I have a dog who has anxiety, so badly that he shits when he sees anybody that isn't me
He went to the vet and was prescribed pills to help, and they have been helping
I also experience anxiety but don't want to see a psychiatrist
Should I try his pills? Are feel better pills for dogs going to have the same effect on me?
I have a dog who has anxiety, so badly that he shits when he sees anybody that isn't me
it might be all in the dose. they should work on humans as well, but id suggest you try to medicate with smokes and liquer instead.
dont be retarded and go to the doctor instead of stealing your dogs meds you fucking animal
Dogs take the same meds as humans as a general rule. Dogs are also often overprescribed meds.
You can generally take them but tell me what medication it is exactly and I can tell you for sure.
-t. Chemist that specializes in pharmaceuticals.
I'm not 21 yet so those are hard to get my hands on.
Not to mention I just moved cross country so I don't have connections yet
Also, you’d really be better off going to a doctor and getting your own script tailored for your needs.
Trazedone 100mg
If these are feel better pills for me then I'll consider going to a doctor for myself
>tailored for your needs.
lol they just give what the big pharma sell them. it might occasionaly "work", but the ultimate design of big pharma drugs is to make man dependent on their products.
I used to abuse tramadol and other opiates and found my script and the giant bottle of pills in the back of the closet for my since passed dog were the exact same pills that I was abusing. Identical. Talk about a score, you don’t prescribe humans the amount that was in that bottle at once, I’ll tell you that.
Sounds like the ultimate goal of my weed dealer too, what’s your point?
my point is that current innovations and research in neurology are speculations at best, and there is not 'tailor-made' prescriptions really, even when you get your dna analyzed.
weed is not synthesized by man.
Trazedone is a fairly mild drug, taking your dog’s meds at night might help with falling asleep and maybe some depression and anxiety isssues, but if you’re having real problems it would not be the first thing a doctor would reach for.
If you were in a post apocalyptic world, and that bummed you out, and you found a bottle of trazedone, then sure. I’d recommended taking 150mg a day. 50mg In the morning, 100mg at night.
You fear the term synthetic because you don’t understand it.
You should always understand what you’re putting into your body.
Thank you friend
I'll definitely try it now that I know it's safe
Hopefully I'll start feeling happy like when I was little again
Maybe this is just what it's like to be an adult now, I'm not sure
you have to be very simple to decide that i irrationaly fear it. i know what this term means and stay up-to-date with current brain research. there is no synthetic that is fully explained (what receptors it affects, the different genetics that respond differently, etc). come at me bro.
Trust me, youre never going to find a drug that will make you happy like you were when you were a child.
But feel free(safe) to try it, I’m seriously well versed in this sort of thing and can basically promise you that unless you’re allergic (very rare), 150mg of trazedone daily will not kill or even harm you.
But it probably won’t help you, at least in the way you are hoping it will.
It sounds like you need an actual psychiatric evaluation, and combining that with a therapist. Especially hypno if your childhood had some traumas.
Keep in mind what are traumas in reality, are probably not such in your own mind. Rarely do you realize an event traumatized you. Especially if said traumatization represses your memory.
No synthetic that is fully explained...
So, how do you live your life? Are you Amish? Or are you afraid of every “synthesized” material around you and how it might affect your brain?
Or are you taking about a specific type of synthetic...something? For a certain...?....condition?
You clearly are an internet expert with no real clue about what you’re taking about.
Not trying to “come at you”, but you’re making a fool out of yourself.
Lol this guy arguing that weed is better because prescriptions aren’t tailor made to a person,
Shit where you living because my weed isn’t tailored made either. Would be nice tho.
look, it does good to some people, i don't underestimate meds, but i am aware of the illegitimacy behind it.
i'm not an amish i just don't consume prescriptions meds. it fucks up the brain chemistry and not to mention liver. if you're very old it might be okay idk.
