What's a painless & quick way to end my life?

What's a painless & quick way to end my life?
1. I don't have access to a gun
2. Too much of a pussy to jump from something
I've been thinking about hooking myself up to a helium tank though.

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live and suffer like the best of men

Make a bonfire inside a small close room and make sure There os absolutely 0 vent on It, then go to sleep, You'll Eventually fall inconcious and won't feel Anything until you die from lack of oxygen

OD on a painkiller, or park your car in a garage, get inside, turn it on, open the windows, maybe play a song you really like, and go to sleep.

user, dying is for the weak. Endure, and become strong. I believe in you.

Point a gun in the roof of your mouth and the fire.

Post ur nudes here before your kys if you are a girl

>asks about a painless way to commit suicide
>names the most painless way in the same post

Listen, user, don't kill yourself, but that was dumb.

drugs and/or Exit Bag

hanging or tylenol OD

Don’t kill yourself user also don’t take advice from Sup Forums, be strong I believe in you

Happy new year op u got this this is your year

I remember a childhood friend died from inhaling Freon... I still have no idea why (other than we were growing up in an utter shithole). Maybe there is a kickass high to it, but I don't wanna find for myself. although he prolly got Freon easy cause his dad worked on HVAC shit. I kinda miss that guy, but that was 30 years ago.

10 grams of mushrooms will kill you in the best way possible.

Alcohol poisoning
As unpleasant as it is its pretty much painless and its only as hard as calculating lethal dose of alcohol and drinking more than that
The best part is that no one needs to know you actually an heroed - they might assume you just partied a bit too hard

fuck off white night nigger, dying is courageous you little bitch

he doesnt have a gun you autist

Tylenol OD's are fucking horrible
OP I used to think suicide was shitty, but the only thing stopping me at this point is routine and cowardice. Carbon Monoxide would be my vote. If you don't have a car, fuck it, borrow a friends. Hell even rent one if that's not an option. Maybe get drunk as fuck before hand so you can sleep easier.

dying is cowardice, faggot. he should have to stick around and suffer like the rest of us. you, however, should go ahead and pull the trigger, nigger cunt.

hitler checked and i am fgt , cant abandon my old dog ya glownigger bitch you knew that alrwady

dying is cowardice, faggot. he should have to stick around and suffer like the rest of us. you however, should go ahead and pull the trigger, nigger.