I know where Cotton-eye Joe came from and where he went
I'm addicted to sharing pics of the girl I love. I want to see her most private pics spread everywhere
I want to get pegged by an attractive older woman.
Steal $5 from your mom's purse and get a hooker to do it
Ever since 2015, I spent at least 5 minutes completely naked everyday so I learn to accept how I look, im now addicted to post in rate threads on /soc/ so i get aprovation of how my tits, ass and body looks, I don't think I'll ever lose my virginity because of how insecure and shy I am irl.
Good idea, but I want genuine human connection.
Every 60 seconds a minute passes. I have kept this a secret from everyone for over 10 years.
I'm a Hebephile/Ephebophile, I have been fapping to pictures of younger girls for years
Me too
Torn between loving and hating a friend of mine
I use bikini photos to fap, you?
Yes and fully clothed
You can't be THAT bad. May we see?
This is /b its the natural state for Anons
Abby, Mandi, I'm in love with both of you. And I would have married one of you by now if I hadn't been married when I met you. Probably Abby, since you let me fuck you even though I was married.
still fantasize about committing suicide
I used too have content but I deleted everything, got worried about it and deleted it all
Meh ok
Nice, I like
You ‘think’ you deleted it
I still have mine :)
I saw Thai girl on a work trip and I miss her even though she was ultra social media oriented and materialistic. She was the best looking girl I've been with
Very nice I might say.
Attention seeking whore lmao
That explains why you posted your tits and still acted so prudish.
Let my brother watch me get railed by his best friend
Then I'm average? Have you seen worse attention seeking whores?
Average was generous, don't push it.
I have a handful of nudes that I'll never share because I don't believe in sharing nudes since they were a special gift for me. But I troll every pics you shouldn't share and [my state] thread hoping to find other nudes of any of those girls I already have.
I routinely jerk off to my fourth grade teachers. Also, I fingerblasted my sister.
When you say " Thai girl", you really mean Thai "girl", right?
Are you me?
I recorded my younger cousin in the shower and I still fap to the video
God damn girl, whats your kik?
Apparently. Sucks Amy is practically married now and won't let us fuck her anymore, huh?
You look fine, stop being such a fucking pussy
Nah, I have wickr so post yours if you want me to message you
Whats yours?
Holy shit.
Had a long running romantic and sexual relationship with my cousin who was 4.5 years older than me when I was 15-17. I lost my virginity to her and she was my first for basically everything. I cheated on my kid's mom with her when we dated and she slept with me while she was dating her now husband.
Lets just say I would ask you out for dinner after I plow you.
Is your sister hot
How old is your cousin?
Post nudes
How are you with each other now?
Also - you fucked each other later or you got someone else pregnant when you were 15-17?
I'm slowly starting to feel happy again.
Tell me more
Fingered my best friends sister
How old in the video?
I got my ex pregnant when I was 17. We dont talk anymore because her husband found out when she sent me nudes once and she couldn't risk losing her family so he made her cut off contact with me. She still messages me from time to time so we can catch up. It sucks because she's the only woman I think I ever had true feelings for and I still love her in a way. I always wonder if she feels even remotely similar
got kik
Had manipulative bipolar ex. She hurt me deeply and it was a constant roller coaster. Met new girl 5 months ago. Love her and she is stable and nice and it's going well, but I still doubt I'll ever have the magical firey chemistry of my last relationship (even tho she fucked my brain up fellas)...
bought fleshlight and it came yesterday. no regrets at all
I gave my mom ecstasy and fucked her all night
How'd she fuck up your brain?
i feel this 100%
it's been over a year and a half since i got away from my toxic relationship, i still love her =( i could be dating the hottest, richest girl in the world, and she could come to me and beg me with her big eyes and i would come back and let her abuse me. it was never physical, always mental. she always made me feel like the bad guy
Never stick your dick in crazy user
Any rape drugged stories or sharing unaware gfs or wifez
Until a few years ago, christmas was always held at my grandmother's place every year, and would always end being a family sleepover.
I was the oldest grandkid and slept in the same room as my three cute (and much younger) female cousins.
I was sleeping on a very unconfortable couch and they were sharing a very big bed, but in the end I would always end up joining them.
Christmas always felt special because of those nights, especialy once the 2 oldest got old enough to get interested in making out...
joined my dad's gang when I was 13 and havent done anything but smoke, fuck, and get into fights since then. i have 8 kids but i dont know them or talk to the moms
i used to think Sup Forums was better/different than reddit
I rub my clit to wincest threads
Post her nudes dude
I can't help but act like a faggot when I get horny
Yeah, dude. Post her nudes.
I never missed somebody before. I'm not sure I'm capable of it. That isn't to say I don't care about anyone or something like that. I just... when there gone they're gone, when they're here, they're here.
I never thought it was weird at all until someone got mad at me for not saying I missed them when they were gone for a few hours and it turned into an examination of how long someone has to be gone before I miss them. After I pointed out that I don't miss anyone at all, and she didn't believe me, I asked a few others and was made to feel like a sociopath for it. So now i just deflect... but I still don't miss anyone.
Stfu wetback
Youre a clit
Yay!! I'm happy for you user!!
I've cum in my sisters mouth
Dude just post her nudes
F 23 here
I really want to be fucked by a dog.
Do it
Earn your paws
No opportunity to do so.
I've been called a dog before and I'm hairy, does that count?
Do you have nudes???
Go to a shelter, find a dog you like, ask if they would be ok with you taking him home for few days to see if it works out in your home (probably need to put down a deposit)
Then live in pure bliss
i went to a couple lame parties tonight and i pissed in their shampoo bottles haha
F soon to be 20 here,
You are fuckin disgusting
I used to watch my brother have sex with his girlfriend all the time.
He used to bring his girl over and take her out in the woods to fuck her in a deer stand. It didn't take long for me to figure out what they were doing. A couple times a week I'd just get geared up and wait for them. I would jerk off while watching them. She was way hotter than any girl I'd ever dated to the point and would get completely naked most of the time. To this day I can remember one time in particular where he fucked her and right before he was about to cum she gave he a blow job and swallowed.
This dude asks for wickr and never delivers
neither of you fairies are women
I got a 14 year old girl to send me nudes and various other things for a year. I met her the following year and fucked her. Her mom didnt find out till she was 16. I lived with her when she was 17. Married her when she turned 18. Still together. Still got her nudes.
Wanna fuck?
Sorry I'm taken, and I'm pretty sure
only fucks four legged so, you are out of luck pal.
based pedo