How Drunk are you?

How Drunk are you?

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been drunk as shit the entire week

not at all because drinking sucks

i drank a 40 of Olde English and 24oz Steel Reserve to pregame. Consuming a bottle of wine and as many shots as I can bum off partygoers later

You suck



Been drunk day and night since Christmas, body can't take it anymore so not at all

This drunk

You must persevere

Gf and kids have the stomach flu.
Happy new year ladies and gents. Make it double good for me.


I suffer from boyscout syndrome and have a sister that always demands I be her sober cab on new years. So I'm 3 shots in and lining up a few more.

Haven't had anything yet. I'll probably polish off the last two glasses worth of walker I have. I don't plan to get smashed for new years. I have to go measure and photograph a house tomorrow.

We don't like your types 'round these parts

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Describe boyscout syndrome

Basically in 99% of cases I need to do the "right" or polite thing. So when I worked untill 11 p.m. in the past, I'd get to my girlfriends house after work. Pour myself a drink, and she'd call asking me to drive her home from the bar right as I was about to take my first sip. I would then put the drink down and go pick her up.

She being my sister

I think it might be a plague

Stoned af someone plz bring some weed to Dublin city center we ran out aaahggfhj

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Buy some alcohol and get right fucked

Fukn drunk man holy fuck

What u drinking?

Just starting boys

On what?

Starying with some of this

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feel like shit though

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Everclear ugh



No alcohol for me but yeah i'm just sitting alone thinking about my life while I hear fireworks going off in the nieghborhood. Just a somber mood.


Always gotta be one of these fuckers in the thread

Steady gettin there bwoiii

I've had zero drinks today.

Jesus, at least mix it with something.
You'll fuck up your stomach lining.

on beer 5
lonely drink new years stuck with elderly family
feels bad

That shit is for cleaning bongs and lighting fires my guy

Cheers brother

Won’t be getting drunk because i’m gonna drop acid
By that, i mean that drunkeness won’t have any dominance over Lucy
But here, got all those free from my job and i sure will drink some of it tonight

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God tier

Good on you for being there, I spent too many holidays away from mine and regret it

Thinking about her tier drunk

Come on nigger, give it just a couple extra hours
Then you can kiss your liver goodnight for its hardwork

Barely, beers, red wine, yuzu and sparkling just doesn't do it as good as bourbon

Only acceptable “I’m not doing the thing ITT” post. My acid dude couldn’t make the drive tonight which is understandable so I’m doing New Years the old fashioned way. Here’s hoping your first fap of the decade is one for the books

Hey thanks my man, you too
But it’s not that i’m not gonna do what people are doing ITT
The reason why i mentioned that i’m dropping acid and won’t get drunk is because acid overpowers any other buzz
And i actually got given around 18 beers at the beginning of the year while on acid and smoking lots of weed
Never got any shred of drunkenness
It acts synergistically tho but minus the cons of being drunk

On my way fren

I had one glass one wine. Circulation my nigga

not sure really. I could drink myself into oblivion and not feel shit.
I've been drunk the last 3 months.

1/4th of a xanax drunk

this 1:1 with 12 year scotch

Have you heard about properly hydrating yourself and having nutrients in your body?
If you’ve been drink that much for this long chances are you’re depressed and neglecting your own body’s basic needs

I'm here, so what does that tell you?

Yes! A lot. What's up OP, you lovely cunt?

Just take your fucking (you) and get out.
If this world hasn't fucked you hard enough to have to drink you aren't doing it right. Or wrong. Who the fuck knows.

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That sounds way less homoerotic than I initially thought.

Dont drunk enough to call her. Yet

I'm sorry love

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Man, i never drank that shit but i sure as fuck can imagine the smell and my heart doesn’t feel warm about it

It's only 7p.m so very sober

Might be a good idea to hide your phone so you don't make any "mistakes" tonight.


Drunk enough to tell you all that I love you, and I want you all to be happy.

not really, but if you're getting drunk on disaronno, you are pathetic

The mikes or the everclear? You know what it doesn't matter both are pretty indicative of a shit life.

>giving a shit what the lads are getting drunk off

let me guess, you only drink fine aged barrel whisky? sod off, cunt

>i drank a 40 of Olde English
buy that wit yo EBT?

No salt, no lime

who drinks straight tequila wtf

me. and people who like tequila.
not much different than people who drink

I will on occasion, depending on my mood and the tequila.

1/4th cup of Crown Royal and 1/8th scoop of Red Vein Kratom

This guy knows

Don’t let her take your seed, young king

Already down a fifth of pinnacle plastic bottle vodka just to warm up, the champagne flows
If I start this decade off with the ability to count to 10 I did it wrong

Ive been drunk everyday since my father died on the twenty sixth. Im scared to sleep sober

Bought this in Mexico last year where it's made $60
One of the best blanco's I've had

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rip. I drank a little after my dad died, but not to that extent.

Jesus fuckin christ take it easy there bro! Someone stop this man!

Not at all because I'm sick af, I wish I was tho

>not drinking through the sickness

you're not sad, desperate, or lonely enough to be in this thread.

Someone start a discord. I'm avoiding going to a party I was invited to

Getting there. Can't go out because I payed my rent to be in a big dope ass apartment. Im going to get shit faced and fall asleep around my boxes. Ganggang

>Drinking with Native Americans.

>actually getting invited to a real life new years party


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In Dublin? In any major city around the world, illegal drugs are easy to find. Im an addict and I see a hundred different ways I could get high but I drink and smoke medical weed.

Inhale it, like a huge puff of vapor.

not drunk but the shrooms are starting to kick in, feels like im growing roots into my chair

not drunk enough

Whiskey and bourbon are the best.

checked and secondededed
need some sane voices to speak to
family was awfull af and im a little tipsy right now
greetings from germany and happy new year brothers

Yeah chap it's npt like I can't get ur but everyone is passed out at a gaffer none of my dealrs r awake!! Reee but weed is vry good I've had a few smernoffs

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Same brobro

sober because I'm not a fucking loser

Bullshit. I'm drinkin while the fiancee plays subnautica.

>Whiskey and bourbon are the best.
there is no "best"
just your favorite

I love whiskey and bourbon if they're even two different things. But yeah I agree they're opinions not facts

Stone sober and proud of it.