>me be
>femm antisocial bitch
>get invited to hang out with my perv friend
>cuddling_and_more.wav ?
>he says we’ll watch anime and eat snacks
> perfect, no other interaction with people
>try to get my dad to agree to it (still a teen)
>don’t like lying b/c I love my dad so much but otherwise he won’t let me go
>lie and say friend’s mom will be there
>dad agrees
>next day
> super exited, do some other stuff then about 3 hours before he’s suppose to pick me up I wash my laundry
>I wanna look cutie3.14
>get text
>it’s perv friend
>”hey sorry but my family is dragging me to a party, the plans are off”
>tell him it’s ok because he can’t control it and that he “better make it up to me.. lol”
>alone now
>no plans
>... I kinda wanted him to be my new year’s kiss
No punchline... just sad
Me be
based underage autogynephile
You fucking whore, how old are you? 8? You should be penetrated with a knife, to see if you stop being a whore that way, you piece of shit, I hope you have a fucking miserable life in compensation, being hated and forgotten by everyone
post a pic of urself, prob ugly asf
Well that sucks
Ask to got to the party?
That sucks, but hey you will get other chances, its gonna be okay and work out, just maybe not entirely today
Nah, it’s a family party in the mountains, probably overnight
Dont worry user, youll get that kiss eventually
Just keep up the effort
Thanks man, that really makes me feel better
She's a fucking whore, she can fuck every chad in the world if she just get down on her fucked up knees, if you feel any pety for her or give her any advice you're just some fucking incel in denial, white knighting, hope you get cucked, oh wait, you're already being cucked, your crush it's probably getting fucked like by 5 niggers for Blacked
Ok I’ll try me best! Thank you! You all are really making me feel better
OP is a guy you moron
The thing is user, I don’t want to do that, I want my first to be special and not handed out. Ok?
Typical attention whore roastie piece of shit, are you happy with all the white knigths on this thread? Hope you have a even more terrible nigth, why don't you go fuck your dad? She already knows his daughter is a fucking whore just like her mother, so, why not give him the sattisfaction of giving your new year kiss on his cock?
The most believable thing on this thread
Like you're 8, can I ask you, do you prefer Adventure Time or Gravity Falls?
No worries, just try to take the time and be social with him. Let him know you enjoy being around with him, he will get the message at some point.
Ill hang out with you op where you at
You are so stupid. When someone calls themselves "femm" like OP does it means you're either an effeminate gay male, or a delusional MtF transexual, neither of which can be a roastie. Take your vitriol elsewhere or direct it in the proper manner, please.
I’m happy you want to ask me something! My crush on marceline is what made me realize I’m bi. But I’m not 8
The Oxford definition of incel on denial, why don't you go to /soc/ you little bitches, at least the people there are used to your shit
I dont give a shit about getting laid you sex centric brainwashed retard
''femm'' means a lesbian who is femenine actually
I’m just a girl.... sorry
>my perv friend
>cuddling_and_more.wav ?
>try to get my dad to agree to it (still a teen)
>don’t like lying b/c my dad fucks me so fucking well but otherwise he won’t let me go
> super exited
>... I kinda wanted him to be my new year’s fuck
See, , you can get back to White Knighting now
that's femme and he's talking about a guy, pretty clear OP isn't a lesbian, maybe MtF delusional but probably not a girl, either that or just a newfag
Very new.... sorry
>liking anime
You deserve every ounce of loneliness.
I was actually correcting the idiot, I wasn't saying that she is a lesbian you iliterate piece of shite
Myself too
Give it up salty. Being nice to people is just common for me. Its how I met my gf, maybe you should try that so next NYE you wont be crying into your keyboard.
Not yet where I live, I'm actually way to BPD to be nice to people, I just manipulate them hurting myself in the process
I hope you get better user!
>not being able to figure out who youre replying to
You're getting gaped tonight!
Send him a nudes. Niggas love nudes
hopefully just cuddles until we work up a loving relationship and later in the week!
Why do you need a loving relationship first?
>My friend is a perv teehee
>I want my first time to be special
Op confirmed for useless slut, typical cock-goblin
When we have a more trusting and loving relationship and maybe even bf..... maybe
Forgive me, I am drunk from NYE
What? Thats not what I asked.
I really like him, have for a while, but I want to make sure that he feels the same. I don’t just want to be sex for him, I want to be something he cares about
He's not interested dumb wit.
Okay but that’s what I answered pussy, I don’t owe you anything else.
What I’m saying is, not right now lol
Doesn't matter user, happy new year!
Finally someone with some self-respect
Tell him you want to cuddle him and see how he reacts.
NYE isn't the best time to ask someone to be your boyfriend since its likely that people will be drunk or not really focused on that sort of stuff, but you can take the opportunity to build up towards it and have an alibi if its not going the way you want/planned.
Thanks! You too
Yes! I’m excited to try and be someone he loves in 2020!
Is boy or is girl?
Am from Russia and here our men and women do not look like this androgyny
I always thought I was too slutty to have a real BF. I was lucky to find someone who genuinely cares about me and not just my body.
Try to form real strong relationships you will have your heart broken, but you will find someone for you if you keep trying and never give up.
>My friend is a perv teehee
Thank you so much! You’re words make me feel better
Dead meme
I'm way to underage to understand it, can you explain?
Boy or girl, I'm cutter than op's fuck-boy crush
I did say that, but I still like him even if he does make gross jokes all the time(and I try to STOP him). Still hope you get better user
boipussy or gtfo
No girl talks like you do. You are a Male and it is obvious you are only fooling retards like the person trying to talk shit judging just by what you are saying and what you are doing online you have serious mental problems. I hope you get yourself some help
Just because I don’t talk like a girl doesn’t mean I’m not one? I’m sorry and I know you mean well?
Maybe the one trying to talk shit and op are the same
girl just don't post stuff about your life here
they're just gonna call you a slut fagg or nigger
True but there are still some nice people on here who helped me feel better :)
You people disgust me, what part of tits, with timestamp, or GTFO!!!!! is so hard to remember?????