Tell me something interesting about yourself!

Tell me something interesting about yourself!

I'm sick on new years edition ;(

Attached: Ichigo (33).png (361x638, 407K)

Other urls found in this thread:




Attached: Ichigo (1).png (978x637, 821K)

Oxygen thief sHeepshagger Erio desires balL barf and desires spew and idolizes White gold.

Attached: yv9v.png (356x300, 146K)

Fucker shitneck Erio deliGhTs in trouser gravy and is smitten With tadpOles

Attached: 9npN5kS.png (530x410, 278K)

Rat-fink bag of dicks Erio desireS pube solvent and aDores dickpudding.

Attached: iXmEF3A7EuRXSTSDTR3d8gnl0aol4GTur.png (461x346, 247K)

DogfUcKer EriO is crazy About onward christian soldiers.

Attached: Z4srhzkzQt65Wcg.png (442x342, 149K)

Attached: syQ8GtRxvyUSTeH.png (541x364, 337K)

APefucKer ratCatcher Duckfucker Erio desires live culturEs and Is crazy abouT man chowder

Attached: AqxnTvI.png (601x338, 120K)

Fagtits nimrod ninNY Erio loves pearl jam.

Attached: V2CL4Twb6AcWQEc7iM6.png (194x146, 32K)

Dreamer oddball horsefucker Erio cAn't get it up

Attached: kIRVLo6LQJ5hDKlftIq.png (395x266, 174K)

omg just give up

You will not outlast me

Attached: Ichigo (14).jpg (1132x634, 131K)

Goose ratfink Erio veneraTes erectoPlasm and desires white gold.

Attached: sVqQGJl8wUtAt.png (204x243, 29K)

Freak ignoramus windfucker Erio veneRates man FoAm and IdolizeS love liqUor and needs wank paste.

Attached: lruuZ70ReYym61KhehhpfKYgwx44ewRtflY.png (487x485, 210K)

Fellow skullfucker Erio iS crazy abouT dickpuddinG and venerates oiL of man and needs slime.

Attached: eRtQJE6BF1CrJuxgYNV2vsGlipbwsv.png (555x584, 185K)

MorOn asS-Kisser nitwit Erio delights in squiggle and delights in wang pus and Is smitten with hOt milk.

Attached: WJuuBB0VJhetcFXZgQMcZWRorZMGVrNWqBH.png (440x464, 227K)

Twerp bitcHface Erio wOrships tuRkey spit and adores rude glue.

Attached: BiiL1Zpr.png (430x452, 131K)

Roaster pain in thE ass wRetCh Erio is nuts fOr man period

Attached: nxqECuCGFtfyuyw6WJLySfCEl7q1kxy.png (363x242, 193K)

Bum-fucker lunkhead Erio loves loads.

Attached: vPRO6cCnUZjsT7CV86dY8.png (329x474, 115K)

Cumstain turd cuntass Erio idolizes baby batter and idoLizes cum and veNerates man foam.

Attached: luo8.png (251x223, 108K)

Enough of this Hebrew nonsense

I will hear no more of it

Attached: 1577734841635.gif (500x364, 191K)

Sleeze bell-end Erio iS cRazy about erectoplasm and worships crud and loves baby batTer.

Attached: pfLNtMOr0R0pXjLF.png (193x257, 105K)

Love and war. I was going to tell you something but I forgot what it was. We had a nice /m/ metal thread last night.

Attached: love.jpg (624x464, 24K)

GreenIac simpletOn Erio is smitten with fructis.

Attached: GprsDX9LWbKsPFXrOlHKn7x4.png (357x119, 24K)

Bastard querulAnt Sleeze bAg Erio venerates dickhonEy

Attached: zx7FCgMoEofyQW2Y2q.png (538x553, 211K)

DouChe Bag amateur crack whore Erio delights in speW and idolizes dickpuddIng and is nuts for erecToplasm

Attached: hK2hoBo8EwjTKqak3BCUt.png (247x323, 70K)

If you care at all about my threads, report this idiot as a spambot

Attached: Ichigo (3).png (398x617, 430K)

Goose Piggy-wiggy stinkholE Sono is crazy about erectoplasm and adores Cock droplets and venerates white honey.

Attached: prjOX0umbJMLffOD9g9thlM1DRe.png (110x315, 56K)

Chav SOno gets sculLfucked behind the 7-11 On 3rd and needs live cultures.

Attached: DyerNpCwzS5UtocrdRC5ncgk61k.png (244x183, 65K)

Mega faggot buttfucker chiCkenfuCker Sono is smitten with onward christian SolDiers.

Attached: Es2RFKihP2CnacQSsxx.png (496x247, 142K)

VaRmint hoe lamebrAin Sono worships population pAste and is nuts for tail juice and adores oil of uLay.

Attached: 0gUIrmybP6f.png (181x185, 91K)

Egotist liar wino Sono is smiTten with nobslurry.

Attached: DFzzjpv1Lzdo3zVguuF58.png (550x509, 301K)

Attached: EMoOJVNbUEd.png (247x221, 96K)

Bangsat pack chauviNist Sono delights in dickjam and venerates bonkjuice and worships squiggle.

Attached: 8FIQjk4.png (282x349, 166K)

Bitchface dolt Sono needs liquid silk and worships turkey spit

Attached: hnDahb0kgbCEQkzNSowe.png (374x282, 126K)

Donkey geebag Sono is nuts for oil Of man and needs wang pus and needs dick jamba juice

Attached: Qclc45Ax9t0nub.png (549x381, 28K)

Shitsack gawK Sono is nuts for Wang pus

Attached: oLX4N3GGejjLC11.png (543x552, 305K)

Bimbo slutfucker bUgger Sono idolizes thrOat yogurT and adores white gold and worships spRatz.

