>still your president
>still not impeached
>still 5 more years
Stay mad libcucks
Aren't you misinformed, Shlomo!
Here's your shekel. Spread more diversity for (((them)))
He was Impeached. Learn your government, retard.
please use facts to prove him wrong.
Hasn't been nade official yet. Lol. But polise might not be abke to keep delaying
Why do Democrats lie so much?
Hey retarded, it hasn’t gone to senate yet, and it probably won’t get passed in the senate
>He was Impeached.
Not until the articles make it to the Senate.
So for now.....Not impeached.
Kek. He's not impeached until Pelosi gets the papers over. Which she's taking her time on because Trump was such a threat to national security.
That's not how that works. Read a book,or go back to 2019. Or save us all time and neck yourself.
t. Eurocuck who doesn't have actual government and thinks America works like his shithole country
It actually is. Listen to something other than cnn
Being this retarded.
I'm sure your absent parents probably acknowledged how retarded you were. It's ok, enjoy a meaningless tort. You would think lower class liberals would understand the difference between a charge and a conviction. You must be one of the ones who gets to live with your parents, and not one of the ones who's parents are illegals and use your anchorage in order to remain here.
The level of hurr durr here.
Huh? The senate disagreeing with the impeachment won't remove the fact that he was Impeached. Learn your government retard.
Learn your government retard.
Learn your government retard.
I'm American and trump was Impeached by the congress. The senate has the vote to keep him in office regardless of impeachment, but he was still IMPEACHED.
Trumpfags are so deluded and suicidal.
Politics is so 2019
It's hard to be honest and enslave a nation to debt and taxes. Most people open a history book once in a while to understand things never get fixed by relinquishing power to the powerful
Yes, yes, we got it my nigger. You're retarded. We understand you can't escape how functionally autistic you are and your visual signs of self deprivation are just dramatic at this point. Go on, eat your tide pods kiddo. Finish what you've started for once
Impeachment is the business of the House.
Trial is the business of the Senate.
You'd know that if your were a real muriKKKan.
Correct. Why are foxnewsfags so deluded?
ITT many foreign trolls pretend to defend their Manchurian president.
>Impeached by House
LoL how fucking stupid do you have to be to not understand they're both Congress, and the Senate is the final say.
Eurocuck ahoy! Any American would know that
Impeachment is the charge, conviction is removal from office. You can’t even make the excuse you’re just trolling, because we all know you’re just dumb.
I was under the impression that it’s incomplete legislation and therefore he’s not impeached if it doesn’t go to senate by the end of the year, which it didn’t. Am I wrong in that? I’m not American nor really invested in American politics, but this is what I’ve heard.
Years of eating Trump's ass.
Brainwashing. If they aren't boomers who watch Fox News 24/7 they are the spawn of boomers watching Faux News 24/7. They have zero real world experience with politics outside of their parroting. Trump was impeached. That's a fact. Even his tweets try to make it seem like he was not impeached, yet the record states impeachment hearings turned into impeachment. Check the government website you fucking morons.
Libtards in denial: Impeachment doesn't mean he isn't still their president. No one took the impeachment serious because half the nation still loves him. Enjoy his next presidency, faggots.
This 'hes not really impeached' troll angle is really paying off for you guys, isnt it?
He's impeached. The house has final say on that, and it was finalized when they voted for it two weeks ago. The senate votes to remove him or not, which is different then the impeachment. The impeachment is permanent and final, and the 'hes not really impeached yet' is just the new troll go-to.
Incorrect. He's been impeached and can still be pardoned by the senate. See previously impeached presidents and their wikipedia pages or any credible source beyond that.
This is why America is failing. This is third grade level shit and you're still shit posting misinformation. Just remember to vote on Thursday November 5th, only liberal cucks vote on Tuesdays.
Wow. Droompfdtords are really reaching with this "he wasn't" angle. The fox news attempt at fake news is hilarious.
this is the best argument they have
>ohno da jews did it!
>it was hillary that impeached him all along
You retards are terrible at this and it's hilarious
Roughly 40% isn't really half.
Thanks Ivan
This fucking user knows whats up. Absolutely based
In trumpviet Russia, suicide do you!
>t. corporately-cucked
>t. opinionated via propoganda
>t. samefag
Your numbers are off. Just like when Hillary had a 99% chance to win
When is he going to dump the GOP and start the true party of Trump Nationalists.
these fuckers and work together fag
Congrats. This is really something.
>t. If only we give more power and money to the already rich and powerful that will solve everything
Why not cut out the week and dominate with only loyal Americans. Weaklings like Romney and Collins need to be removed from the ranks, make something better than before, he is a watershed President after all.
>no u
Huh? Are you fucking retarded? Repubs have been fighting to keep their 0.01% rich since the 70s. Are you a teenager?
Wikipedia is publicly funded. There’s even a thing happening where they beg for donations because it’s dying. The Joos and their shekels have literally no effect.
They all lie
Still impeached though, ennit.
How do you figure that?
