socialism is always the same
Socialism is always the same
ITT - a fag who doesn't understand what socialism means
Hitler killed socialists, he was the opposite
But consequences will never be the same
what does socialism mean?
The definition keeps changing because every time something initially proclaimed as Socialism appears on the global stage, and then spectacularly fails, so-called socialists say, "well, that wasn't true socialism."
Why do you hate the military you commie faggot?
Another fucktard that doesn't know what socialism is. That's why.
Don't mock her you'll regretta that
I think no one actually knows whats going on and they just cling on to any label
Hitler party is call National Socialist German Workers' Party
The National Socialist German Workers' Party is what Nazi stands for.
Sup Forums go to bed your drunk
Where the government owns the means of production. Corporations would answer to the government, unlike it is here in The States, where the government answers to corporations.
All the other shit (libraries, welfare, healthcare, etc)... are just socialized programs.
Does this mean that hitlers spirit awakened in a atuistic swedish teenager?
now that's a manga I want to read
uhhhh, that's a pretty easy choice
left cant meme as you know
Whoever is against capitalism for whatever reason, is socialist, and therefore evil, and a subhuman who deserves to be gassed.
Let's keep it simple shall we.
And the real name of North Korea is literally "The Democratic People's Republic of North Korea" but it is none of those things.
>Corporations would answer to the government,
No, corporations ARE the government in a true socialist state.
Private ownership of everything is abolished otherwise it's just fascism.
You have comrade Bob's nephew and the typical incompetent lazy and also corrupt bureaucrats who couldn't make it in private industry in charge of what used to be private industries.
that is what I expecting
You're fucking retarded if that's what you think socialism is
But Hitler did provide a lot of free stuff for germans, like free healthcare, free education etc.
But don't forget about the 6 million user. You don't support killing women and children do you?
you socialists keep calling it socialism but what you really mean is leftist fascism
Wtf I love Greta now!
>Hitler killed socialists, he was the opposite
socialism kills socialists, it's the opposite
Socialism is WORKERS owning the means of production, dumbasses.
One is an ugly gnome. The other made the world fear him. Not the same thing. Hitler was a cute little faggot. Greta is just a disgusting little garden decoration.
Confusing socialism with communism
NAZI is an abreviation of the German words Nationalist socialists
Don't even bother. Nowadays both sides of the aisle think socialism is nothing more than gibs programs. Obamacare is shit not because its a socialist program but because it isn't. Its a government subsidy program. And anyone calling for open borders knows nothing about socialism. Importing people for the purpose of undercutting Labor has been the prime weapon of Capital against Labor since the industrial age began.
can't you assholes figure out whether or not you love or hate hitler?
Hitlers idea of socialism was almost the opposite of the communist socialism the only thibg both ideology had in common was that the working class should be the main focus of policy
hitler tried to stop the jewish sodomites
greta wants to import as many africans as possible
The only fundamental difference between communism and fascism are the people in charge.
>Fascists gets rid of the degenerate trash of society holding them back.
>Communists gets rid of the "winners" in a society because those winners triggers their(the communists) inferioritycomplex.
Communists hates themselves, so they try to make everyone as degenerate and useless as they are in order to not feel bad about their own inferiority complexes. Thats why you find so many ugly, short and degenerate people in communist movements.
The fascists are still collectivists, they are simply the opposite mindset. They hate weakness, and as such dispose of all things degenerate and the "losers" of society. Retarded people cannot be raised to a higher standard, so they get rid of them. Same thing goes for homosexuals, pedos etc.
You can do the same with vag fur lol
this picture makes no sense because people who are against gretta are normally alt right hitler supporters
I'll start.
But i do, even more so if they are jews
people who believe Hitler was a socialist are a special kind of retard
She looks like a horrible little cunt.
How dare someone include hitler in a pic with her. That is very unfair to hitler.
so you're saying if hitler was in power they would get euthanized?
Hence him being the leader of the National Socialist Party of Germnay?
14 year old dumb white nigger confirmed. So fucking stupid he doesn’t know what socialism is yet cries about it. Dumb white nigger is triggered by a lil girl and thinks she’s involved in socialism. No wonder your family is poor. Fucking moron.
North Korea is a democracy confirmed.
