Muslim man stabbed Mom and 3 daughters 'for being scantily dressed'
Muslim man stabbed Mom and 3 daughters 'for being scantily dressed'
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bumps for kekz
Again? France is really getting fucked
>inb4 illegal to wear minishorts in France
Do the anti-rape bracelets work against stabbings too? Can we get some of those shipped to France?
The attacker violently stabbed the woman and girls, before driving away from the scene. He was detained a few minutes later.
Some local media suggest a possible religious motive behind the attack as the man allegedly accused the girls and their mother of being dressed too lightly.
The authorities have so far not provided details on the possible reasons behind the assault, with the local prosecutor Raphaël Balland saying that the motive remains
>“very vague.”
>tfw no mudslimes fucking shit up in Croatia
We are so shit even muslims avoid us
I think it goes without saying
Ya'll asked for it
whats that from?
The movie Taxi Driver
Can't wait for a civil war.
Sauce on this pls
>Captured instead of killed
>Defending the real "motive"
What's with France and Germany trying so hard to be #1 cuck?
religion of piece my man
dubs -> confirms
taxi driver
I hope we will win this, whites are mostly manlet pussies these days while muslim and niggers are strong and armed.
No need to wait m8, its fucking here.
We cannot ever, EVER EVERRRR say religion had ANYTHING to do with, regardless what the Qu'ran says or what ISIS says, it is NEVER religion.
now repeat that 100x until it's lodged in your brain.
>welcome to French politics
You never saw Taxi Driver mother fucker?
If this was happening in America, how different do you think the reaction would be?
Depends on the state.
ah ty - never seen such a realistic rag doll fall in a movie before
thought it might be deer hunter
both have been on my list to watch for a long time
So when are we actually gonna do something about ISIS instead of sit around for this shit? They do plan on sending troops in to fuck them up right? Thats the only way it will stop if you kill everyone
You must watch them.
Religion of Pieces
We're not done with Operation NotAllMuslims yet
we need to complete that mission first, affirmative action needs adequate time to set in and work.
Taxi driver is more Sup Forums
Deer hunter is long as fuck, but still good if you're in a 'nam mood
most people today seem to think that military intervention has never worked.
>you can't bomb an ideology
>implying Nazism wasn't an ideology
Why break what's already broken?
>while muslim and niggers are strong and armed.
lol, they get scared shitless when shit gets serious, just release some neo nazis for a week and give them rights to do what they want with shitskins and you'll never see a single immigrant again, they are so bold right now because they know that the "law" is on their side.
Deer Hunter is less about 'nam and more about friends and family.
That ending scene still makes me bawl uncontrollably.
ok lads it's not funny anymore, my parents and my sister are going on vacation in france tomorrow, i don't really know how to explain it but this one is just too much... there's something seriously scary and infuriating about this, i guess it just hit too close to home but this one just hit me hard, i'm actually scared my mom and my sister could get murdered by a fucking muzzie... i'm fucking mad lads
>not skinny manlets
they look like Eastern European gypsies.
hope you have funeral insurance.
tell them to take a Qu'ran and fake beard to put on when bullets fly, gunman wont shoot a man/woman armed with a Qu'ran
These last few fucking days, guys.
There has to be an understanding by average Joe Public, doesn't there?
R-Right, guys?
You live in Belgium, you're just as much of a shithole as France is.
To be honest I think they would be no more safe in Belgium either.
Here, I made you this, give this to them.
This. The US doesn't want war with ISIS cause "you can't defeat an ideology" bullshit.
De Niro looking sleek.
this is normal, its ok, terrorism is normal
Really made me think
this desu
Crossing the border is risky business for us these days.
I also observed that most lefties love the bombing of dresden and celebrate it as "liebration" (only white people died)
but freak out when you attack islamists with drones.
There is more chance of dying in a car crash than in a terrorist attack you fucking retards.
Work it out if you don't believe me.
You should be more scared of them driving in France.
Babe 2: Pig in the City
>theyre already dead
Most of the time we have a car crash, it's a Turk.
So car crashes are the fault of Muslims anyway.
post pix
he's right.
We're wasting our time being concerned with muslims LITERALLY MURDERING PEOPLE FOR NOTHING.
because BTW people happen to die in other ways too, y'know.
fucking britbong, get out.
if i die in a car 'ACCIDENT' it's a fucking ACCIDENT, if my daughter gets stabbed to death for wearing a bathing suit that's something entirely different, you cunt.
