Yoo /b

Yoo /b
What drugs are you on/ taking tonight.
Have some Molly, Coke and DMT +(hash and beer ofc)

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Beer and oxy mate

Shiiiiiieeeet son.

Coke to start, then some molly at the peak of the night, then ketamine towards the end. Drinks periodically here and there.
Looking forward to it!

Is that actually your pic op?

cigs, maybe some alcohol, scraps of weed, better than nothing.

> molly and dmt
Jesus christ your poor 5ht receptors

Not sure. Why?

gross, clean your bong and learn to judge dmt quality before you buy it, pure dmt is a clear crystalline like snowflakes, not nasty brown powder containing tones of extraction impurities.

Yea thinking og living healthier next decade, gonna take á brake from it áll after this

Mixed with tobacco

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Couldn’t track anything down in time, NWI is all full of rich fucks and heroin

I've gone through like 1500mg of dph over the past 2 weeks self medicating my insomnia

3-FPM and Ritalin

Be nice user!

that still looks pretty nasty. pic related from shroomery is typical of a competent extraction.

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Cymbalta, marijuana, propranolol for a gig, probably LSD and beer to celebrate afterwards. Maybe a sloppy drunk bj from the gf lol

Going to roofie myself and see how long I can stay awake

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imagine being such of a plebeian trash

You already know what it is

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DMT is always cut with something. Asbestos is usually the choice of dealers with a sense of humor.

>DMT is always cut with something
Bro, do you even acid/base? Do you even boil wood chips? Why are you buying DMT from OTHER people?

Op here. Im sorry i meant changa.
Which has DMT inn it. Not pure crystals

What can I buy at a convenience store in the US that does something other than give me a boner and make me want to die?

I don't buy that shit or use it.


What sort of DARE handbook stuff are you quoting?

Hahaha NICE one!

dmt looks nothing like asbestos and isn't the easiest thing to cut without prevent crystals from forming. it's also very cheap to produce and very niche both in its manufacturers and intended market so cutting it isn't too profitable or probable to occur compared to something like cocaine, but wannabe chemists messing up the extraction and getting naoh in the final product isn't too unthinkable.

Flip all of it
See if u survive or if it's all flour and plastic

Lord of the rings ruined the definition of marriage. THE absence of a black guy in the simpsons and family Guy caused the BBC cuck shit in the world

dementia time

beer and weed on my day off. wish i had some dmt and a dab rig though

few grams of mandy and a fuc ton of beers

Some weed and truffles. Just for myself.

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