

Attached: 1577731372007.jpg (934x624, 84K)

You failed.


Attached: 1556124899375.jpg (400x580, 50K)

watch and learn

Attached: 33.jpg (255x198, 9K)

Attached: 4s.jpg (267x188, 6K)

Nice attempt, but consider this

Let me show you how its done

Son of a bitch

Check em

Attached: E931E732-6802-40AC-8742-B7514C2BB9F5.png (627x257, 36K)

Attached: pogey.png (128x128, 21K)

consider what?

Want a shot at the title?

So simple.

Attached: 13466775.jpg (320x320, 30K)

Attached: 1563654952607.png (1920x1080, 972K)

Get what? You left out critical information, asswipe.

Attached: 1563654969422.jpg (240x135, 15K)

if dubs this post is singles.

Attached: singles.jpg (2581x1729, 446K)

OP btfo

Attached: 1556730424323.jpg (224x225, 9K)

Attached: 1577368561943.png (120x128, 25K)

holy shit
Attempting get

this is the worst portent possible for 2020

Hoe Lee shit


If repeating digits hiroshima nagasaki will an hero this year and m00t will return

Attached: satanichia.png (1024x1096, 237K)

dubs plz

Attached: IMG_1442.png (1136x640, 608K)