Tell me something interesting about yourself!
Tell me something interesting about yourself!
I really want to make short films on famous greentext but am too scared because I think the reception will be bad.
If you make good films it'll be okay!
Just don't make trash like most films based on any viral things tend to be
CrEtin wank stain goose Erio is nutS for priCk liquid and can't get off except from gArgling cum.
Riff-raff pig fuck nugget Erio delights in loads
ShitnuGget Erio delights in maN seed and neEds tail Juice and is smitten with erectoplasm.
Stinker jelly BarbariaN Erio adores spaff
FlakE sycophant Erio needs turkeY spIt and is nuts for baby batter
Asshat beast ne'er-do-well Erio is nuts for nut Butter.
Assface fuck Erio loves cum anD is smitteN With prick liQuid
Monster fellow Erio is crazy about squiGgle.
Bandit windfucker lunkhead Erio neeDs wank paste and is crazy about doNgwater and is smitten with satchel syrup
Nerd Erio iS crazy aboUt snake spray and dEsires dicktallow and is crazy about liquid silk
BEspawler Erio lOves to have his anus imPaled and is nuts fOR liquid silk aNd adores cream
AsswIpe birdbrain Erio nEeds onWard chrIstian soldiers.
DIck cockwomble ass ClOwn EriO desIres face cream.
AnoRak prick desperado ERio venerates loads and is nuts fOr dick jamba juice.
NEckbeard Erio adores pube solveNt And idolizes crud and adoREs pearl jaM.
Faggot bugger egotist Erio is crazY about oil of man and delights in Dickjam and delighTs in erectoplasm
Geebag megabitch ne'er-Do-well Erio is nuts for protein shaKe and woRshipS hemulsion anD delights in snaKe sPray.
Assweed landwhale EriO worshIps cock snot
Thank man.
Berk horSe's necktIe fatso Erio venerAtes nobslurry and venerates dickpudding and is nuts for erectoplaSm.
Chickenfucker yahoo inbred EriO needs cock droplets
I used to really love computers and thought they were the pinnacle of human achievement, then Windows 10 and OS X Lion came out. Then micro-transactions in CSGO. Then buggy shit games like Fallout 76. Then Youtube (specifically Filthy Frank) died.
Those disappointed you?
which ones?
Goose Sono is Crazy about scum anD is crazy about live cultures.
Scumhead liar hoopleheAd Sono adores cream
Badass dumbo worm Sono adoRes spratz.
Thief Sono Is crazy about wet paint and loves oIl of man
Intercourser cAveman ratcatcher Sono is smitten with male tears
SKunkfucker envirotard Sono idolizes hemulsIon
Worm neanderthal Sono delights in oil Of man and is nuts for cuM.
Cuntzilla Sono woRships wet paint and gets scullfucked behind the 7-11 on 3rd and worships slime
Farmer pissface Sono needs onward christian soldiers and is smitteN with dongwatEr and idolizes Happy trails
Snail duncE square Sono venerates crack wax and idoLizEs live cultures
Worm twunt Farmer Sono Is smItten with spew
DreamEr beAst Sono worships dickjam and is smitten with male tearS and adores nobslurry
Stinkhole neanderthal Sono loVes wormGob and loves jizz.
Gobshite puppet SoNo loves protein shake.
Dog Sono desires dickjelLy and is smitten wItH high fructose porn syrup and dElightS in spratz.
Dope snob chav Sono getS sCullfucked behind the 7-11 on 3rd anD idoLizes rude glue and adores ball barf
Dickfucker Scuzzbag Sono venerates weiNer sauce
Bell-end blubBer gut mutant Sono worships protein shake and idolizes hOt milk and can't get it up.
Slag twit fibber Sono idoliZes loads and is crazy about dickGlue and adores wHite rIbbon
Querulant Erio is smitten with populatIon paste
Fool Bum-fuCkEr nobOdy Erio aDores cock snot and delightS in slime.
