Found this thing. The red lever has a wind-up function. Under the lever is the letter P.
Can anyone tell me what it is?
Found this thing. The red lever has a wind-up function. Under the lever is the letter P
Other urls found in this thread:
I am curious
what happens when you wind it up?
Does anything spin when you wind the lever? Do you hear a winding sound or is it quiet?
Looks like a nebulizer, but it's lacking the capacitors for the sliding couplers.
It makes the typical sound like small wind-up toys but nothing happens except the lever moving back to its original position
Hand crank tattoo gun.
how easy is it to spin? does it keep spinning or does it have a stopping point?
good idea.
probably this.
send pic of the other side
Post more photos, OP. I wanna find out what this is.
Its an anal probe. Please leave it on the bed side table. We'll return for it tonight.
What markings are under the handle there?
It's a static discharge gun for checking seams in thermobonded plastic sheeting.
You put a ground sensor on the one side and if there's a defect in the seam (or any other hole), the static can get through to ground and gives you a beep.
Tip can be unsrewed.
Red slider on top pauses it.
Papers for size
it's clean and shiny thing where did you find it
Also top view please. Is that a button? Anything happen when you push it?
It's someones cosplay prop.
fuck off retard.
thermobonded plastic sheeting?
Browsing on mobile, uploads take so time sry
that there's a doohickey
Stick the rod up your urethra and turn the crank. Thank me later.
That "button" on top is a slider. Makes it stop or go.
Looks like a hand cranked air pump for sport balls
It's an old tool used to calibrate finger boxes.
Does it do anything at all when cranked?
plastic parts melted together
kek that was i thought too. take the screws out and show the inside OP
Yeah the tip reminded me of that, but its not hollow
Get a screw driver and open up the back of it. I wanna see inside.
Be cautious. There might be spring loaded shit in there that goes "sproing" and flings tiny bits into the far corners of the room.
Please give info on where found.
do you know what this is?
Im looking for one. Its really small screws
Was that box of cigarette papers found with it?
Was found outside on the ground
now that we know what it its why not just leave it put
Don't touch's cancer!
Why am I so curious
I dont have screwdrivers that are small enough to fit. And i dont want to open it by force.
Nobody has a clue what it could be?
Do we, though?
No it was just for scale. Why?
Noooooo :(
If they had been found togther, I'd look further into devices that have been made for rolling cigs. Does not realy look like any I had found in a cursory search, but would look more if the papers might have been a clue.
"P" and "G" are a clue.
FOund in an English-speaking area/country?
>I dont have screwdrivers that are small enough to fit
fuck off
Found in Berlin
it's an anal probe that doctors in the 1940's used
when patients presented with some object or other in their ass
It's a timer for a camera
dude it's off a camera for an external flash bulb
these are probably right
Thank you.
Looks like thats it. I hoped for sth more interesting...
pretty close to yours
damn it. I was hoping that it was an anal probe.
Yeah, found this pic of the same device.
It can be.
Its a polarity tester. Stick it into a power outlet. If the lever turns to G it's ground. If P it's positive.
No imagination on this one.
winrar winrar chiken dinrar
It's definitely something that belongs in your dick hole.
Old school manual prostate stimulator
That's correct...
It's a timer for a camera
Yeah, this makes perfect sense. Stabbing a person with a tattoo needle is too much work and has too much control. Its easier to just inject the ink directly into their bloodstream with a handcrank model.
>Can anyone tell me what it is?
Some sort of camera timed shutter release, probably off an old SLR.
It screwed into the shutter release button and the long probe would extend at the end of the set time and release the shutter, so the photographer could be in the picture
maybe a pump for balls?
Old-timey camera timer
>t. old-timey camera guy
Beat me to it, Sup Forumsrother.
Weaponized autism ftw.
This is now a pareidolia thread.