>You clearly are an internet expert with no real clue about what you’re taking about.
an expert is an expert5, internet or not. you still haven't disproved my claim.
weed has a history of thousands of years of consumption by man, i can almost safely say weed and humans evolved together.
Holy shit balls you really are just spare parts, eh?
Lemme guess, vaccines are a government conspiracy and the earth is flat too?
Jesus Christ, figure yourself out mate.
you're just on a defensive mode too tightly, i can't argue with you can i? automated responses, like some puppet. do you take everything the doctor - your god - prescribes you?
>he shits when he sees anybody that isn't me
You shouldn’t be “estimating” medications, that’s the point. The difference between medicine and poison is in the dosage. Ages old saying.
Which is why I advised OP on the appropriate dosage for said problem and when to take it. (In the event of an apocalypse of course.) not trying to get sued after all.
There is also a very big difference between one who has studied biochemistry for years and one who has spent a dozen hours on the Internet “researching”.
I’ve probably spent more time writing a single paper on nanovaccination tech than you have spent in your entire life “researching” weed.
And hey, I smoke a bowl before bed almost every night. But weed, herbal remedies, and “non synthetic” medicines are not what saves and preserves lives. That’s just a fact. Take away all “synthetic” medication and we are back in the stone ages.
>I’ve probably spent more time writing a single paper on nanovaccination tech than you have spent in your entire life “researching” weed.
I published 2 papers in a q1 journal and co-authored another. You just assume you know shit, you know?
Poor Santa
Eh these only seem to help me sleep in the sense that if I take one before bed, when I inevitably wake up in like 3-4 hours I’m actually able to go back to sleep quickly. Doesn’t do much for anxiety, from personal experience.
Get a better dog
Based on your previous responses and your anti “synthetic” stance, I call bullshit. Link your papers.
also link the paper, give me 10 minutes and i'll find at least 3 logical fallacies/embarracing mistakes. publishing crap doesn't necessarily makes you an expert, more too often just an arrogant fag, as we both have witnessed itt.
I love tramadol. Only bad thing is they make it very hard to ejaculate.
Dogs absolutely do not take the same medications as humans, and the misconception that they do ends up in dead dogs every year.
Do not under any circumstance give your dog advil.
Also you didn’t argue with anything I said, you just got defensive about your supposed credibility.
Let’s face it, anything can be faked online.
Respond to and defeat my argument that “synthetics” are essential for the progress of humanity as a whole and that taking them can very well be a good idea.
Okay, let’s word this differently. Dogs are generally prescribed the same medications as humans.
That does not mean all human medications should be given to dogs.
In fact I’d say it’s riskier for a dog to take a human’s medication, depending; than a human to take a dog’s medication.
i'm the defensive one now?
>Respond to and defeat my argument that “synthetics” are essential for the progress of humanity as a whole and that taking them can very well be a good idea.
humans can live w/o it, and good, and be happy and comfortable? yes. there, i disproved your 'essentiality' claim. anything else?
Lmao there it is, the guy not linking his work, demanding the other guy to link his so his internet warrior brain can destroy his silly theories such as gravity and globe earth; failing that dox him and make life difficult. No thank you.
Do us all a favor and go get vaccinated bud, and consider a vasectomy while you’re at it.
again, you're on auto-response mode. i asked for a linked paper not seeing your prev comment, see the time diff - just 8 seconds, 1/100th of the time it takes to just solve the captcha.
but yes, you are an expert in cursing and homosexuality, ill give you that. :)
Hope you and your dog get better user.
It takes you over a minute to solve a captcha? Jesus Christ you really are actually retarded, I’m sorry man, I feel bad for picking on you now.
haha ok.
not as long as it takes you to reply not to the point. i think i win the argument(s) broderos.
Whatever helps you sleep at night mr antivaxxer. Just pleaseeee don’t procreate.
its kinda just midday where i'm at.
sadly i too don't see how am i going to procreate by myself, so you can sleep well.