Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread
You got the Qs and they got As!
As always tits not required but encouraged
Happy new years everyone!
Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread
You got the Qs and they got As!
As always tits not required but encouraged
Happy new years everyone!
Other urls found in this thread:
Can I lick and suck on your toes?
how can I make you my gf?
No thanks
Well I'm married so you cant
Look it's Anna the attention whore!
Well, can you post a pic of your feet so I got something to crack to then at least? Be a broski
never got mine used for this
sincerely fem user from a week ago
show tits
No I'm vchan? Why do you call me anna? I dont get it.
Eh nah that's weird. I dont help people out with their fetishes
Used for what?
>I dont help people out with their fetishes
why tho? it isn't cheating
Do you fear giving birth to a baby (if pregnant) could affect your sex life?
Tits or GTFO
whats your forename? vchan sounds like hentai character with 12 tits and tenacles
What compels you to swallow a guy's cum? Do you need to be in love with him or can you just be really horny in the moment?
As a bigger guy what can I do to make myself more appealing photogenicly? Other than the obvious. Trying to get together images for dating sites.
Is 5 inch dick enough?
very respectable loyal waifu, btw your voice is giving me a boner
You died I heard.
Thats fine, all those things can get back to nomral in time but aside that there is actually a chance that some women lose complete interest in sex after giving birth and that seriously affects marriage/realationships. What would you do if that were the case?
Rumor has it you wont be back in 2020 after you have your spawn, is this true?
You answering questions femanon?
Are you having some drinkies tonight?
what do you think about cucks?
do you think most women prefer bigger dicks and that they say they like average ones just to make themselves more attractive?
Thanks much femanon. Yeah mostly looking for hookup. Have ideas of where I wanna meet women I want to have a more intimate thing with but I'm also introverted. Which is probably obvious by my lurking Sup Forums at noon on a Tuesday kek
Reminder that begging is against the rules
I’m a gay fat man pretending to be a woman online because I’m a lonely faggot and my parents are ashamed of me.
~ Anna ~
i know a lot of milfs who startd seek big dicks after giving birth
what is your favorite meme?
Its enough.
Well some people are easily pleased i guess lol
So never did a thread like this before but long story short, I fucked my friends mom. I've known my friend since 1st grade. She is basically my best female friend, she is a lesbian so we never have been a couple just good friends. But 2 weeks ago me and her mom had sex. Do I tell my friend? Do I not? Should I have sex with her mom again or avoid it? Help
I've never been in a thread of yours before but I've seen you mentioned in other threads. Is it true your bf is ISIS?
If your husband got sent to prison for 10 years, would you remain faithful?
Ehh, my wife and I went through these stages. Had a daughter. She felt just as you do and said very similar things, and we both believed it. As the years went on, her sex drive disappeared, going from wanting it once every few days to once every couple weeks to once a month or so, now.
We still love each other. But there is a core part of me that is unsatisfied without the sex. Maybe it's a thing all guys have. Maybe it's not. I think it probably is.
Lol it's me. I dont get on here much, just when I'm bored. How's the pregnancy?
You could just abort and then you'll have time for us.
depends on what he was sent for, but it’s unlikely i would.
You going to be the mom that fucks/bj her man while breastfeeding?
Being a pirate with Somalis
boy or a girl?
Bob. ;)
So I'm a femanon, is it ok if I ask you advice? I know normally its guys asking you. But anyway, I live with a few room mates near my college. All girls. It lately my one roommate has had her bf staying over. He's been creeping on me i feel. Bit it's not anything blatant. I'm not 100% sure of it so I cant really call him out. For instance, I was watching tv last night and I felt like someone was staring at me. I thought I heard a sound. I kept watching and freaked myself out so I got up and he walked into the room from the hallway, he said he was getting a drink. I feel he was watching me but cant prove it. Another day I thought I was home alone and was walking around topless after my shower getting ready when I thought I heard something I grabbed a shirt and didnt see anyone. Then a few minutes later he "came home". Now I wasnt by the front door so I'm not sure if he snuck out and came back or if I'm just being delusional. What do you think I should do
is it a plus when a guy doesn't like video games
What the fuck is a bob, this some kind of 31 genders thing?
It's a name, you dense nigger...
Well I'm pregnant so I cant :(
No ones begging for anything
And heres my baby doing a little karate kick
Fucking retard.
