What does Sup Forums think of my slut wife?
What does Sup Forums think of my slut wife?
b doesn’t believe this is my wife huh
1) not your wife
2) would be difficult to ever stop eating her ass
Such a nice looking pussy on your slut wife
How do I prove it to you an others?
I think she could do well to listen better to others. The way where she can't even wait for someone else to finish talking so that she can one-up their narrative is a fairly narcissistic trait.
Insightful. Thank you.
Turn her around and let’s see your dick in her mouth
come on user show us the front so we can give you more accurate advice
Yes I’m sure you would but then she would also be identifiable which is something that is against the code. She’s cool showing her ass pussy but face is obviously different
Of someone rolls trips I’ll show tits and dick in mouth. But no face
Lets roll
Re roll
Fake ass incel prick
Why does this make me fake? I posted it several months ago. I’m now posting it again
Post another pic with her hand rings in another picture, and I will apologize...
What is so funny
Why is her mouth deformed?
Apologies user, you are the key master to her set. I found nothing! So what else is inside the set ;)
user has bailed thread, fuckin faggot has nothing else
On the contrary I’ve just decided you fuck faces don’t deserve her
Fucking pussy! Acting like her hero after posting her on 4ching and xhamster. Just show us the good and fuck off back to your dungeon you ponce.
ok countryboy8418
That’s not me. Someone took it from here. I only post on Sup Forums.
Why are u still here dude? thats why i was laughing. who the fuck cares.
You have nothing else, Even on here you can't hide from the lies
I guess country boy got scared hahaha more of a pussy than his picture
Nobody got trips bitchass
Trips here we go.
Never asked us too either ;/
Trips for the win
You dumb huh? Or blind.