Bye bye

bye bye

Attached: 1576586399644.webm (854x478, 1.98M)

That's what gonna happen to all of you kids that watch anime. It's not to late stop the degeneracy while you can.


tut tut

Attached: 1576583652443.webm (462x360, 487K)

Nice of the camera to just go completely out of focus at the pivotal part.

Attached: italianmom.jpg (600x400, 27K)

Attached: 1576579322533.webm (720x720, 1.75M)

Attached: fuk205.jpg (359x386, 21K)

Noooooooooooo dont o it
>implying various things

The An Hero Cemetery

I want to do this OP

I like the sound the lady makes when she finds the body. 100% that fucker knew he was mexican and decided it wasn't worth living as a brownie.

make it better

Attached: 1576585399200.webm (512x288, 604K)

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Why would he wear a mask?

Attached: S91214-22553569.jpg (720x608, 115K)

heh, yeah, and do what boomer? help u find cat food at wal mart? heh, y3ah right!

I wonder if the chink shit all over the person he was with, lol.

He was disgraced to be known as a beaner. Even in death.

some people blackmailed him into being a trap. theyre still doing it to people on r9k

he was middle eastern


Attached: 1576580309097.webm (600x450, 1.69M)

And it was all going so well. How could this have happened?


this is why girls should all carry guns

Attached: 1576587740899.webm (720x384, 1.91M)