Honestly corporations should not be able to lobby. This country's government was founded on the people's vote. Not lobbyist bullshit.
Bernie has been the only candidate to have a top-ten slot for presidency that doesn't take corporate/billionaire handouts since the early 1900s.
If you think shilling and corporate propoganda is running elective vote you should vote for Bernie. As a republican myself, and a centrist by current standards due to media coverage, Bernie is the only presidential candidate that truly speaks for the people. Before you spout media driven crap, go look at his website and reflect upon your ideals.
But socialism is bad.
Let's just cancel all socialistic programs in the U. S. Why bother having police and firefighters when we could just use GUNS to fight fire, right?
>no argument
can't veto the cheeto
He has been impeached, just not removed from office. Just like Clinton, he's impeached but the senate will acquit him.
>medicare and social security bad
>trump declaired three weeks ago that he sold increase social security
>socialism bad tho
Drermptfyards everyone
Literal puppets
4 more years frens.
Trump was impeached regardless of what lies Fox News is telling you.
>browse some Sup Forums for new years cuz lonely and I miss 2010
>Sup Forums retards blasting piss
>see this thread
>voting for Bernie Sanders now
I thought trump was awesome yet you guys have no argument. Terrific.
Donate to Bernie bro, he's only funded by the people. He has not taken a government, corporate, or private handout for his election. He's a man of the people. If you post your donation I'll donate double.
If anyone posts theirs with a timestamp I'll donate double.
>still not impeached
Boy Howdy!
Dec 11
>He has been impeached,
Still being argued as to whether that's true.
Pelosi is prevaricating over whether it's technically true he's been impeached or not. If he hasn't, then he hasn't. If he has, then the senate doesn't really have to wait for the House to set the timing.
Pelosi and the Democrats in the House want to have their cake (impeachment) and eat it too (hold off from a trial in the senate) - they can't do that.
ITT: amerifags who don't understand impeachment =/= removal from office. The cunt is impeached and therefore has a bad report card. Hasn't been expelled from school and probably wont be
>still being argued
Huh? No. It's on the document. He's impeached. Are you diverting or just a fakenews shill?
Only because the senate which he appointed is paid by his party.
ITT: drunpfoxnews
Clinton was impeached but he completed his term in office. Why? The senate acquitted him. There was no question he was impeached but because of the senate he was never removed from office. The same thing happened to Trump (he WAS impeached, not being impeached, not unclear if he was impeached, he was impeached). Now, it's up to the senate to decide if he is to be removed from office or get acquitted. Bitch McConnel has been saying the whole time he and his cronies plan to keep him in office, acquit him, since before the impeachment began. So, just like CLINTON, he is impeached and, just like CLINTON, he will be acquitted. What kind of crap to you read or hear to make the Cult of Orange still confused about this? Did high school stop teaching Govermnet classes or something? Oh, I get it, "conservative" media is now telling you that all your education is "fake news" too.
There's dispute over whether the technical moment of impeachment occurs when the case is presented/brought to the senate, or whether it occurred when the motion passed.
If it occurred when the motion passed, then the senate can (pending amendment of its own rules, which isn't a significant impediment) proceed to trial whenever it pleases - since the consititutional buck has been passed. If it occurs when the case is presented/brought to the senate, then he hasn't actually been impeach yet, it was just a statement of intent to impeach that occurred.
I'm not arguing over removal. Obviously the senate is likely to acquit should it come to them. I'm talking about at what point the constitutional point of "the senate shall try all impeachments" is met, at what point "the house shall have the power to impeach" is satisfied.
There haven't been many federal impeachments (whether of the President or any other office) and we've never had this kind of prevarication occurring regarding the impeachment vs the trial, so it's new legal ground. There's some state precedent one way and the other but that means little federally.
>thousands people died because no universal health insurance
>thousands got cancer because of shit air quality because no environmental legislation
>thousands died in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, etc. because hawkish politics
>"b-but we showed the libtards!"
he has literally been officially impeached
Take your meds.
>thousands people died because no universal health insurance
look buddy if its free i have no issue if i am forced to pay 200 a month for it im going to be fuming
Do you have any idea how much it will cost to treat poor sick people? Probably $20,000 a month per. They'll have cancer or some fucked up expensive thing.
take a hike
universal healthcare is cheaper than the current system
AND, people are not left outside of it
AND, there are no medical bankrupcies anymore
AND, it fucking works, as proven by European countries
name one European country the size of the US with universal healthcare
there are no EU countries the size of the US, dipshit
exactly so they are a terrible test case for the us having universal healthcare
>exactly so they are a terrible test case
that's not how it works
people get sick all the time and nearly all of them are sick at one point
however, not all people get sick all the time. only few percent of them
so if you pool the money of all people and remove the middle-man, you get good health care service to the few who are sick at the given point of time
the bigger country you have, the more money you can pool so it only works to your advantage
yeah, some people will be net payers in the system. just like there are net payers for the military, police, roads etc.
but nobody dies because they're afraid to go to the hospital and get >bills anymore
>Faux news
Try harder
So impeech
still presdint