Will they stop being crazy as fuck this year?

Will they stop being crazy as fuck this year?

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It's an election year...

Bruh...that’s how they get paid

>Will they stop being crazy as fuck this year?

You've clearly confused them with FOX.

>this year
Not until the impeached subhuman shitgibbon is nothing but a distant bad memory.

>You've clearly confused them with FOX.
Fox has problems yeah, but CNN does too.
Chasing outrage for view leads "news" outlets down crazy rabbit holes - whether left or right.
That said, Fox does seem to be drifting slightly, relatively, left recently - someone there seems to have realized that there's people more in the centre abandoning the increasingly-left networks.

If anything, they're going to get crazier this year, with it being an election year and with the Senate trial.

But but but, FAUX NEWS!!!!

FOX certainly has their own problems and propaganda, but it is lazy bringing them up. FOX is one of the few "major" news sources that leans right while everything else leans left.

You do realize you can have a certain political leaning yet still criticize fake & bias news right?

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Yup... they're going to double and triple down. In fact, I see a war of crazy happening between CNN, MSNBC, and all other media outlets. It's going to be a glorious shit-show.

>leans right

It's asinine in unfathomable ways to even think of comparing Faux to any real news sources. They are fucking GARBAGE lower than RTV and actual Nazi propaganda. Completely fabricated. The polls show that it is the MOST uninformative and misinforming thing you can watch period.

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>facts are a religion

2/8 faggot.

the people over at fox news are totally rational lmao

>this faggot calls CNN crazy

Meanwhile, that screeching cunt wannabe judge literally said "At least Putin's a Christian!" today.

>Psst! Right wing fucktards. ....I thought you were all still supposed to be pretending that Russia and Trump's ties to Putin were a made up libruhl lie?

Have this train wreck network on in the background because I’m letting the fish rest in my fish tank. Every break they are advertising a special with, wait for it......70’s icon, Linda Ronstadt! Jesus fuck. Yes, that will draw the target demographic advertisers want. Watching the two fags is kinda entertaining I guess.

>the polls show


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I remember when i was watching cnn they advertised payday loans, and on fox they were advertising luxury cars

I'm not even entertaining that, most "media bias" or "media watchdog" groups have a left leaning and go after FOX or Bretibart or others yet ignore the far left sources.

It's true that CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC all used to be "neutral" but that has changed over the years after they added more far left news casters and are funded by far left donors.

It’s all a business. The “illusion” of sides is how they make money. The contention and competition. If there wasn’t any opposition, there would be nothing to sell. There may be a “bigger agenda” behind the media, but it’s mostly to generate ad revenue.

Hating Trump does not make one "far left."

It makes you a perfectly rational person who can see him for what he is.

Ahh... you realize that the composition of that chart itself involves bias right?
It also varies from story to story, subject to subject.
Sometimes Breitbart gets a story exactly right.
Sometimes AP or Reuters takes an insane view on an event.


All MSM is trash and if you believe what they say you are bluepilled beyond all help. Fuck twitter, fuck youtube, and fuck google too. All out to fleece you and control your lives. Wake up.

And then there's what you even call liberal/conservative.
Take the WSJ.
It skews in a direction often considered "conservative" on financial/economic matters, but "liberal" on social issues. since it primarily deals with finance/economics it gets labelled as Conservative but what are they really? can it even be defined on a single axis?

Ah, taking the easy way out by calling me a "Trump supporter". I can't stand him, I want him out of office as quick as possible.

That being said, I was "awake" since the year 2000. I lived through 8 years of the left leaning media bashing Bush at every move, calling him everything from "dumb" to "war criminal", and yet they praised Obama for 8 years, never once criticizing him or his administration, and brushing any of his criticizers off as "Tea baggers" or far right racists.

The main stream media is not our friend, it's our enemy.

Woke. Take the AP and Reuters out. The rest are on the same capitalist side. Not going to dig for it, but there was talk that the executives of FOX and CNN were in constant communication about how they can both cash in on feeding into their viewers political beliefs and oppositions.

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hes a complete turd burglar, but was still the better option.

>Hating Trump does not make one "far left."
Hating someone is a bit extreme for a political difference. It's possible you know him on a personal level and hate him but unlikely, so I'll discount that option.
Trump is actually only slightly right of centre by traditional US politics. So hating him would indicate you were extreme ("far") and likely makes you a lefty (there are far right folks who hate him too but they're further to the right than you have to be to the left)
So hating a centre-right person for their politics makes you likely far-left yeah.

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This is CNN - pic related

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CNN is quality reporting. Op is a faggot.

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