Cursed images

Cursed images

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One of my favs

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c u r s e d

get in here fags, its not every week we have a worthy thread like these you trap-loving degenerate cucks.

Post the worst you got!

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God has abandoned us.

W. T. F

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Been looking for this thank you user

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His pancreas is as dead as mine

my pleasure. God id do anything to fix this shithole back to the way it used to be before the traps took over.

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Agreed user

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I feel you bro. It's retarded that mods let people just spam porn. I hope every coomer gets ass cancer in 2020. There should be a porn general board and that would solve everything.

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user, that very deep

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Keep these coming. Fascinated

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user really likes Jurassic Park

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>the way it used to be before the traps took over
like when exactly? before 2007? get rekt faggot, the main problem is porn in general, lack of OC and bigger censorship.
>implying Sup Forums was ever any good

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theres not much on this particular guy, he had a t channel where he would post weird videos. the most famous one was where he showered in a tub full of jurrassic park tapes before roceeding to cut his legs and shower himself with mustard.

Im missing pic with him in bathtub. He got banned very quicky btw.(dont remember his channel name so dont even bother asking)

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Appreciate it

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Oh come on, that one is old.

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ahh yes, I knew a fag like yourself would come bursting out of the woodwork to proclaim your statement.

B was never good, but it was alot more interesting than this mundane faggotry that gets repeatedly posted day in-day out. B is like a piece of shit that used to smell better before your kind started enabling the faggotry that is has become.

Go back to fapping to trap you cuck. You came into the wrong board, the trap thread is a few blocks down the catalog you fucking cock sucking coomer piece of shit c:

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trips checked

also,, you'd think that using one entire fetus for only one soup would be a waste

i mean, spread it over various meals.. and cook it nicer than just boiling it and throwing it in some dirty broth water.. a real cannibal would do it better.. well, anyways it is fake tho

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Fuck I remember these goddamn weird ass owls.

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last pic of Regina Kay Walters, before being killed by serial killer in abandoned barn.

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cool i got trips, I guess what I was actually saying was “truth” lol

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imagine having to tattoo that thing

p colorful tho.

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I hope all of you traps/trap loving fags in here get this..

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Stuart the sock

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Is this real? Anyone have more?

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This is some next level edge lord shit.

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whats going on here? super staph infection?

I know you tree hugging fags are gonna get all worked up for this one lel....

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I guarantee that you are an edgy nerd who sits inside all day on Sup Forums lol. Get your life right ya fuckin loser

Did he died?

looks like some fat cunt has had surgery to remove lots of loose skin after having the fat sucked out, unfortunately surgery has removed their god awful hygiene habits and infection has set in


Way to prove me right lol. Jesus, you are a sad individual. You and your family literally would be better off if you killed yourself.

And now you're banned. Whatcha gonna do with your life now, loser? lol

What happened? Its been deleted