Rekt thread plz include black people hate

rekt thread plz include black people hate

Attached: beserk.webm (640x360, 1.34M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nigger BTFO

Attached: copvsnigger.webm (404x720, 999K)

Attached: Throwanigger.webm (854x480, 1.36M)

Attached: 1571026181725.webm (480x360, 1.96M)

Attached: Nigger slams another nigger.webm (640x640, 1.21M)

Punch the REAL nazis

Attached: bows_before_bros.webm (326x180, 772K)

what's going on here?
is this how they make brazillans?

What are you talking about? I've watched this webm 5 times in a row and I've come to the conclusion that he dindu nuffin

Attached: 1573183142266.webm (352x240, 1.67M)


Attached: nigger ripper.webm (854x480, 1.4M)

>rekt thread include black people
Here's two black people reking themselves.
They're good boys who didn't even be doing any nothing.

Attached: Concrete Jungle.webm (224x400, 1.05M)

Attached: shot ded.webm (1280x720, 1.29M)

What are you talking about, he dindu nuffin either, dude. You're fucking weird.

Attached: 1570167021525.webm (400x226, 715K)

Attached: wasting 5 bullets on a nigger.webm (640x360, 1.91M)

Any lawfags know the legality of self performed abortion?

kek when he knocked out the old guy because he thought that's who as hitting him.

Attached: HowToDecontaminate a nigger.webm (854x470, 1.82M)

I love happy endings

Attached: Complex Tool Usage in Apes.webm (346x350, 629K)

Attached: goodpantsgetdirtydealingwithanigger.webm (1280x720, 631K)

The whole reason abortion is permitted and not considered murder is because life legally begins at birth, retard

It varies state to state. In the religtard ones they consider a formless cell life.

>Shooting a nigger in the head and hoping you're accurate enough to hit something the size of a peanut: the webm

at first i thought the guy caught his fart and tried to choke the guy
now i dont know what the hell happened

>Stop resisting citizen's arrest!

Attached: 1533781130797.webm (480x360, 1.58M)

Gotta love when dipshits try to splain shit to a guy with shoulders and lats twice the size of the splainer, especially so when booze is involved cause thats just Animaniacs Good Idea/Bad Idea reinvented as Bad Idea/Bad Idea.

He pulled a knife from between his buttcheeks and started stabbing the white guy with it, the white guy had hit arms tied behind his back but managed to get one out

fuck them all to death

Besides that, I've learned from many incidents involving alcohol that explaining shit is the worst thing you can do. It just sounds like droning on to drunk ears

I find it funny that geese have no default face besides "happy as fuck". They always look like they're smiling, even when being brutally raped by the niggers of dogs.

he clearly dindu nuffin.

My God.... only a nigger would do this


Well fuck a duck!

Attached: How to give a nigger the heimlich manuever.webm (404x720, 1.08M)

the stuff from Chechnya was always the best. those fuckers knew how to decapitate a Russian soldier

Attached: Good Boy.webm (400x224, 1.37M)

That poor dog had to taste the stinky nigger too.


>thinks life begins at birth
>calls others retard
Oooh the irony.

i mean... hes not wrong. Abortion should be legal but only through the first trimester

And nothing of value was lost.

More like senior citizens arrest.
I love that it's a couple old dudes.
I can't tell if guy holding down the legs is 55 or not.

Both of you are wrong. And should have been aborted. Lel


this is fucked up

Of course it is, I don't condone it in any way but I must admit that I've only seen videos like thag coming from black people. I don't blame them for being as violent when they grow up because who wouldn't be filled with anger when enduring a childhood like that or this one.

Attached: 1561574550642.webm (224x400, 1.8M)

Black on black cryme

This drives me. Fucking niggers. And to record it.

Attached: Boom Headshot.gif (260x146, 602K)

The mother eventually got caught and surved time, another family got custody of the kids. I'll try to find sauce for the article about it right now.

Checked and thank you

Why would it die from the fucking?

huh... so thats how gay people have sex.

Internal organs getting smooshed around

Jesus what's the story

Likely heart attack from stress

Dude had a shiv in his asshole?

Attached: How to build a sandcastle.webm (1280x720, 597K)

Man...I was NOT expecting that tackle...Dude chugged a coffee with a red bull chaser for that lol

ahhhh im laughing so hard im choking

one whack for you, another whack for you
second whack for you, oh, dont' worry, you got one coming too. whack.

hahha this guy is a fucking animal

Guy had a fly on his face, homie tried to save his life but greatly overreacted


Attached: 1532806842705.webm (1280x720, 1.75M)

that guy winding up for a sucker punch behind him, i want to see more of this gif

Very satisfying

exactly right ALWAYS keep your left hand up and guard your head. Everyone always swings right handed

your fucked if he's a lefty though

Once upon a time

He got 100k fir that

Attached: nigger3.gif (404x218, 778K)

Attached: How to calibrate your gun.webm (480x360, 1.32M)

In the land of Hyrule

Hoomans probably killed it to get unstuck from doggos dick

>Jesus what's the story
My father hated me and had me crucified.

Drunken Slavic jackassery is always good for a laff.

Nig tried to look cool and beat his chest. But random cop saw to stopping such foolishness.

He need some milk

Attached: split lanes.webm (480x480, 352K)

WTF Dreds knock hisself out.

Poor Woolie.

That's a dildo.

In Virginia, Gov. Latham wants to make it legal in the 4th trimester

You're a fucking idiot

No. That's a douchebag.
You're a dildo.

Attached: 1419049279180.gif (356x292, 1.99M)

You all call this scene crazy.
This Russian dude calls it Tuesday.

Crack is a helluva drug

crime prevention starts at home

The kid put peepee in his coke

Attached: niggersmoked.webm (512x288, 627K)

LOL he prayed too. proof god hates black ppl

Crime Stoppers