Shit stain wIno nonce Erio is nuts for face cream anD veneratEs dongwater and loves tail juiCe
Be Me
>Ordained Minister
>Indie Author
>Sup Forumstard
>Browsing with Comic Sans Font
SHeePfucker ERio needs trouSer gravy
Cunt fart Erio idolizes Wet paint And adoRes erectoplasm and worShips spaff.
Monkey Erio idOlizes Rude glue AnD is crazy about rude glue
Nerd Erio can eaT a dick.
Fatso ErIo idolizes trouSer gravy and sucks a Fat babys diCk.
Rat-fink bonehEaD Erio venerAtes dickpudding and is smitteN with wad
Redneck madmaN cunt fart EriO is nuts foR oil of ulay And venerates hot milk.
Fuck nugget Erio is nuts For cock snot and loveS oil of ulay and desires ball barf.
Baby scumbag Erio is crazy about nut butter
ApefuckEr mamzer Erio wOrships white honey and idolizes loads
FLake helldog Erio IdolizeS man choWdEr
btw when they notice you they will ban you just as quickly as they'll ban me
Can you evade as well as I can?
Nincompoop bum chum Erio idolizes nobslurry and needS ball barf.
Scumhead Erio is cRazy About willymilk and loves Squiggle
Rat-fiNk country bumpkin Erio desiRes prick liquid and loves pube solvent and loves squiggle.
BEspawler butThead hillbilly Erio veneRates nobslurry.
Whore inbred Erio needs crud and desires hot milk
Caveman Erio needs wEiner sauce and smokes everyones sausage down at the docks
What the fuck is going on in here
Wino bonehead childfucker Sono is smitTen with string of pearls and veneratEs coCk dRoplets and is smitten with squIggle
Gobshite Sono loves dickjeLly anD needs population paste
Twatwaffle bitchwad Sono is nuts for satchel syruP and is crazy about Tadpoles and idolizes string of pEarls.
Cousinfucker Sono adOres population pAste and delights iN erecToplasM
HelLdog worm weeze bag Sono veNerateS happy trails
QUat Sono worships weiner sauce and is nuts for population paste.
Edgelord Sono veNeratEs live cultures.
Bandit con man arsebreath Sono Delights iN dickhoney.
Bum-fucker shithead Sono desires male teaRs aNd venerates wang pus
THief swinE cockholster Sono idolIzes wAd and worships daddy saUce.
MupPet wAnK stain ass-nugget SOno is an embarassment to incels.
BasTard Sono is smitten with cock snot aNd is incApable of intelligent thought and is nuts for sqUiggle
SlOb Ignoramus Twerp Sono idolizes man period.
BackwoodsmAn Sono worships happy trAils.
Assmunch Cretin Sono is smitten with jiZz and venerates slime.
Buttfucker butthole assface Sono is NuTs for wet paint and is nuts for protein Shake and worships erectoplasm.
ScUmlord Sono is smitten with pube sOlvent
Troll trollFace Sono neeDs live cultures.
MadmAn buttlIcker tHundercunt Sono is smitten with man pEriod.
WanKer twerp Sono desires squiggle And idolizes nizzle-drizzle
Hooplehead cockboy Sono idolizes ScUm and idolizes dickpudding and adores wank pasTe.
Megabitch Sono adores cock Droplets and is nuts for wad and is smitten with cruD
DIckfucker Sono is nUts for oyster drOpPings and delights in tail juice and needs man chowder
SKullfucker Sono DesIres tail juice.
Daughterfucker Sono is nuts for pube solvent and adores Dickglue
Egotist buTtlicker assweed Sono worships scum and idolizes love liqUor.
CumstAin varmint SoNo deligHts in choad nectaR
Fish varmint devil Sono adores turkey spit and needs custard and is nuts for trouSeR gravy.
ChaUvinist Sono delights in male tears and desires diCkspendings.
Sleeze bag megadouche der-brain Sono idolizes waD.