Yeah man those neo-Nazis are badass Aryans who will fuck your shit up. Watch it out mudslimes.
>muh struck by lightning meme
no shit you fucking idiot, we drive 35-75 mph towards or next to each other every day, of course accidents are going to happen
Very enriching. Much more peaceful now.
fucking this, thank you based kiwi. Idiots don't understand the difference between accidental deaths versus being killed by an immigrant who is also a complete drain on your ethnic pride and your society's cultural composition
How? No one is doing anything for the stormfront all i see is the enemy winning
kek wills it
sorry for your losserooni
Arabs are cowards shit, much like niggers.
Kinda like the hyenas that waits until they outnumber the lion 7:1 before trying to steal its prey, their numbers aren't worth shit.
And that's at equal technology level ( or even in their favour, as evidenced by Poitiers ).
Arabs cannot into technological civilisation and its overwhelming force multiplier, so the outcome is not a doubt.
Well, there is an issue, and that is if others europeans fight us while removing subhumans.
Only europeans can stop europeans, after all.
If we invade it'll be Afghanistan/Iraq all over again. Nothing will be accomplished for great cost.
What needs to happen is expulsion of Muslims from our lands.
niggers are shooting your cops...you do nothing
it isnt bad enough yet...whites dont chimp out easily but there will come a point
already underway. Just low level. I'd suggest making preparations and plans now, Network with some like minded individuals on how best to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Any real news source carry this?
Fuck off Jew, they're the only trustworthy ones nowadays.
Fuck Fox News, fake ass cucks.
Also, just because you didn't see it on TV, get this. DOESN'T, MEAN, IT DIDN'T, HAPPEN
your cherry picked image sure helps the argument you don't have my burger friend.
/pol BTFO
Attacker identified as white male
There aren't enough of them and a lot of them are gutless anyway, at least the ones i've seen
We have a plan
>frenchies knifed left and right
>you have to be a neo Nazi to BTFO muslims
Here is what happened last time niggers got uppity
If even 1/10th of what is happening in France happens here, i guarantee you that no amount of shilling made by Pope Poz I will stop the kebab removal from happening here
It's musilm moroccan you retard, also pls pay debts
fucking kid
RT are putinist shills that only serve to spread anti-West disinformation. Again, any reputable news source?
Lol France, just learn to live with it like your Prime Minister said.
HAHAHAHAHA, oh man, deutchbro you gotta be trying real hard to be weaker than a shitskin. 95% of them are fucking lanky manlets. Just because they are aggresive doesent mean they are strong.
Just like in CS:GO
they literally believe being racist is the worst crime anyone could ever commit, these fucking uneducated babies
Thats true, which means we need an escalation of the conflict in each european country to fight united against the roaches
It's all about the mob mentality the same muslims have right now, they are many and go around in large groups, but they rarely take 1on1 fights, they usually just gang up on smaller targets and because of white guilt or w/e else is in act right now our police can't touch them and they get away with killing, raping and destroying, let any extremist right wing group that hates shitskins do what they want to them and you can be sure you'll see immigrants getting butchered left and right.
This, it is their culture to be effeminate, they strike with an open hand, their martial arts are based on rapidly sriking and retreating, not sustained attack like Europeans.
>it just hit too close to home
>lives in belgium
well yeah there's literally no borders between france and belgium
Well it looks like im going to have to now
>right now our police can't touch them
I don't know where you live m8, but where i am the fucking major ended up on the news for btfoing an illegal American History style.
Give me sauce, here they don't do shit, but then again most of the carabinieri are composed of terroni.
>SJWs forced to choose between turning little girls into whores and protecting mudshit culture
inb4 toxic white masculunity is really to blame
>"Mohammad B"
>attacked people for dressing haram
>French police: motive still unclear
Oh for fucks sake
Not telling where i live m8
But yes carabinieri are great connoisseurs and masters in the art of btfoing illegals and degenerates without giving a single fuck
what the fuck.. i just checked the nation news paper fb page and is ee the exact same comment, nigga what the fuck?
Based Sandnigger
Those sluts got what they deserved.
Is it okay to rape a girl holding that sign?
Muzzies are taking over Europe. Baba Vanga saw this. Murrica will come and try to liberate it in 20 years