Sup Forums makes rules. Not your dumbass
Tits or gtfo
Fucking millenial newfag
I get your point but from a male perspective I would be very unsatisfied if my wife would stop wanting sex after giving birth and a bit upset if she tells me that it is kinda the same for her if she doesnt have sex with me because we're not that diferent from beeing best friends with a baby. I also understand that men n women are very different in that acc. As you might know sex and feelings are a completly different thing for us and we tend to be a litte egocentric about sex for some reason lol, it s a very male thought.
True. Abandon thread. Just another attention seeking chic.
'oh, look at me...I have a pussy and tits. Don't stare at my tits!"
Fuck off
So let's say hypothetically that a girl broke up with me. Then hypothetically I messaged her at least three times through text and three times on Facebook. Then hypothetically that girl still hasn't gotten back together with me. What would be your hypothetical advice? You know, if I were hypothetically in love with this hypothetical girl.
Hey, remember the last bj you had? Committ that feeling to memory because that was THE LAST BJ YOU'LL EVER HAVE.
Happy New Year, /b. Enjoy married life. :-)
You were asked if it was a boy or girl, your response was bob. Since bob could be a boy or girl you didnt answer you ignorant racists fuck.
seek help from your other roommates or ask for their opinion on the matter you retard, you could even mention it casually or gossip about it
if everything fails ,be honest with him ,don't act like an autistic child
orrrr learn to enjoy getting raped ,i would recommend some submissive porn
Well, you really only have 3 options.
Option 1: secretly stalk
Option 2: excavate your basement, kidnap and imprison.
Option 3: stop being a fucking pussy and move on with your pathetic life
Gender fluidity is now a race
Woah woah woah! This is all hypothetical! It's not even me! It's for a friend...
Anna's boyfriend was Muammar al-Gaddafi? I dont belive anything you are saying now
I like how you assumed I'm married and took the time to answer lmao
Oh...if hypothetical then option 3, duh
I like how you assumed you'll have lots of sex once married. ;-)
I'm staying out of that fucking mess of a conversation until they get all their shit together. If I call someone the wrong pronoun and they wanna fight then we fight. Otherwise, I'll apologize and go on about my way.
Do you play any videogames? If so, which?
are you even a femanon??
Me? Fuck no. I am proud of my 4.25 inches of manhood!
Boyfriend is an awful strong word. Child rapist is more like it...
talking from experience?
ANYONE who is married will answer the same way.
that wasnt what I asked :)
so you're telling me. that i went out of my way to go to an ask a femanon thread, wrote my retarded ass situation in hypotheticals to make myself seem less retarded and I still got my ONLY answer from a guy? I know what the fucking male perspective is...
Did she ever show proof? I thought she was in love with the guy. I never knew she claimed it was that scum bag
Yeah, weird, huh...all that and you still came across as retarded
Nvm found her reddit posts. Wtf.
why when im looking for a relationship with a w*man she doesnt want but when i dont want anything anymore she does want?
my wife super fit milf under 30 with 2 kids. she needs bigger cock for sure. im not tiny by any means but theres a def difference
Lol no thanks
Lol bob
Well I've been here since 04 user soo...
Leave her alone?
like this?
>I don't help people out with their fetishes
Then what are you good for, whore?
>leave her alone?
Okay, thanks
How do a I know if a girl that fell in love with me wants me back
Not a femanon but I asked a similar question. Their answer is "leave her alone". Fuck your hope.
your womb looks delicious my dear
Nah I'm talking about this
This is my jam.
I'm good for pleasing my husband. Not some random faggots.
If shes keeping contact with you I'd say she still has feelings
Give your friend a new sibling
Jesus Christ
Tits or FUCK OFF
And take your beta attention whore enablers with you when you do
Fuck this faggot ass thread and fuck you
Fuck off, slut
Thanks. I was an insufferable drunk.. sober now. She keeps in touch but thinks all I want to do is fuck. Any suggestions
Calm down kid
Girls have always seen me as a pile of shit and you’re all 100% right to.
I’m short slim idiot Italian American who as always been seen as “that guy no girl would even dare touch.”
I’m disgusting.
I’m sorry.
Eat shit, fat pig
Well thanks I guess lol
Drink bleach. Slit your fucking wrists.
Stick a metal fork in a live socket, slut
Gaddafi had a daughter named hana that was thought to be dead in a 1984 bombing but was later reportedly located. Wtf. I'm too drunk to figure it out but I'm a history major and wrote a paper on him
Wow so edgy. I'm trembling
why are you so angry bro?
Wear a blindfold and pour yourself a pharmaceutical trail mix from the medicine cabinet. Jump off a bridge.
Yea it's all pretty wild.
I'm suprised anna isnt here to tell you all this herself yet. She must be busy