I miss him so much why did he have to leave us ;_;

I miss him so much why did he have to leave us ;_;

He got cucked and Sup Forums would never let him forget it.
also id

He's a weeb faggot.

literally who

He sold his soul to the devil. First he betrays all of the original Sup Forums users who gave him hours and hours of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY to sate his ungodly desires. And he did so by calling the CIA. Then he hires a group of noobs as unpaid moderators to start killing the boards and to impose a sense of order. After that, he sells the site, and finally joins Google (CIA). He has sensible info in many pedos, human traffickers, criminals and hackers. That's why the government hired him.

Hi moot.

He was a cuck faggot nigger. Old Luggage Lad.

Literally who

Should have swallowed the redpill, instead he ran off to be a hipster and work for jewgle.

why did we stay?

this is not really a pol thread, but OK

moot wanted a normal life. which would be impossible in any capacity related to this portapotty of a website

>miss him

>Get cucked, take down Sup Forums twice
Hiroshimoot > (((moot)))

He left us to work for Jews at Google.
He lived long enough to become a villain.

>still beliving in moot
He never existed. Sup Forums wasn't "created" one day by some magic sky weeaboo. It evolved over time.

Because working for google pays the bills a hell of a lot better than an Indonesian glass-blowing image board that is under constant surveillance by all the letter agencies and has a tendency to get sued.

What the hell would moot even do at Google? Aside from lucking out with Sup Forums he doesn't really have much in the way of actual skills.


He was hired as "social media expert"

>He lived long enough to become a villain.

He was always the villain, he just gets lionized because all the oldfags wish it was like the "old days". These are the same people who insist that Sup Forums was also good at some point.

moot made this site when he was an awkward teenager. it was literally just a copy of Japan's 2chan. At first it was edgy and underground, which was cool. Then it started to blow up, which was also cool. Then it got flooded with cp, which was less cool, but edgy and dark, so a little cool. Then that subsided, which seemed good, but it corresponded with the user base getting younger and the site getting less underground, so actually not cool at all. Then moot found himself a young adult who was well-adjusted, sociable, well-spoken, and charismatic - in other words, he could no longer relate to his user base. Then his user base turned into the home of far right wing politics, which further alienated him. Then he got great job offers from top tech bodies and took them. I'd do the same thing.

This. Hiro is better and much funnier. Also he watches and discusses Game of Thrones with us on Sup Forums

>sold us out to sjws
>went broke (again)
>joined jewgle
like 3rd Reich Reloaded

Is he Carl the kuck? Why isn't he wearing his glasses?

He has left-wing political views, and he simply didn't like that creation was being used to give a voice to the right.

He was stuck around despite child porn. That problem eventually was taken care of.

Then, the demographics of Sup Forums shifted, and Sup Forums happened.

> Ugh! Sup Forums is just not okay!

And he left, ultimately joining Google. Pic related.

your bait is not fresh

And he tried to made /tg/ better ghettoing quest-fags. Sadly it had gangrened for being too long without treatment and /tg/ never recovered.

Friendly reminder: Aaron Swartz hated and loathed him. With a cluster-fucking passion.

wtf. he's not an expert in anything.

He is a weak king though

Some faggot



>caring what redditors think

Tbh I don't get it. He dated a girl and then she dated someone else? How does that make him a cuck?


You all deserve whatever you get at this point. Now you got Hiroshimoot. You dun goofed

gets me every time