Why would Chewbacca, a Wookie, live on the planet Endor, which is full of Ewoks? It just doesn't make sense.
Why would Chewbacca, a Wookie, live on the planet Endor, which is full of Ewoks? It just doesn't make sense
Same reason why us, humans, live on planet earth, full of cows and pigs. Food supply is bountiful.
Also Endor is a forest moon, not a planet you fucking slag.
maybe he's got a fetish
Look at the monkey!
It's like a world of midget porn for the big fella.
Rip that scumbag Johnny Cochran.
they can wash those hard to reach places in teh shower
Watch more family guy
My god you're right! OJ didn't kill his wife and Ron Goldmen!!!!
That always fucked with me
They always refer to it as "the forest moon of Endor," and I could never tell if that meant it was a forest moon CALLED Endor, or a forest moon that revolves around Endor
Also what the fuck is a forest moon. Why not just call it a moon? We don't call our moon a rock moon.
When the fuck did Chewbacca go to live with the ewoks.. this thread makes no sense
Endor is the planet
Same bro same. When you get down to it Lucas was actually a moron.
Because ewoks are lolis to wookies
ITT: faggots that dont watch south park.
> Chewbacca doesn't live on Endor
> Chewbacca lived on Kashyyyk
> The original script was for Endor to be Chewbacca's homeworld
> The production budget wouldn't allow full Wookie suits and adult actors
> George Lucas adapted the script to use less effects material and cheap child actors
> Ewoks were a product of budgetary constraints and last second ingenuity
As usual OP is an uneducated faggot without the foresight to spend two seconds on Google.
Ewoks everywhere? Easy food. Just look at the big furry oaf. You know he's snacking on ewok jerky all day long dude.
He's a space pedo
they make his dick look huge
Now calling the moon "The Rock Moon of Earth"
>the ben shapiro-ization of Sup Forums in action
Wow, user. It's almost like op was making a reference to something.
He grabs one now and then and harvests their brain.
this place was better before the facebook edgelords like yourself came an cried all over it
dear god he still doesn't get it
let's all point and laugh
He smuggled them out,
a few @ a time
& sold them as fuckable pets
2nd this
Chewbacca is a pedo and Ewoks look like Wookie kids.
Once you go Wookie you won't go back
>who fucking cares you fucking spambot
>I wish I could choke out the lil bitch paying for this shilling
This, and the constant Disney Star Wars threads.
Endor is a moon, not a planet.
Chewbacca doesn't live on Endor, he lives on Kashyyyk. Do you know anything about Star Wars?
Bullshit. They went with Ewoks because they made a better plush toy than wookies and could be spun off into other cutsie stuff like the Ewoks tv series. Teddy bears sell better than sasquatches
Because star wars is for children.
Maybe its because endor has multiple moons you mong and saying it’s the forest moon lets you know which one it is
budget wookie
Why would me, a normie, come to a board like this, full of Gran Autismos? Same reason. Cheap entertainment/easy prey.
Why would I, a white man, live in a world full of niggers and Jews? It just doesn't make sense.