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Howdy love, how goes?
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meh, done with work for the day
too tired to do anything useful now
how are you?
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Children aren't allowed on Sup Forums, this website is 18+
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Happy New year, you fucking freak's
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Drinking alone, but playing jackbox with some people
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sounds nice, I'm just alone
don't even got a drink
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Aww, have some internet snuggles
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Happy new year losers, have some best girl!
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What about the Lolis and cubs that come on here?
someone post more miranda
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My New Year's Resolution:
-Learn to introduce myself in Japanese, my way
-Start exercising 2 minutes a day
-Count calories at 1400/day first three months
-Get my license
-Finish my diploma
-Get my first car
-Get my first job
-Date her
Attached: 123_1(2).jpg (1451x1440, 1.03M)
thank you user.happy new year
happy new year to you as well
happy gregorian calendar rollover day
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