Let's play a game - I can send you back in time 100 years... what do you take with you? A laptop with Wikipedia's database on it (no lottery/useful gambling info on it), the girl/man of your dreams in every way (unless it pertains to money), or 500 million equivalent in current USD? What does Sup Forums want?
Let's play a game - I can send you back in time 100 years... what do you take with you...
The girl who left and the love we shared.
$500,000,000 one hundred years ago would probably make you the richest person alive at that time....so yeah, going with that.
Cancel money
Cancel your game
World was shit back then. Money
I will take the database and go to 1939 to save the reich.
Excuse me cunt? I will fucking eat you
not into vore sry
Give me money I'm going to buy $200,000 worth of gold and spend the rest of it in Coca-Cola stock, after I pay for a safety deposit box in a bank that existed a hundred years ago that currently exist today and has never burned down or been massively robbed.
>Pair of laptops tailored to my preference with large external drives (1+ terabyte each)
>surge protector
>$10k in gold bullion
>destination is New York City
>Find Tesla
>Join in research and inform him of the government's intentions to steal his projects
Based answer
a crate of viagra
as a time traveler i'll have a great edge over the cunts of the day
they'll beg for my cum
500 mil
I’m taking the money and investing it in the US arms industry. After 2 world wars I’ll have way more than I started with
Hopefully I could continue his work whenever he eventually passes on.
I feel this.
Had a rough day user?
second one
The money
it's tempting to take the wiki database to leverage it into profit but it's just so much easier to take the mountain of cash and turn it into even more profit
Money. I have enough stuff in my head push science and tech forward 80 years, easily.
... And I'm going to fuck Alan Turing.