Makes a show exclusively based on European fantasy

> Makes a show exclusively based on European fantasy
> Fills it up with ugly brown ppl

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Get the fuck over it loser

Honestly the niggers are my favourite part

India superpower 2020, you have 9 more hours then you’ll see you bītch

Imagine being hurt over a 3/10 show about a 5/10 storyline

>studios make movies without shitskins like just like the stories/material they're based on
Niggers and others: ree this is racist, boycott the studio, boycott the academy, muh representation
>studio adds token brownies in every scene for muh diversity
People: why did they have to ruin this show with the obvious tokenism
>GeT tHe FuCk OvEr It LoSeR!

It was already ruined from the start, such a shit series

The expanse is better.

"Muh diversity!"

it's pretty obvious when people get bothered by real people in a fantasy story

Neck yourself, shitskin

yennifer is not bad looking. the other two diversity bingo sorceresses are butt fuckin ugly.

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Jesus Christ, watch something else, you crybaby fucking losers. Was mommy late with the tendies?

> main character: white male
> second main character: white female
> muh diversity

Are we really going to bitxh about a fictional show ? Ima just assume most of yall are white teens with small dicks. Aint no way grown men could bitch like women everyday..

So many angry incels, probably the same cunts who wank off to black cuck porn threads on here too. Cry harder, faggots.

They have to put a couple brownies in or the apes go crazy. Everyone knows that.

>who fucking cares you fucking spambot
>I wish I could choke out the lil bitch paying for this shilling
This, and the constant Disney Star Wars threads.

>So many angry incels
Only incels are the ones still bitching about this shit-tier show.

Idk OP. The brown people don’t seem forced and none of them are replacing main characters so why do you care?

Regardless idk why b likes to hate this show so much. Show is 8/10 atleast, and the Witcher universe itself is 10/10. But people here just love to hate what’s popular.

Where's the usual jerkoff with the fried chicken jokes in all the witcher threads? I'm worried for him.

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Just wait till they start adding trannies for no plot related purpose

Trump 2020 as well

Ten bucks says these threads are a Netflix PR op. This is literally how desperate they are.

I would have preferred to fuck yennifer before the spell. who’s with me?

all characters are fine except for Frigilla "Niggo" because the way she is now is compared to casting black yennefer with green eyes. plus how are you gonna perform scenes when she's supposed to be unhealthy almost ghost like pale. I would very much like to see that ....

Literally. It's just a show, fuckin enjoy it or don't.

We are wakanda

This is precisely why diversity is a dumb idea. When you have a homogeneous group you can market to that group. When you have a bunch of disparate groups who hate each other you have to either zero in on one group and exclude the rest, or try to please everyone. Neither works particularly well. Whatever you're trying to sell just becomes part of a proxy war between the various groups.

They don't develop his own culture so western civilization is supoused to adopt his people in our culture. Fuck my life

If there was dollar one to be made marketing to you dumb fucking necks, wouldn't "they" be doing it already. You're just not worth the trouble.

See also the "conservative twitter" talk whenever another asshole gets banned for stupidity.