Good luck this year, anons, remember this can happen to you.
Good luck this year, anons, remember this can happen to you
Shaving? No thanks.
not a fucking chance man but right back at you!
I exchanged numbers with the second prettiest woman at the bar tonight! It can happen to you!
I’m gonna slither into some slits this year; guaranteed.
her name is Katherine I'm gonna do it soon. wish me luck faggots.
You know its not happening user
>she hasn't changed her cloths or appearance in a few weeks
maybe she just happens to wear the same dress that day retard
maybe she has the same dress multiple times to wear that everyday
Where do you find women who aren’t total whores tho?
maybe focusing on the wardrobe of a shitting cartoon is the reason you're still a virgin
Lads, I want a GF but I don't really want a GF ya know what I mean. Like I'm Horny/Lonely as all fuck, but I also don't wanna deal with GF drama. I want someone to come home to, but I also want to shut the world out for a while afterwork. Wtf is going on? Porn used to be enough to deal with the horny part. Video games, reading and gymming used to be enough to deal with the lonely part, but now they don't.
moved in with her a few months ago, life is happier than it's ever been Sup Forumsros
fuckin go for it
I only have like 2 hobbies.
star trek and spiders
there's like 50 spiders living on my desk right now and I've spent the last 2 hours watching my schizocosa do spider stuff.
also I'm ugly and socially inept.
Women aren't inherently drama. It's just shitty people (man or woman) that act like idiots that make both sides hate each other.
You can have a partner and still have alone time, fucktard
Not if you're smoking fags
>Lads, I want a GF but I don't really want a GF ya know what I mean
this is what scholars would call a slump-buster
How do i get GF like this?
Go to like chili's or someplace gross. Look at her press on nails, tacky bitch with no taste
>actually asking a soulless blond thing out
No, it fucking will not.
user I....
pretty much exactly that happened to me on New Years Day, 2014.
Been married 5 years now.
call it arachnology then
Well I'm glad you accepted that because no girl will go near that shit
Usually being alone and not having friends or a partner is a symptom of a problem, not the problem itself.
If you think that just by having a girlfriend, you suddenly turn into a better person, you're deluding yourself.
>i need to recolour this image so i can coom
Implying being a better person is the goal here
My point is that as long as you don't fix the underlying problem, you will lose your gf sooner or later. Maybe she didn't pick up on it when she first met you and somehow you got together, but it won't last.
maybe not no girl...
pretty much though, so yeah.
One out of billions
this is cute. good luck to you and happy new year user you beautiful soul.
It ain't as bad as that. I've met girls who are into creepy crawlies like snakes and spiders. Usually alternative or hippie chicks.
listen, this just reminded me of that kid I met in middleschool and he was a really cool kid and I went to his place for a school project once and he opened his wardrobe and
it was just the same outfit he wears every day, five times
I was wondering for all eternity why this fucker came up with the same exact clothes every single day, truth is, he had them hanging pair-to-pair in his wardrobe like a lazy-town cartoon villain or some shit
I never went there again after that
I miss being happy, why has everything changed? I miss computer UI elements them had a 3D glass look and popped out at you. I miss the days when shovelware on Steam was just a rare occurrence. I miss the day when mainstream franchises were actually good, like Fallout New Vegas or Battlefield 3. I miss the days when I had hope we'd get a Half Life 3. I miss the days when you were actually allowed to be funny and someone wasn't getting offended constantly. I miss the days when comedians and movies were actually funny. I miss the days when our President wasn't a total idiot. I miss the days when mainstream media wasn't constantly criticizing the few things pur retard president does do right, or egg on the bad. I miss the days when you were allowed to have an actual political discussion without name calling or butt hurt faggottry. I miss the days when men could have standards over their preference of women and it wouldn't be sexist. I miss the days when pedophiles and ass licking poly whore couples were considered weird and at the butt end of jokes. Ultimately though what I think I miss the most are the friends I've lost to this mess. I graduated high school around the time it all started, and It just seamed like a cruel awakening.
How do you think it got like this? Are normalfags at fault? Nigger jews? Boomers? Or is it use for dropping out expectations so low?
Change your skin color to black.
Negative effect : get stoped by police every time or worse.
Plenty of people with issue have gfs and even get married
That’s what you said last year.
that's cool, find a chick who loves spiders I guess
top kek