Ever done so much coke you start dribbling and dont even realise..?

Ever done so much coke you start dribbling and dont even realise..?

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Ever done so much coke you shoot freethrows and dont even realise..?

For sure. This niggas kobe out here

Every done so much coke you need ibuprofen to stop the headaches for the next 2 days..?

Nose started bleeding, at a police wedding sitting at table with 12 cops. Nobody said a thing.


you ever done so much coke you have to go to the hospital.tip is not fun

Guessing they knew and didn't care.

Yes... Likely tomorrow.

Who is generally doing coke these days? Once and while I get the urge to do some when I'm drinking but fuck if I know who to ask anymore. I never really had connections, just friends who were always carrying.

I can vouch for this.

I only like coke when I'm drinking and vice versa

tonight I sent 2g up, but I did worst, so it's like a tuesday morning for me. Ney year's eve is so fucking pointless.

until you understand they cut themself a slice from the tiny dealers themselves.. so all can be at peace
Sometimes they take a couple of niggers in jail but it's just to show they are there.

>Ever done so much coke you start dribbling and dont even realise..?
No, but thanks to nerve damage I drool without realizing it anyway quite often so... eh

how much time have you been using your nose?
do you feel some of the dreadful effects already, and if so, after how much time after the first?

btw no never happened

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Bro. Tonight is the first time I had a nose bleed coz of it. Not a big one but i felt it dripping and when I rubbed my hand on my nose there was blood. I plugged it with tissue to stop it and cracked on with the other nostril for a while haha

mmh, that's pretty normal actually, just tiny veins exploding partly due to your heart racing part because of the cut which is irritating a bit.
But the real dmg on the nose (which I only saw on the internet never for real) is just extreme or if you do it for like 10 years straight every day.

More concerned about my penis, even if up to date everything's k. Some of the best fucks of my life were done on stones

also dubs checked but me too I hope

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No, because I don't waste money on a mediocre high that lasts 15 to 30 minutes

u don't know jack.
eat shit

Coke fiend upset because I insulted his favorite financial black hole?

look out, 2020 is only 70 mins old and we got an edgelord here.

>edgy for not enjoying coke

I only play when I want to play, coke is to be treated with a brain. You're just squatting on it without any experience, but you probably kicked some molly pills in a club like a fucking loser without knowing your life was in danger more than it's mine atm lol

kids should not browse this board btw

kek your reply came as I was typing

I've never done coke actually

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>You're just squatting on it without any experience
I've tried coke several times, actually.
>kicked some molly pills in a club
Nope! Haven't tried molly, never really wanted to.

Jeez user, you sure are making some baseless accusations about me just from me expressing dissatisfaction with coke. You got some problems in the head, buddy?

Im using meth instead. Fucking happy new year. Fucking hate being alone

Bah, Coke is just hyped because of Tony Montana was good at PR!

Amphetamine is love.
Amphetamine is life.
Amphetamine is air.
Amphetamine is water.
Amphetamine is friends.
Amphetamine is food.
Amphetamine is all you will ever need

I know a guy who had a spiritual awakening on meth

is he implying club pills are a deadly hazard while coke is fine because he "treats it with a brain"?

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care to give me your actual experience so we both stop assuming?
because calling it a financial black hole it's automatically telling to me I'm stupid, while I happen to manage my money pretty well.

>it was you implying
>inb4 whatever

www . youtube . com / watch?v=RxyWU5YjjF4
Watch my quality stream guys

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not at all. you just have not to be a total dick while you're under the effects. You know. Rules.
Don't drive, don't mix up too much alcohol or bad stuff happens to your liver, don't do it alone, don't travel with the stuff you used to carry dope... Not many can do that. Because they assume, I guess. Whatevs, I just felt like knowing more.

Are you trying to tell me to do meth?

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What's there to explain about my experience? I've partaken in it a few times, sometimes from different sources, and didn't enjoy it as much as everyone hypes it up. I get it's a good feeling, but it's nowhere near the best and only lasts half an hour MAX, making you buy more to maintain the high.

some people can't handle their drugs
It happens more often than not

Never had that happen to me. It used to make me feel pretty good. Now it just keeps me distracted from thinking about my problems

Ever tried going at a festival and listening some good tunes along? One thing I noticed is I can't do without music when I go for it. It enhances my focus about that. Plus is like the only good stuff for sex, but also weed makes me horny tbh.
I just don't like the other drugs and I'm a very dry drinker, I only do it if I must. Everybody got his faves, isnt it? but it's not a financial loophole if you're not an idiot.

>Ever tried going at a festival and listening some good tunes along?
No. Every time I tried coke I sat in a dark room in complete silence

fuck you drug addict loser lol

well dude, coke makes sense only if you share it.
if you just don't like it I'm not certainly advising for it.

I was being sarcasm user. Every time I tried was with a friend

shitty or good? that also count kek
quite difficult to grasp sarcasm under rocks, sorry.

captchas are fuckin me way up more than those


I wouldn't go as far as calling it "shitty", but, it wasn't good. The thing about it I noticed the most was it made me want to do more coke and if I didn't I'd get anxiety.

Can we petition to switch back to the old captcha system? We need new captcha comics anyways

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Not telling you to do annything.
I'll just want to give you another point of view so your judgement doesn't get clouded by the coke hype