I'm going to kill myself

I'm going to kill myself.
Fuck this shitty world.
Fuck my family and friends.
The end us close!
You don't lot don't don't deserve to end see it
FUCK all of you!

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>The end us close!

Fuck... alcohol is a bitch...
Fuck you all
You don't get to watch!*

Livestream or gay

Later, lol

Good bye.... user.... I'll sleep well!


No you're not, if you were then you'd just do not talking about it wanting attention

:::sigh::: shnin :)

How do you know the next life will be any better?

>You don't lot don't don't deserve to end see it
What the fuck OP kill yourself before you gonna take me with yourself.. almost fucking stroked when reading that

Tits or gtfo user!

What did OP mean by this?

It's how many dicks OP has sucked.

There is none... I find peace in this

Fuck this is why

But how do you know that?

Cry yourself to sleep user

Ha ha OP here.
Disregard that, I suck cocks.

it's his age op is a wiz

My mother die a few years back
She survived
Told me there is nothing but blackness
Already non-believer
Fine with no afterlife


Very close
You know to much

>My mother die a few years back
>She survived
confirmed OP is retarded

>my mother didn't see an after life
>there is no afterlife.

That's some specious reasoning there, kiddo.

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Call for help. I still go visit my neet 300lbs neckbeard friend's grave and cry. Killed himself 5 years ago. he was 26. We used to browse Sup Forums together back in 2005.

Tried to kill myself before
Failed (clearly)
Better off dead anyway

Nope just spending my last few shitty hours here with you retards
Hate myself and my life

Hey... a friend of mine runs an rp Twitter account and she’s kinda kin the same boat... would you want to chat with her? She’d be happy for the company

Don't want to bother outside 4ch
You fucks see this shit dtd
Thank anyway user

Dtd? What’s that?

Also It’s @mistresskatara if you change your mind

When you die you go to a place that matches the emotions your feeling as you die. So try your best to feel peace instead of fear or anger. Once you get to that place you will have some level of control but u will not know it. You will be put through things to show you some sort of truth only you will understand. Once you find "inner peace" (trying not to sound like a schizo) you can "move up the ladder" so to speak. I know all of this from experience. Hell and heaven are not real. The afterlife is what you make it. Hopefully you don't feel guilt over leaving your family sooner than you had to and create a bad place but its up to you user. I wish you guidance and the best of luck my friend.

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Dtd (day to day)
Already made up my mind
Suicide without telling anyone is my best course of action

Don't quit without playing bro

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Genuinely mean this... thanks user

23 years..... 8 hardest the rest the worse
No amount of good can change that

New decade starts tomorrow. Don't kill yourself. This is your chance to get these next ten years off on the right foot, man.

why posted on Sup Forums tho gtfo

Wish it was that simple
Thanks for sending hope but none left for me
Hope you, yourself have a great year!

Don't worry I'll be gone soon enough
Sup Forums has been my home
Sorry for any inconvenience caused

Yeah we’re all retards here, I bet 90% of us have dealt with depression before, (including me), but if you end it there’s no way it’ll get better, if you keep going at least there’s a chance.

dude, snap out of it. You can make things better. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. What's wrong bro?

See you Nazi gayboy. When you see Hitler in Hell don’t suck his dick too hard now ya hear?

I've depression and anxiety
I drink way to much
I hate life
The world is a power keg just waiting for the lit match
I'm a full racist for no reason other than my shitty family and friends
I have no fucking future
The end is close

with that spelling what you are doing is actually just a favor.

Aye sound
Don't like Hitler
More mussolini

Please don’t.

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Like i said alcohol is a bitch

good riddance, weak minded nazi scum

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We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Aight, im off to kill myself.

>You don't lot don't don't deserve to end see it

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sunk cost fallacy

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're drunk. Stop drinking, work out, do what makes you happy, profit.

The world sucks man. I know. Shit just isn't fair, But ending your life isn't the answer. You can turn your life around and make something of yourself. All it takes is being a better person than you were the day before. Take it one day at a time.

It won't be easy, but you have to cut the instant gratification out of your life. In this day and age, we have so many sources of dopamine, and humans aren't meant for that. You gotta pick yourself up. Go to the gym. Cut back on porn. Read a good book. fight the primal urges to give yourself instant dopamine rushes, but please don't kill yourself. The world is looking up, I promise. Things look bad, but you never hear about the good in life. It's there though bro, I promise you. Be strong.

Thanks for trying user

Drink motherfucker do you speak it

How do I unsubscribe to this blog?

See, shit like this is why I love Sup Forums.

Pick yourself up man. Ending your own life is not the answer. It all sounds like a daunting task, but I swear on my life: Taking yourself to the gym. Forcing yourself to go, will do wonders to your mental wellbeing. The first week is tough, but there's no joy in smoking, drinking, masturbating or watching tv that compares to a hard days work at the gym. You gotta pick yourself up man. you owe it to yourself.

have sex, incel.

Don't listen to the other op. Don't do it. There are people who care about you. Whatever you are going through you can make it through it.

the shortcut to unsub is ctrl+w

I'll drink to that

op i probably cant stop you but you should live stream it if you do actually do it

Do already
Its meh
Done both gay and straight

even if no one loves you, there is a lot of cool shit to stay alive to at least see. go travel and stop being a baby.

Nah you fucks don't get the luxury
Not going to please you twisted fucks

op? live stream it pls

See enough of this shitty planet.
Same shit different soil
Death is my only option.

Last time
You fucks see this shit all the time
Go rewatch your favourite hero

Go fuck some hookers to get rid of your edginess, faggot.

Fuck 'em OP. They're all just pic related.

Why do you want to kill yourself? What's been going on that's gotten you in this state of mind?

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You even reading the thread?'

May I direct you Sums it it slightly
More but no time

where are you from?

Lurker here.

In 2018, I felt much the same way you do right now. I had just exited a 3 year relationship to chase a different girl for another serious relationship. She toyed with my heart, telling me she couldn't wait until I got home from working out of town. That she had genuine feelings for me.

Then when I got home, I felt a connection to her, but I couldn't feel her connecting to me. It was obvious she wasn't interested, but still I became suicidal. I attempted to direct my vehicle into a telephone pole one rainy night. I missed the pole, didnt damage the car, and ended up working on my life.

A year later, I own a house, 3 cars (which don't run, but hey!)

Tl:dr your life could change for the better in an instant, do not abandon hope.

What does that matter?

An't so such lucky m8
Like well done for turning your life around
But not the same situation
Thanks anyway

Pic related

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Don't listen to these faggots. You'll never be happy. Kill yourself.

End the cycle. Break free, user.

well if not then its better than posting on this shitty board you absolute retard.

what in the fuck would be after this? god? then ok let me meet him. if it just repeats itself then i would just make the choice again and again for eternity. if by that logic we have no freedom of our choices so what the point?

Did you just have a conversation with yourself?

OP, you seem like a pretty sensitive person, in a good way. I think you have a lot to offer the world.

Just do it! Make your dreams come true!