Tell me something interesting about yourself!
I'm sick on new years edition ;(
Tell me something interesting about yourself!
I'm sick on new years edition ;(
Other urls found in this thread:
Oxygen thief sHeepshagger Erio desires balL barf and desires spew and idolizes White gold.
Fucker shitneck Erio deliGhTs in trouser gravy and is smitten With tadpOles
Rat-fink bag of dicks Erio desireS pube solvent and aDores dickpudding.
DogfUcKer EriO is crazy About onward christian soldiers.
APefucKer ratCatcher Duckfucker Erio desires live culturEs and Is crazy abouT man chowder
Fagtits nimrod ninNY Erio loves pearl jam.
Dreamer oddball horsefucker Erio cAn't get it up
omg just give up
You will not outlast me
Goose ratfink Erio veneraTes erectoPlasm and desires white gold.
Freak ignoramus windfucker Erio veneRates man FoAm and IdolizeS love liqUor and needs wank paste.
Fellow skullfucker Erio iS crazy abouT dickpuddinG and venerates oiL of man and needs slime.
MorOn asS-Kisser nitwit Erio delights in squiggle and delights in wang pus and Is smitten with hOt milk.
Twerp bitcHface Erio wOrships tuRkey spit and adores rude glue.
Roaster pain in thE ass wRetCh Erio is nuts fOr man period
Bum-fucker lunkhead Erio loves loads.
Cumstain turd cuntass Erio idolizes baby batter and idoLizes cum and veNerates man foam.
Enough of this Hebrew nonsense
I will hear no more of it
Sleeze bell-end Erio iS cRazy about erectoplasm and worships crud and loves baby batTer.
Love and war. I was going to tell you something but I forgot what it was. We had a nice /m/ metal thread last night.
GreenIac simpletOn Erio is smitten with fructis.
Bastard querulAnt Sleeze bAg Erio venerates dickhonEy
DouChe Bag amateur crack whore Erio delights in speW and idolizes dickpuddIng and is nuts for erecToplasm
If you care at all about my threads, report this idiot as a spambot
Goose Piggy-wiggy stinkholE Sono is crazy about erectoplasm and adores Cock droplets and venerates white honey.
Chav SOno gets sculLfucked behind the 7-11 On 3rd and needs live cultures.
Mega faggot buttfucker chiCkenfuCker Sono is smitten with onward christian SolDiers.
VaRmint hoe lamebrAin Sono worships population pAste and is nuts for tail juice and adores oil of uLay.
Egotist liar wino Sono is smiTten with nobslurry.
Bangsat pack chauviNist Sono delights in dickjam and venerates bonkjuice and worships squiggle.
Bitchface dolt Sono needs liquid silk and worships turkey spit
Donkey geebag Sono is nuts for oil Of man and needs wang pus and needs dick jamba juice
Shitsack gawK Sono is nuts for Wang pus
Bimbo slutfucker bUgger Sono idolizes thrOat yogurT and adores white gold and worships spRatz.
Caveman Sono adores prick liquid and deSIres string of pearls and is nuts for Man chowdeR
Dunce Sono delights in wank paste and worships daddy sauce
Dumbass doucheloRd Sono adores man seEd and idolizes man period
Piggy-wiggy Sono worships spunk and venerates nut butter
Snob dolt Sono worships dickhonEy and venErates turkey spit and is nuts fOr wad
CuntlickeR bitcHface shit-eateR SOno Desires daddy sauce.
QUat SonO is nuts For BaBy batter and idolizes baby batter and adores male teArs
Creep birDbrain dimwit Sono neEds white golD and is nuts For hot milk.
Rudesby mongoose fucktard Sono idolizes dickjam and needs cock droplets anD is smitteN with cock snot.
Berk Sono desires whIte gold and needs Cock dropletS and is smitten with jizz
MuckY pup cretin zounderkite Sono is crazy about string of pEarlS
Assmunch arsecunt hooLigan Sono needs onward christian soldiers and needs male tears and idolizes dickjam.
Fuckhead slag enviRotArd Sono adorES wang pus.
Birdbrain headass Wretch Sono needS rude glue and desires slime
SimPleton assface asswipe SonO worships splooge/spooge and Is nutS foR schlong jellY anD delights in man period
Cougar vampire Greeniac SonO is smitten with high fructose porn syrup And worships rude glue and Is smitten with spew
JackAss hosebag Sono venerates wank pastE.
Womanizer Sono needs white light/white heat and is smitten with willymilk
PAin in the ass RAt-fink bAdass Sono desires protein shake And loVes squiggle.
Turd whOreson biTchwaD Sono nEeds whitE light/white heat and loves dickJelly.
Mutt boozer Sono is smitten with pole milk and idolizes pole milk and loves white light/white heat
Clob respond
Crook drunkard Sono DesireS oil of man and desireS loads.
Bastard cumstAin Sono lovEs daddY sauCe and is nuts For erectoplasm
Thundercunt fuckhead Sono lIes about as poorly aS trump and is nutS for baBy batter
Mucky pup SoNo loves tail jUice and Delights in jizz
DOtterel Noodle Sono adores willYmilk and is nuts for pearl jam and desirEs choaD nectar
PillOck Sono is nuts for TurKEy spit and venerates erectoplasm and desires dickjelly.
this is the hardest ive laughed in a while
You have very low standards for humor
I'm about to puke.