Describe yourself to me stereotypically in 3 words and i'll guess where you from

Describe yourself to me stereotypically in 3 words and i'll guess where you from.

Attached: dpnl7dq921ltrdu7wj8h.jpg (720x893, 87K)

shit on street

India fag

redskin alcoholic cowboy

USA boi

tu fais chier

Work beer technology

french baguette

hitler worshiper

Grammar nazi too, you missed a P.

desert , drugs and illegal guns

Drug dilling human traffic Mexico fag

nationalist war antirussian

hårdrock fredag bror

police vodka bears

I may be wrong but i think Ukraine
Swedish self cuck or i should say sandnigger already?

polish kielbasa?

Yeah the niggers are getting a bit much, it's fine tho, the lightning god will smite'em soon enough

Ukraine, that's right

beer alcoholism unfaithfulness

Sisi ni sawa

Attached: jasiri blank look -s.jpg (1192x670, 42K)

Hard one no clue.. denmark or scotland?



Must be those Czechs.

vegetarian with gauges

UK twat?

very far from the mark

Pothead illegal liberal

Pizza traffic baseball

cocaine good-tier-hookers escobar*

chicago style pizza

New York?

USA school shooter?
pasta eating Italian
Pablo Escobar from mehhico
Another school shooter

Im post ending in 74
New one
Illegal Run City

Angry white niggers

>Pasta eating italian
Close, but think more about baseball (hint: striped uniforms)

Los Angeles

beard dnd fat

Gold digger profiting from war Switz ?

Cheeto licking fingers fat American?

Muh 3 billion

I said think baseball

Attached: the_baseball_furies.jpg (510x376, 95K)

Beer and terrorism

Ancient owes to germans


Only thing that comes to my mind is USA but it can't be true.. Australia or Israel?
Shitty economic Greek

It was USA. New Yawk to be exact. Fuggedabout user.


Georgia hick

USA was so obvs i thought the baseball is a fake hint.

gays stoners chinks

How is NY more ancient than grek tho?

Black lives matter

San Francisco

I'd give my left ball that's how sure i am..

Nigerian or any other shithole from Affrica.
If you black but from USA my guess still counts

Oh Canada

vancouver, didnt know so many places had gays stoners and chinks

Poor, not a nigger, drink grass from a wooden cup

Oh you betcha

video games, dr pepper, weed

Poutine hockey snow

Oil Gas EV

Need gun license

underachieving, weed, volcel

Attached: 1560187255754.jpg (610x457, 95K)

>MAGA hat


Canada GayFag
You just gave good description of 95% of people i would call a faggot

Calm, Uncertain, loner

Sup Forums

I hate serbs

San Fran?

Absolutely fucking hypocrite



Confederate, Trucks, Coneys.

you have to guess which state as well.

Jews in NY

USA maybe Scotland too
Fucking EU
Some Arabic country maybe Saudi Arabia

Muh WW2 reparations

It's smeagol

I’m flattered, but no, New York unfortunately. And the good part of New York, not the shithole city

I ain't American i don't know many states but.. Texas?

witcher pierogi vodka

Keep up the good fight, vote red

Northern epyrous is Greek, albanofagg

Attached: received_538272586507234.png (720x509, 758K)

Polska kielbasa


You know I try

Attached: D542CCC3-5689-4A5A-87AA-B4F98420E5B8.jpg (223x225, 10K)

Favelas football forests


Portugal, don't know any stereotypes sorry


American, Italian background

Poor lazy sandniggers

Who told you?

Attached: 902E5188-1C51-4CA0-B05F-8E3D32441FFF.png (830x1262, 645K)

Sandnigger country, i'll give a blind guess and say Egypt

Evading border patrol

Black nigger jiggaboo

Attached: 4465978D-4D44-49A4-823F-5ECD948A8082.jpg (637x615, 58K)

Somalian ultra nigfag

Oil Gas EV was actually Norway, but good guess. We're exporting oil and gas like there's no tomorrow to be burned elsewhere, and still drilling new wells, while our government wants to have all new cars sold domestically to be EVs by 2025.

Holy crap what a cuckstateistan this is turning into.