How much are you retards planning to drink tonight?

How much are you retards planning to drink tonight?

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water, lots of water

Ausfag, fell asleep at 11:30 after 3 scotches

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Beer burgers and friends. What are you lone shooters up to?

Only 8 pints. Gonna take it easy.

I drink alone, yeah, with nobody else

literally just water

yeah, but how much fag??

as much as i need to feel hydrated and not have a dry mouth

Enough for several people

Quick mixologist fags. I need some help before I go to the store. I currently have a full bottle of pepper schnapps I picked up the other day. Problem is I've been sipping on it straight, but I'd really prefer to make a mixed drink.

What is a good thing to mix with it? I'd get some other type of alcohol to mix but the liquor store is an hour away and the grocery store is close by.

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*peppermint lol

I'll be drinking a 6 pack and then smoke until I can't keep my eyes open anymore

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i don’t know why you want to mix it, you could get some candy canes at the grocery store to use as stir sticks

I've already been drinking it straight, I was hoping for something different to try.

Bought a half gallon of everclear to drink by myself. Haha rip

Heart burn tonight headache tomorrow, what highschool are you in?

One of these delicious 6pks

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Staying sober as a favor

drinking is overrated

I dont drink

had 2 pints, its 0:18 now and im in bed.

>apple cider

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im not drinking for once. i think i have reached the end of my rope so my ny resolution is to quit drinking

12 pack of white claws, few shots of Jack daniels, couple of coronas, and maybe a heineken or two before having a cigar and going to bed at say 2:00 AM.


Tit puking discord

im in Alaska incase yall trolling

You can mix almost anything with club soda

Sounds like you're a fucking pussy

lol jk

So much that I won't wake up until next year

If you start drinking right now, yeah, that's not even a lot of alcohol.,

None. I'm going to MAGfest where I will be going absolutely crazy on drugs, alcohol and vidya for 3 days.

im not in alaska im in arizona
no thats warrented white claws are for pussys its just what my friends and fmaily drink

i mean it depends how much jack daniels he drinks

True. If he only has a couple he might still be averaging 3 BPH (beers per hour) which is heavy, but not excessive.

naw i wont start drinking till say 6:00 PM Arizona time but im not trying to go crazy i just want to get drunk but not enough to puke or have a fat hangover

What kind of cigars? just curios

some cubans i got in florida maybe 3 years ago. Real cubans though not the fake americanized ones

check em

I'm still drinking, but for some reason I don't feel drunk anymore, and it's depressing.

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How much does it take for you to get drunk? For me i dont feel buzzed till ive had like 4 beers in 1-2 hours

It's called tolerance you basic bitch. You body will eventually tolerate any drug or poison that you use continually.

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I'm drinking a cup of tea right now

best photo eva lamo