First YLYL thread of the year. Post the best stuff of the past decade

First YLYL thread of the year. Post the best stuff of the past decade.

Attached: Civilians.webm (640x360, 528K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Candy Man.webm (266x426, 286K)

Attached: Child Predator.webm (1280x720, 847K)

Attached: Wheres Floppy.webm (480x480, 352K)

Attached: I save yoo.webm (640x358, 1.03M)

Attached: Mmm Tasty Beverage.webm (270x480, 300K)

Attached: Health Food Privilege.webm (640x360, 1.02M)

Attached: Linus Tech Damage.webm (926x660, 151K)

>Child Predator

Attached: chris-hansen.jpg (352x707, 28K)

Attached: 1319661817872.jpg (519x600, 76K)

Attached: 1569203975173 strawberrylipstick.jpg (831x1022, 108K)

Attached: Arse Head.jpg (539x768, 74K)

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Attached: 1424178223687.gif (301x323, 1.93M)

looks like this dumbass

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Ahhahahahahaah well shit lol

Triple dubs check, starting out really good user.

Attached: 1569203975173 strawberrylipstick - chinkyedition.jpg (824x3500, 400K)

Attached: These Arent My Glasses.webm (720x404, 1.69M)

Attached: Scorpion.webm (480x480, 1.49M)

>Geraldine Hoff

Ha ha! It's funny because Hoff was discredited as the model years ago.

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First funny thing I've seen on a YLYL thread in a long fucking while.

Attached: Batman Head Bang Loop.gif (500x375, 442K)

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Attached: head-up-your-ass.jpg (620x465, 57K)

Attached: 1561645754849.jpg (720x589, 77K)

Attached: yummy.jpg (655x653, 101K)

Attached: 1418972170130.gif (249x190, 1019K)

Attached: orthodoxjewishbf2.jpg (343x480, 19K)

The Bat Man sure looks "Triggered" to me.

Attached: Batman_Triggered.png (509x448, 474K)

Attached: Roof Jump Girl.webm (434x748, 1.87M)

Attached: mods arent asleep they fell.webm (720x404, 322K)

Attached: divineRoShamBo.gif (280x160, 110K)

Attached: Pants on Dance off.webm (224x400, 1014K)

Attached: Its_dangerous_to_go_alone_Take_this.jpg (325x307, 41K)

the first time i saw one of his videos i thought he and his buddies were weird gay canadians or something. now i think it's just a bunch of dorks with personality disorders.

>That full split on landing


Attached: 1577249401626.jpg (800x635, 145K)

Attached: Hasselhoff.gif (230x236, 195K)

No better way to drop some panties

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Attached: Impressive.png (1121x646, 396K)

>be 9:14
>see some yankee cuck post about it being after midnight
>laugh because cuck doesn't understand the world runs on greatest coast time
>be west coast

>yankee cuck
west coast are the biggest cucks of all.

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tbh I felt the same way about brussels sprouts as a skinny kid, they're better now


Lost lmao. Was waiting for it to chuck that mess up

West coast best coast

Agree or auts

Why does he stop being unhealthy with vaping when he most likely has less than 20 years ahead of him.

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Attached: fatladytreadmill.gif (190x234, 120K)

No freedom, high taxes, beaners everywhere? West coast is a living hellhole unless you're a millionaire.

Attached: 1575319691371.jpg (720x695, 37K)

>IQ drops by 20 points

aw I thought this one was the one where the girl pees while she's flipping. i like that one.

You were right both times.

Attached: funny-darsheel.jpg (400x656, 92K)

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>No freedom
Last time I checked, I can fuck 16 year olds, loser
>High taxes
Get a job, commie
>Beaners everywhere
I'll give you that one, actually.

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I'd rather own firearms than be a pedo so i'm okay with that. I have a good job but i don't like giving the govt 50% of what I make.


did he died

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West Coast is great, the best... So great that I wish they would stay there instead of fleeing and ruining good states like they ruined their own.

Wait...people over here don't own guns?
I own four (rookie number, I know).

It's still 2019 where I live. That makes you a moron.

Legal weed.

Those two are great. I cant wait for the new gaki no tsukai episode to translate

>Gay Canadians

That's an oxymoron

Same thing in MI.

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this is just what you think about California, west coast is pretty wide

Argentines and Uruguayans live for that shit, it's called yerba mate. You go to a grocery store over there and they have full rows dedicated to it

How to recieve help from government

Weed is for niggers

And is encompassed entirely by California
>inb4 "but wut about Oregon and Washington, durr"
Those are Pacific Northwest, retard.


meth is for the pure white race

meth is garbage, ppl who do meth should instakys.
I'd give more credit to a proper hero junkie. at least he's almost dead for sure

Drugs and alcohol are for niggers period. Whites don’t need that Jew bullshit





Attached: EM3gX5lUUAA_V1r.jpg (999x2048, 816K)

Nigger take my gross contributor subsidy to keep your shitbelt governments afloat

Attached: killcopter9000.webm (352x356, 1.89M)

Attached: lol_okay.gif (500x210, 473K)