Just a quick reminder that straight and bi women are for straight men only and that bisexual guys will die alone

Just a quick reminder that straight and bi women are for straight men only and that bisexual guys will die alone.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-01-01 lgbt - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender ยป Thread #13307658.png (637x487, 68K)

Text version:
>Men don't need to be penetrated. There aren't vital biological reasons for us to exchange fluids with other men. When we do, it's often far more dangerous than sex between men and women. When a woman is penetrated, she is being dominated not just as a matter of opinion, but by virtue of the simple fact that another human being is inside her damned body. There will be a moment, however small, where his fluids are going into her and it's too late to change her mind. These fluids can then change her body, her whole life. They can even kill her. She accepts this and over time it becomes part of how she views men. Many modern women resent this, disapprove of it, or avoid thinking about it; but others embrace it even if they might not like the language I've chosen and its implications. These women don't want their men to be in that same role of being penetrated, owned, and at least momentarily helpless. They want a man who can own the authority and responsibility associated with penetration.
>Sex between women has absolutely nothing to do with any of this. They aren't even the same type of act. My girl is a power top. She goes home with other girls and fists them, doesn't even want to come herself. But while she's in my bed, my being inside her is in no way devalued or diluted by this. When I come inside her, my fluids invade her body and are still present in her while she fucks her girlfriends. There is no way another woman can defile her and make her less feminine or less desirable. So while women correctly find bisexuality in men frightening, not only do men tolerate bisexuality in women but we seek it out. Why? Simple. A bisexual woman who strays is half as likely to become pregnant, and a bisexual mother who outlives you is half as likely to allow strange men to sleep under the same roof as your children.

read OP's pic in jordan peterson's voice.

loling at all the retards who gravitate to these incel manifestos
like i see one of these a day at least, and its always sad.

>was baited
I'd say irony but.

The trick is not to tell them you're bi. Also married to a bi woman so you're wrong.

if only somebody fucking cared about what triggers your tiny tool, op...

Attached: okee.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

>The trick is not to tell them you're bi.
>Also married to a bi woman so you're wrong.

Attached: giphy.gif (256x256, 455K)

pretty sure all women are bisexual. and no men are exclusively gay.

not even that user, but if you don't think people now lies with exactly That tranquillity, you're dead wrong

So, are you saying everybody is bisexual?

women are aesthetically a step ahead of any male, in terms of potential. So it's true.

I'm glad he confirmed that not even his bisexual wife tolerates bi men.

This post is a cancer.

Care to elaborate?

I wish I could find someone who is bi and poly but all the guys I've dated have been pretty traditional. Oh well, at least I'm not too much of a whore

i'm just saying women are so hot it's impossible for even other women to not think so. most men are straight if they can choose. many who would otherwise be straight go gay when they end up in prison.

>and poly

Imagine thinking some retard on Sup Forums has some grand insight into gender roles and sex lmao

Give some evidence that cis women don't prefer straight men 99% of the time.

>Just a quick reminder that straight and bi women are for straight men only and that bisexual guys will die alone.

Lmfao okay. I'm pan and my girlfriend is pan, and not only am I not alone but we're Poly and I've been with other non straight women and dudes.

I never said anything about pan people, buddy.

Pan, bi, same shit different pile.

What's the point of using "pan" then?


I know a few gay men who are 100% turned off by ladyparts, so you're wrong.