Hey goys, NSA here.
What "conspiracies" do you believe in Sup Forums?
Hey goys, NSA here.
What "conspiracies" do you believe in Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
muh dik
That some celebrities browse on Sup Forums
Kek is really Weird Al Yank-my-dik
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
Me personally:
>Hitler dindu nuffin
>Holocaust is a lie
>Earth is Flat with a dome over it with no outer space
>Everything in the bible is real
>Nukes are a hoax
>The world is run by Jews and Freemasonry, but they are all satanists at the top level
>Aliens are demons
>Giants from the bible, all real
>Nephilim bloodlines still exists today
>9/11 was an inside job
>all these happenings in recent years such as Paris, Orlando, Turkey, Sandy Hook, ect... all hoaxes with actors
>LGBT agenda
>Half the posters on the board are shills
>Michelle Obama is a man
>Global Warming is a hoax
>Every celeb has taken it up the ass to get where they are today
>all churches are infiltrated by satanists
>all professional sports are rigged
>AIDS and Cancer was man made
Fug I could go on and on. No blue bills here.
I hate his stupid look. He has the humor of a 15-year old.
Taylor Swift does, thats been proved.
the titanic was sunk for insurance purposes
That Sup Forums is only pretending to be autistic because there just can't be that much virginal beta autism in the world. It's mathematically impossible.
Bill Clinton will die before the election
>Earth is Flat with a dome over it with no outer space
If this was true I would kill myself on the spot.
Pretty much same.
Don't worry user, it's nice a cozy inside the dome. Really makes you think.
God is not real, and made up by the jews to control less intelligent/educated races.
>He hasn't realised 99% of Sup Forums is ironic shitposting
wew lad
all the drugs in australia are being brought here by corrupt state and federal police officers
same officers that have had multiple people killed, "lost at sea", arrested on phoney charges, and are the reason we've had all those australians executed in indonesia.
disgusting fucking pigs, getting the indos to do their dirty work. notice how hard they're pinching the bikies and their supposed "multi-million dollar meth empire"? yeah, they just want you looking in the opposite direction of their own shady bullshit.
lots of proven examples of federal police tampering with evidence in major drug bust trials.
Illuminati, possible alien influences
Trump is a Clinton plant.
Lyndon B. Johnson killed JFK.
including flat Earth?
Give me one YT vid or other reference. I'll give it one viewing
Elites have access to knowledge from hyperdimensional beings, hence all the Satanic rituals
ufo aren't solid objects made by aliens
they're multi-dimensional entities
the us government knows about it
Trickle down economics
Fidel Castro died years ago, when he was having surgery for his stomach cancer and they had that spanish doctor brought in.
the only believable conspiracy
Hi Kyle.
Aliens are human beings from the future that have travelled back in time, not from other planets.
who's kyle?
Here, this guy is the second coming of Christ and can tell you
He is definitely divine don't let anyone tell you otherwise very legit yes yes
He's not a flat earther. He's a concave earther. Total whack job.
Hate towards non-terrorist muslims is clearly staged by Jews, even here on Sup Forums.
>1.5 billion muslims
>only a few of them decide to go full-kamikaze
>they always get hundred lf thousand of dollars to either kill french people or muslims in the mkddle east
It's so fucking obvious.
But don't you remember that time world leaders and other elites were targeted by terrorists?
+ adding more
>Titans and fallen Gods existed physically
>People mostly deserve what happens to them but not always
>human-animal hybrids with superpowers
>animal-animal hybrids with superpowers
>machine-human hybrids with super powers
>human cloning
>nukes aren't a hoax and in fact there's a spiritual side to it
>Hell is physically real place and its also a spiritual place
> there are flesh blood and soul demons and archdemons that exist and have existed
>the spirit moves the flesh
>atheism is a very recent judaistic product
>there is distinct traits between jewish person and judaism practitioner
>Judaism => Judas => Satanism
there is no objective reallity
>>nukes aren't a hoax and in fact there's a spiritual side to it
don't know about this one but all the rest and the last post are right
I can dig it.
It was mentioned when Jack parsons made his ritual with the babylon working and shit and they placed a fetus inside the first atom bomb with the other judaists. It was in the illuminati series by Chris Everard who isn't that much to be trusted but anyways.
I haven't found much info on the subject since then but considering the other occultists that were present and how he was a student of Crowley verily something happened there.
the only conspiracy worth believing in is the blood sacrifice conspiracy.
ties up all the false flag attacks into one nice little bow.
Never heard that before. That's interesting. I do think that Parsons played a big role opening spiritual portals for the US government though.
Im not sure i understand what you mean.
That Trump is a Hillary plant.
If he were real he should have plagiarised a better campaign.