Fail. Not even close to reality. Trumpshit white nigger trash with no education call anything that doesn’t come from a fat reality tv host as “duh socialism’s” cuz they’re fucking stupid.
Another dumb white nigger with no education. Hitler hijacked the socialist party and killed or imprisoned actual socialists. Fucking idiot.
>b-b-But Duh name!
That's certainly Leninist Marxist, re early poster saying definition of socialism changes after every failure. What should we call Chinese Communist socialism? Xiist?
this is what faggot-ass conservative cocksuckers like to think
She's the exact opposite. She's trying to save millions of innocent people, while Hitler murdered millions of innocent people. Hitler is a terrible analogy user, she's much more like Jesus.
I love when low wage white niggers think capitalism is some grand design that benefits them. I’m no socialist but anyone who defends capitalism as a system is guaranteed poor and stupid. Billionaires tell them to support capitalism so the billionaires can get richer and act as if it’s an American thing. Lol all while dumb white nigger makes his $15/hr
Imagine being this uneducated and stupid yet showing everyone how little you know. Dumb low wage fucks actually think this is socialism.
OPEC Arabs, and the rest of the oil/coal industry thank you for your cuckery. You just keep on carrying water for your own polluted future, fuckboy.
Every dumb low wage white nigger trump supporter confuses the two. Most have no idea what either mean. The funniest is when those fat uneducated fucks think you can be both at the same time.
Absolute fucking gibberish.
Nazis were rightists. You can label it socialism... if you're retarded, or if you're a Nazi trying to appeal to populism, but there's nothing leftist or Marxist about Nazism. The first thing Hitler did was murder every communist and union he could find. Same with the fascists in Italy. It's pretty simple, unless you have an interest in misunderstanding it because you want to tarnish the left with a fascist brush, despite it being a lie only retards would believe.
Not only that, but the communists were the only actual force that contributed in any real way to defeating the Nazis. Everyone else was sort of okay with them, until they were at their doorstep with a gun. You wanna defeat fascism? You'd better have a communist army on your side, or you're fucked. No liberal trash will ever actually stand up to them. And since we're fresh out of commies in the modern world, well... we're pretty much slow dancing into fascism without anyone noticing.
Leftist democrats have no fucking idea about what socialism is either. Most think it just means gibs programs. Biggest joke is that, at least policy wise, Trump is more socialist than democrat 2016 and 2020 candidates. Government subsidy programs are not socialism. Preventing Capital from undercutting Labor by importing people (unrestricted immigration) or exporting production (globalism) is socialism. The core of socialism is that those who do the work reap the benefits of their work
Spoken like a true comrade. All power to the people!
This retard doesn’t know either but that hasn’t stopped him from spraying fag tears of ignorance all over this thread.
I think Hitler made a statement about this very problem saying that his use of the word is different than the communists use of the word. Kind of lame imo.
There is a continuous transition between the two, of which the US is inside as well. People get very confused of how to label some arbitrary mixing of the two.
USSR hunted Russian anarchists for literal years.
Confirmed Anarchism is right-wing.
it's almost as if arranging political affiliations as points on a line in order of whatever is dumb
Dunning Kruger in full effect
Its almost as if “x killed y historically so therefore they were objectively anti-y” is supremely retarded logic
>What should we call Chinese Communist socialism
We should call it what it is, totalitarian.
when talking politics, retarded arguments and retarded logic is the easiest way. nuance is for gaylords.
Basically yeah. Nuance and research is for gaylords
Except that bit where he fucked over the workers and made the bosses even richer
yes, every time a country tries socialism the glow-in-the-darks stage a fascist coup and everyone suffers a lot.
>Leftist democrats
There are none. Members of the U.S. Democratic Party are moderate rightists. Even the AOCs and the Bernies are capitalists, and therefore right wingers. None of them want to nationalize anything. Faggots, the lot of tehm.
You'll know the left when it comes back, because they'll be killing people in the streets. Before that, it's just a bunch of faggot posers using the window dressing to appear to not be centrist appeasers.
Imagine being this fucking dumb
How fucking dumb are you? Are you 14? Serious question
It's turbocapitalist totalitarianism, you dumb mong
The only thing you confirmed is that the USSR was anti anarchist, you dumb shitstain
have you not read the history of the jews and why they been banished over and over through out history?