candidate to run. It feels like the DNC threw out the b team to take a loss like the gop did back in 2008.

at least as good as shill

Oh you thought also that Jeremy Corbyn was going to win?

Why would anyone be jealous of someone bravely standing up and fighting Globalism.

29 more years!

the real upcoming challenge left is 2024
2020 has been in the bag for a long time
some iraelis want trump to snatch a 3rd term, and america to go full empire

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>Democrats don't have a strong candidate to run
They have Bernie, who'd crush Trump in a heartbeat. The billionaires won't allow it.

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Again, what is this bullshit predicting my mood? You some kind of emotional wizard? lol.

Okay. He hasn’t testified or released tax returns so that’s pretty easy. He also never released his grades. This is all self evident.
Charity fraud: google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2019/11/07/nyregion/trump-charities-new-york.amp.html
Draft dodging: militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2019/02/27/trumps-lawyer-no-basis-for-presidents-medical-deferment-from-vietnam/

Shall I go on? You’ll probably deny things that are very obviously true either way because you are a complete retard like all trump supporters.

See, I think he'd do well in the midwest but do terrible in places like Virginia, Arizona, Florida, etc. I don't think he could win either.

i got the book

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>You are in for a rude awakening on that day if you actually believe that drivel you typed.
Regardless of the election, how much more life do you think remains in this obese orangutan?

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Reality, user. It's all true.

As long as he lasts until Jan 2025 so you all can keep screeching about Orange Man bad.

>No, you'll still be the President of the United States. You will NEVER be my president. Daily reminder.
So if you live and are a citizen of the United States; then according to this statement you are a traitor to the United States.

What? Is "billionaires" the new "russia"?
If it was so easy to be a billionaire, everyone would be one. The difference between a rich man and a poor man is what he has between his ears. Shove your privilege excuse up your ass. Any idiot can be handed privilege - the smart ones know how to keep it, the idiots fail to keep it. It is that simple. Stop being such a bitch because the guy next door has more than you. If that sort of thing is important to you, get off your ass and do what it takes to get it. Otherwise STFU.

oh i LOVE when reality hits social media
landslide 2020

>Shall I go on? You’ll probably deny things that are very obviously true either way because you are a complete retard like all trump supporters.

If Trump shot someone, live and before a national audience, his supporters would still deny, deflect, and resort to whataboutisms. Crazy people.

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I had to guess your position one way or the other, Poe's law made it about an even chance. You guys definitely need a savio[u]r.

fucking weak response. you have your tail between your legs and you are just turning full NPC. Never go full NPC

>The difference between a rich man and a poor man is what he has between his ears.
>The difference between a rich man and a poor man is what family he was born into.
If the semi-retarded human cheeto weren't proof of this, nothing ever will be.
He's (probably deliberately) failed at everything he's ever done.
Without being born into 9-figure wealth, he'd probably be living in a cardboard box under a bridge somewhere.

>reality sucks for me, which is why I don't know what gender I am.

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>If Trump shot someone, live and before a national audience, his supporters would still deny, deflect, and resort to whataboutisms. Crazy people.


Just hope the current political climate goes away when this generation grows up like the Hippies did, before the Globalists win.

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>Unlike Clinton, President Donald Trump has not been convicted of anything.
Guess again:

Daily reminder, nigga was still impeached.

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>>Unlike Clinton, President Donald Trump has not been convicted of anything.
>Guess again:

what is context

>Daily reminder, nigga was still impeached.

Not yet. Impeachment is not a vote, but a process. And that process requires the article to be certified AND delivered to the Senate.

God Damn you liberals never know anything but your talking points

>If Trump shot someone, live and before a national audience, his supporters would still deny, deflect, and resort to whataboutisms. Crazy people.

Since that is what happened in your delusional emotionally dysregulated libtard brain.

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You have NOTHING. NOTHING!!! just repeating over and over again the same lines. You block of wood, you stone, you worse than senseless thing.

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>relocating to republican states
The hordes relocating

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ALL you got is NOTHING. Come on you are a retard in a war with no ammo in your gun. Give it up.

And despite this the opposition can't seem to put forward a candidate that can beat him.

Fucking give us something, anything. It doesn't have to be good, it just had to be a better option than Trump. It's a low bar to cross and all you had to do last time was "anyone but Hillary fucking Clinton" but you fucked even that up.

The only good thing about Trump

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You seem like you're blowing the trumpet but you're all out of puff there kiddo

What's the only good thing about the people you believe in?

Lol he was impeached retard. Impeachment is based on a vote by the house. The senate votes on whether or not to convict him of the specific articles he was impeached under.

You god damn conservatives never know anything but your talking points.

I'm just getting started

You'd know all about puffs.

the point is, Professor, he's not going anywhere.

The people I believe in have multiple positives
- intelligence
- humility
- honour
To name a few

Surely you're not slit shaming!?! How fucking bigoted of you!

Tell me when you do

In either context, the original statement is wrong. If this is just about impeachment, bill was not removed from office, and thus was not convicted of anything. If it's about all convictions, then the post you just replied to is relevant. Either way.

You're the one with your mouth around it

We can only hope a candidate possessing any of these traits comes forward.

Well, I humbly accept the role of your President.

Nope, it's a fantastic photo. I don't see anything wrong with it, do you?

Very true

Absolutely not.

Vote 1 for user

Except he was impeached. The sole power of impeachment is given to the House of Representatives, and only requires a simple majority vote. He was impeached, so now the trial goes to the senate to decide whether or not to convict him based on what he was impeached for.

I still think it's his most redeeming feature
Plus, tits

four legs gooooood
orange man bad

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Fun fact? Did you know that France used guillotines up until the 1980s?

That means some asshole would drive up in his Camaro, chop your fucking head off, then cruise of blasting frankie goes to hollywood or some shit.

>blasting frankie goes to hollywood
Relax, don't do it

The only people people I know who post this type of shit are losers living in trailers with shit jobs. What a sad life that this is the only thing going for them.

you got NOTHING

The last execution in that manner was in '77. They could potentially have used into the 80s but they never did.

The whole thing is all semantics cause there isn't really a clear definition of what "impeach" means. They voted to hand articles of impeachment to the senate that is correct. They still haven't given these articles of impeachment to the Senate, that is correct. This whole he has been impeached or hasn't been impeached shit is so stupid and really doesn't fucking matter, especially since you need 67 senators to vote to remove him from office, in a republican controlled senate. They factually started the and voted on articles of impeachment, however have not finished the last step of handing it over to the senate. So both are right and both are wrong.

That is like the only redeeming thing I've ever heard about France. Tiny bit of respect gained