Parsons was out in the desert performing babylon working opening up portals that exact same time the so called "UFO Phenomenon" started
I mean I agree.
also why on earth was L Ron Hubbard taking part of babylon working
Cuz he's a lusty greedy man that was into that type of shit ?
Media killed black people and begin to bred niggas and now black people are going extinct with the push of gangster rap music and making drugs/stealing/gang-banging/being materialistic the best thing int he world.
Here we see a role model of the past for young black girls.
Here we have a role model for young black males.
The past was different. I believe those controlling the media pushed for this. They made sure they only way black people would think they could get anywhere in life was to "trap", rap or play some kind of sport.
Now the role models are....
Here is a current role model being pushed into the black male youth
Here is a current role model being pushed into the black female youth
It's rare to see black people now day in the mix of the niggas. Black Lives Matter, niggas don't matter. It may just be too late for black people. RIP.
These people should have been pushed instead of those niggas
proof or fuck off
Forgot to add i feel jews are responsible
Wasting quads on niggers....of all the places
France won't exist in 10 years. All women born in what was once France will be born of beautiful inevitable multicultural rape. White men in old France will come home to masturbate while watching wife and illegitimate daughter be satisfied by muslim neighbor. Will thank Allah for the opportunity.
His ex-boyfriend.
Go ask PRISM.
Get it?
I believe the US has an arsenal of crazy lone wolf gunman waiting to be triggered when needed.
Hello newfriend, this your first summer?
Wow good job , field agent user.
kek, this
The majority of us are ultimately slaves to the money system whether we realize it or not.
wtf i hate taylor swift now
>t. Grant Morrison
fuck off kike
Paris was real mate, I live like 5 streets from Bataclan, heard the shot, the people crying and running in the streets.
Don't answer! It's the FBI trying to see if you know about anything that's not just a conspiracy theory! If you hit on one, they will come to your house and take you to one of their secret prisons, without any due process. I know this because my dad works at Nintendo.
Hello buzzfeed
And neither have you.
Israel is a private Rothschild criminal enclave with all the benefits and legitimacy of a nation state which allows it to train its international agents in espionage and assasination nd commit nuclear blackmail to further the Rothschild one-world gov agenda. Satanism is the official hidden state religion. The IDF is their private army, the nukes at Dimona are their private nukes. It is the center for sex-slavery, drugs and international financial boiler-room scams. Gaza is their personal sport hunting safari and human laboratory for experimental weapons. WW2 and Hitler were engineered so that Israel could be formed and then act with impunity against all threats while justifying keeping it a pure apartheid Jewish state. They routinely commit false flag terrorism against their neighbours esp the Pals in order to justify their ongoing expansion a la Oded-Yinon.
That I'm a targeted individual. Those satellites keep putting weird voices in my head. Somebody help me
>Hitler dindu nuffin
Rothschild kike and groomed manchurian candidate. Responsible for the deaths of millions of white people and ~150k kikes but also millions of arabs afterwards through the israeli invasion and subsequent campaigns in the middle east that followed. Hitler is the true father of Israel. Ultimately, unironic hitler worship is inherently ironic. Or maybe you fucking kikes here really do love israel and kikes, and hate white people.
>Holocaust is a lie
More like twisted half truth. Yes he rounded up jews, but it was to protect them from angry af germans who would have killed them. There were never 6 million jews in europe let alone germany. The "death" camps were more like pleasant resorts that constantly degraded as the war wore down germany's ability to maintain them. Jews died from: starving, typhus, allied strikes, and general kike psychopathy of raping and killing each other which is inevitable when you pen kikes up together in tight spaces, turns out they don't actually like being around each other that much.
Every photo you see "from the holocaust" is taken from something else and doctored. The allied forced never came across any death camps and the claims of death camps and millions of kike lives came out of soviet bolshevik russia and england just so happened to go along with it and use it as justification for israel. It's important that you realize that the town of Tavistock is in England. If you believe in the lie of the holocaust, then you are a good little tavi and deeply bluepilled in the matrix. Bad things will happen to you because you are easily misled and your entire foundation of justifying anything that goes on all stems from a proven lie.
>earth is flat
Disinfo and discredit psyop campaign, pants on fucking head retarded, sign of a shill or just useful idiot. 2000 character limit can suck my dick.
can he get me the new xbax 420 copy of sly 5?
Go home Israel, you're drunk.
Chemtrails. I think it's cloud seeding and HAARP related though.
This is an astroturf flat earth psyop thread to make antisemites look like lunatics. You kikes can fuck fuck off
Despite all the problems with Islam, the high profile terror attacks are done by the intel agencies using Muslim patsies.
