Tiem for some of that ylyl boys! Get at it fags

Tiem for some of that ylyl boys! Get at it fags

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Other urls found in this thread:

googleitfor.me/?q=raw milk dangers

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That's not even funny, it's just accurate.

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Nobody tell him bleach is legal too.

this is propaganda, i drink raw milk regularly and never got sick from it.

happens when you have low immunity

Weird question. I used to get things that look like that on the tip of my dick when I was younger. Does anyone know what it was??

theres nothing wrong with drinking raw milk unless you've never done it before, itll get you bloated and make your stomach hurt, similar to being lactose intolerant.

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raw milk is for beasts only

okay, where is your empirical evidence that raw milk is bad? the burden of proof falls on the assertion, i believe.

I would call him a milk-and-water faggot, but the fag can't even take milk.

>the burden of proof falls on the assertion,
exactly. you were the one that asserted it was all propaganda because of your anecdotal "evidence" Got any real science to back it up?

Probably just irritation. Drink more water.

Gee, sounds great. You convinced me. Bring on the raw milk.


haha that's not how it works. the original meme in question asserted that raw milk is "unhealthy" and "sickening". i merely refuted that based on my own experiences. if you'd rather believe that retarded meme with no evidence than me (also with no evidence) then you'd be showing a nonsensical bias.

do go on...

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>if you dont think like me, you're wrong

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Fuck that was actually pretty good

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There is a fried fur everything

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>Implying Indians are humans and not animals

No, the world of punjabs

Fuck off with your nigger faggotry.

googleitfor.me/?q=raw milk dangers

Too stupid to live.

Idk maybe the people playing the game are doing so for the benefit of those holding up the board

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Is this true?

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