Waifu 2020

Waifu 2020

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Other urls found in this thread:


>I study booty bitch call me the analyst

Sachiko claimed

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It's still only 2019 in the states though. We all know the U.S. is the only important country.

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Hope this time of year is treating you well, if not, let’s hope for a good next year.

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Holy shit mai is first and best

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At least pretend to be humble.

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Truer words have yet to have been spoken.
2 more hours!
Try again, hombre.

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Hirasawa Yui

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When I was posting I was first :( 2020 ruined

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Humble me yourself.

Unless your eastern, mountain, or Pacific time.

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Got a few days off work. Its still hot but theres less smoke around.

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>west coast

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Happy new year everyone.

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alcohol is good

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Kys mutt land and whore of Babylon

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Happy new year Yui poster
Maybe next year comrade.
Though, that's still wrong because i'm the only Sachiko claimer i've seen so far.
>Humble me yourself
True, but everything after central is irrelevant.

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It means the hopes will be fulfilled

At least it isn’t red

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happy new year, Relm-san. i've missed you

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Sure let's smash.
Happy new year.
Pls don't hate.

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Ass joke.
This is why dad left.

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Nevada is on Pacific time, they're kind of cool for a desert.

You too.

Aside from the gulf coast, central has nothing really. Actually, only the coastal states ever really matter.

I'm going to use Mario and hit you with the hype FORWARD AERIAL.

That happens.

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chugging one for you you sorry bastard

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Missed me? what do you mean?
Any purpose for this new year?

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As good of a good luck sign as any, yeah.
I hope you have a great year too comrade.
You could call me the joke mASSter
>Central has nothing
>Forgetting about Texas
>Higher GDP than South Korea
>Literal best state

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And we're thankful it isnt. Hard work by the firefighters.

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happy new year. i hope you have a very nice day when it's 2020
i don't know. i forgot when the last time i saw you was
i've really enjoyed all your cute pictures this thread. thank you

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Happy New Year!

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My hand smells like bag adhesive.
No hate. Just disappointment.
Could be worse. You could be here, where its been on fore for the past 2 months. And we have potentially 3 more months of it.

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Whatever, is there anything you want to accomplish this year?

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I'll just use Fox and see how it goes.
Try to maintain my weight and continue exercising.
I'll continue to disappoint you, old man.

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Shit happens.
I'd rather not.

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Happy new
Well..post moar short haired qt

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I've never been to Texas.

I think the earth realized Australia is just the social experiment that's been going on too long.

Fox is okay in Ultimate, but not as oppressive as he is in melee.

Cest La vie

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Question of the Thread!

When is your birthday?
Mines is September 4th

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lets party

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least it doesn't smell like intestines

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i wish that was true, i'd really like to celebrate your birthday some day...

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Nice try, nigger faggot

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it is true why would i lie!


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Good. That means you live up to my expectations.
Protip: dont strand your prisoners on a remote island and have them mix with the guard and officers.
Post proof
Thats what my room smells like.

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Unlikely. I got some... work to do in the coming months.

Unfortunately, I’m probably starting some next month.

Didn’t even think QOT existed anymore.

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Something realistic, simple realistic and that can be achieved, good.

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what the fuck

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Let's fucking go. I'm pumped!!!

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St Patrick's day glow nigger

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Hard work? Where at?

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sorry for missing this post
sorry, there isn't anything. whatever happens will happen
i don't like that response

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Yep its eggnog time

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Dont worry Im used to it, well That is part of the charm of life

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Confidential. For now.

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Ah okay.

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I have to change my bag in my room

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yeah, sorry.. thanks
are you gonna do anything?

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Why not the restroom like everyone else.

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Nothing special, just survive. Anyway, I came here just to say hello, Im very sleepy, send regards to earth from me, its been days since the last time I saw him, take care, farewell.

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And here I was hoping he was the most broken and disgusting character.
Appreciate the confidence boost.
One thing at a time.

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happy new year, EST
i'll try. thank you.
have a great night. happy new year

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Happy New Year to everyone on the east coast

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Empty, sure. Change, I need space to do.
Dont mention it

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damb, do you ever puke

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I'll keep that in mind when I build my empire.

Nope, shine isn't frame 1 with a strong spike anymore.

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Not since before the surgery
Learn from the mistakes of the past


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Bookkeeper. Haven’t seen you here in a while.

Don’t feel too curious.

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Well I wont pry if you wont say

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I'm here every once in a while, not as much as I used to though. The trolls tend to annoy me so instead of fighting them I just post a gnite and adios.

Speaking of, have a good night everyone and Happy New Year whatever time zone you're in!
Nice seein ya Rem. Tell Tomoko I said sup

Attached: Good Night 2.jpg (676x720, 40K)

Thanks fam! I love all of your posts too!
You don't have a choice! It's my title now!
My pleasure
Depending on where you go, it can be pretty cool. I don't think we have much tourist-y stuff but there's cool history and wilderness to explore.
Mood. Hopefully it'll treat you well, though. Gotta get that bread.

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Well, my life was a mistake, so there's that.

Maybe I'll go there one day. There aren't many places I want to visit.

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Going in loud.

You best just ignore them.

There’s a few of them, so unsure which you mean.

It didn’t pay out much last time, around three years ago or so. I lost my hearing from that work.

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*knock knock*

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*bang bang bang*

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Same, for the most part. I think nature is nice, though. I'd like to get into /out/ one day, best country for that kind of thing.
Damn, sorry to hear that bro.
Well I hope things are better for you this time.

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Where I am, all there really is, is the beach. You could leave the state though and go to Alabama or Georgia or something, but I'm not all that sure what there is in either of those.

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Incest, probably, in Alabama.
Gay guys if you're going to Atlanta?

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Going to Atlanta would be a nightmare.
There isn't really a whole lot of cities to see, most of them just suck.

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Its one an ex-Air Force friend heard from when he was deployed.

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Yeah, but there's nothing to do outside of one. Mixed bag, I guess?

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First Kurumi claim of 2020

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It can only get worse. Thank god I didn’t get bronchitis last time.

I almost enlisted, but then I was banned.

Aren’t you oldfag Bun?

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Have a niggy

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Why banned? Health issues?

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Happy new year, ya fucks.

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It all depends on what you're into.


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Happy New Year.

Happy new year

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Anything cool for new years? What's your resolution?
Thanks user! I love it!
Yeah, true. I've been living under a refinery all my life so it's not like high air pollution bothers me. Not having to drive far for events is nice.


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Ah, good old lung cancer. There aren't many events I'd like to go to either. I tend to prefer enjoying things alone or with small groups.

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Shitpost more mai tbh

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>high air pollution
I get that.


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