There are definite problems with Islam and some of its practitioners but the clear false flags committed in their name is evidence that they are being framed in order to accelerate a clash of civilizations a la Pike's ww3 prediction.
ISIS is a product of CIA/MI6/Mossad and Saudi intel whose purpose is to pose as a false enemy to allow the West to invade Syria and its neighbours. The threat of ISIS being snuck into Europe and the US is meant to scare the population into allowing the further development of the police state. Radical Islam, at least the kind that is responsible for mass casualties, is largely an invention of these intel agencies.
People are using "false flag" to mean "stand down." They're two different things. Almost all these attacks are standdowns, situations that the government could have prevented but allowed to happen.
>Earth is Flat with a dome over it with no outer space
What is the dome made of?
Why are the reasons to ver this up?
>Everything in the bible is real
>all churches are infiltrated by satanists
Don't you think the satanists would have altered the bible?
Perhaps following the bible would make you worship lucifer in reality
Flat earth.
What I hate about cuckstains is that they will never get this fact, and are good little useful tavis for it. Genocide yourselves, cuckstains.
Your country never even deserved to be called a country
Flat earth disinformation campaign is so big that the Jews got their shabboss goy pets in the celebrity world to shill for them. This means: B.O.B.and Tila tequila are both naming the Jews BUT they also claim that the earth is flat. Now we have jew media reporting on the subject with headlines like "Tila tequila and B.O.B. succumb to fringe Internet conspiracies"
Now normies will think that being jew conscious and flat earth are synonymous with eachother. Jew have connected antisemitism with lunatic fringe
Those aren't even conspiracies. They're confirmed
good point.
us maplegoys need to stick together
That world governments are pumping estrogen into everything to create a subservient male population, hence the rise of beta males, the epidemic of man boobs, men being too estrogen enriched during puberty and developing wrong, as evidenced by the rise of transsexualism.
Basically high levels of estrogen enriched ingredients have been found in: caffeine, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, skin products, processed meats, and many more.
This is why Gyno affects so many men today. To get rid of it, stop using the above products for a few weeks and do at least an hour of high intensity cardio a day, eat green vegetables, white fish and beef every day as these foods both block estrogen, and produce testosterone. Drink only water. Cut and carbs. The cardio actually works to eliminate the gland, I guarantee you after a couple days doing this your Gyno will start to sting slightly and you'll feel a slight pressure like its being pinched, this means it's working and it's starting to decline, within 3-4 weeks it'll be gone, within 2 weeks a drastic change will be made. Once it's gone it's gone, and you can return to a normal lifestyle. If it was permenant teenage boys wouldn't lose it after two years. Women's breast get larger during pregnancy because of the excess estrogen, and get smaller again afterwards. Look at all the female bodybuilder so, their tits are non-existent? Why? Because of all the test they pump into themselves with steroids. There is estrogen in EVERYTHING nowadays. The glands permanence is a myth so you'll shell out 4000 euro/dollars for a simple sub-dermal procedure. They're pumping estrogen into everything because it causes you to think more submissively, they want to pacify the male population for the same reasons they don't want you to have guns.Also I forget to mention: Plastics and Tupperware are fucking lethal for estrogen, stop eating things from plastic containers, and ESPECIALLY don't heat food up in Tupperware containers. Its true.
we should also mention the conspiracy to ignore canadians on this board due to the large amount of retarded shitposting from many of our countrymen but I think what you have said is right on
I think Teddy was complacent in the killing of McKinley.
Redpilled? More like memepilled
Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone
I don't even like Canadians on this board. Everytime I see anti gun rhetoric I see a leaf and it makes me mad as fuck
>stop using shampoo, soap, toothpaste.
How am i supposed to socialize with anyone stinking that much?
I didn't realize how immature and annoying so many Canadians were until I had been on here for awhile.
It isn't so much their actual stance on specific issues as much as their overcompensation for feeling inferior esp toward the US. They tend to attack everyone like that kid in school who is sarcastic with everyone in order to appear cool and edgy.
Ye I am more worried about your democratic police state than the rare occurences of islamic rampages in Europe.
And they are not being snuck here.
That boy that went on an axe killing spree was 17. When I was 17 I was full of anger and believed all sorts of crazy shit.
The father won't be happy with a dead son that was supposed to be safe here.
It's quite easy to be a copy cat when your hatred is being transmitted by one of your pillars of existence - religion.
The Nazis are gonna get some payback soon. Cause they need to let some hatred out now aswell.
Could be worse, could be better.
Erodgan worries me aswell. He goes into minihitler mode right now.
NVM you are canadian
I believe that the Jews keep on hiding my car keys and unpairing my socks.
De goberment is agdually giant gardell dere to prodect us.