Attached: KCF8BD78j7Bjb.png (283x298, 79K)

Caveman Sono adores prick liquid and deSIres string of pearls and is nuts for Man chowdeR

Attached: k29PL7O.png (341x228, 147K)

Dunce Sono delights in wank paste and worships daddy sauce

Attached: 6Yv0DcuaLwuxYcNgLiSK.png (314x254, 51K)

Dumbass doucheloRd Sono adores man seEd and idolizes man period

Attached: EUujl7RfG2PWi8bINefO6Wsdi2TLuxkg3Qh.png (412x402, 269K)

Piggy-wiggy Sono worships spunk and venerates nut butter

Attached: Xk1DnKLbJnaAAjqVNfHBI29EkZ7.png (167x119, 40K)

Snob dolt Sono worships dickhonEy and venErates turkey spit and is nuts fOr wad

Attached: 28kTl.png (505x284, 166K)

CuntlickeR bitcHface shit-eateR SOno Desires daddy sauce.

Attached: hDoHo1W.png (610x529, 390K)

QUat SonO is nuts For BaBy batter and idolizes baby batter and adores male teArs

Attached: wq7ln6hFLA5s9wiBdi7vv.png (575x246, 75K)

Creep birDbrain dimwit Sono neEds white golD and is nuts For hot milk.

Attached: 5aUV4E0vAvBI17QEOyj3g.png (520x605, 331K)

Attached: OpU0Tcir7BvAvl9MHkQX2Clv.png (301x246, 105K)

Rudesby mongoose fucktard Sono idolizes dickjam and needs cock droplets anD is smitteN with cock snot.

Attached: TVeekQBOOLybjXYLH1b3cE1dzyA8do278.png (601x506, 379K)

Berk Sono desires whIte gold and needs Cock dropletS and is smitten with jizz

Attached: fNZ2JOAQe2QxBQA3rDZztcxQGJKl9VsPHmn.png (345x345, 150K)

MuckY pup cretin zounderkite Sono is crazy about string of pEarlS

Attached: sOdrFriN1Qrq2zgGXxsy5lORFjQL3Fo.png (550x555, 471K)

Attached: 7.gif (490x414, 1.72M)

Assmunch arsecunt hooLigan Sono needs onward christian soldiers and needs male tears and idolizes dickjam.

Attached: w8tHLMnZhvF7HCbFyXrKdGlAokhddSoJ6R.png (254x236, 49K)

Fuckhead slag enviRotArd Sono adorES wang pus.

Attached: umkBBKYbg6.png (251x188, 72K)

Birdbrain headass Wretch Sono needS rude glue and desires slime

Attached: e2xyIt9RlwUsgDU8IBK7R199jOer.png (348x365, 208K)

SimPleton assface asswipe SonO worships splooge/spooge and Is nutS foR schlong jellY anD delights in man period

Attached: ZRGtle2wZbvNJId0y5SrWhCQmqKYRSTRS.png (473x474, 257K)

Attached: RakBuSDQMs164CjfuEjPC5Fqa8.png (513x526, 260K)

Cougar vampire Greeniac SonO is smitten with high fructose porn syrup And worships rude glue and Is smitten with spew

Attached: xjg610j72VwXxZyxtFpfggSF1Z2DXeUIpz.png (543x389, 105K)

JackAss hosebag Sono venerates wank pastE.

Attached: bjbjzgK5CmLH3Y81du.png (231x237, 58K)

Womanizer Sono needs white light/white heat and is smitten with willymilk

Attached: CcbvVQ5XbsK22cCh8LP1dnq0GA1bUGri5.png (412x298, 135K)

PAin in the ass RAt-fink bAdass Sono desires protein shake And loVes squiggle.

Attached: Lv6hVQTkR4LJk4Hne0MHgsaRPY.png (371x586, 236K)

Turd whOreson biTchwaD Sono nEeds whitE light/white heat and loves dickJelly.

Attached: MtQ4GoWgNEzidPCjmbDZgRKynPk1o9ncU.png (600x451, 422K)

Mutt boozer Sono is smitten with pole milk and idolizes pole milk and loves white light/white heat

Attached: zl0jNZjBzZUXnBveqXeN.png (564x284, 104K)

Clob respond

Crook drunkard Sono DesireS oil of man and desireS loads.

Attached: ERfh4pNDaAf2qKUxLKjTdwu1Hm9ttYV.png (135x180, 50K)

Bastard cumstAin Sono lovEs daddY sauCe and is nuts For erectoplasm

Attached: PK85D5boHfPXGSWqB3aC.png (511x521, 232K)

Thundercunt fuckhead Sono lIes about as poorly aS trump and is nutS for baBy batter

Attached: XI93.png (409x301, 276K)

Mucky pup SoNo loves tail jUice and Delights in jizz

Attached: utu2mB0BNohB6zEETH.png (320x318, 142K)

DOtterel Noodle Sono adores willYmilk and is nuts for pearl jam and desirEs choaD nectar

Attached: TjgTm2W7mR1o.png (500x400, 250K)

PillOck Sono is nuts for TurKEy spit and venerates erectoplasm and desires dickjelly.

Attached: F5nRPC4RMBYpQ8N.png (169x241, 64K)

this is the hardest ive laughed in a while

You have very low standards for humor



Attached: 1534176833497.jpg (1200x900, 101K)

I'm about to puke.