I just quit smoking, how hard was it for you to quit smoking?

I just quit smoking, how hard was it for you to quit smoking?

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Get a vape. Every week reduce the nicotine by 0.5mg/ml. Once you're at 0 nicotine use something else to feed your craving to put something in your mouth. I used food, you'll probably use cocks.

umm... mods?

I'm on like day 4, it's not bad, although I am up at 3 am. I just locked myself in a room for 3 days with junk food, movies, video games and soda. Wasn't as bad as I thought, and the cravings were only really bad for like day 2 and 3

wasnt hard for me, no matter how many cigarettes I had I never got hooked on them. alcohol on the other hand...

I never quit, I just replaced cigarettes with cock

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I'm working on it right now.

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Shut up faggot

>you'll probably use cocks.
Lol ur a faggot

it was a fucking nightmare. got really stressed out, anxious and lost all patience for almost two weeks... I still have the occasional cravings but they get manageable. some really strong black licorice helped me in the beginning.

Very easy.
I've done it many, many times.

Fairly easy, kicked a 15 year habit after picking it up at age 16. I wanted to quit, i kept a half pack so it was a choice rather than a compulsion. That way there was no 'i'm out of cigs time to drive to the shop at 3am' stupid shit. If i had some on me, the 'habit' was the hardest part, morning smoke+ + coffee, smoking in the ca on long drives, going outside for some 'fresh air' etc, drinking + smoking was by far the hardest.
But, I just didn't want to do it anymore, so I didn't.

no you didn't . you will start again. go die in cancer

I quit like 10 years ago. Had tried nicotine patches and inhalers (vaping/e-cigarettes weren't much of a thing yet where I am, I'd heard of it but not readily available) but hadn't got far.
Ended up going cold turkey. Was a shitty few few months, and had mad cravings for years afterwards, but supportive wife helped get through. Just kept talking to her - whether in person or over the phone - when I got a craving and that helped get past it.
Still get cravings now and then, but I can handle them now.

I smoked from 12-25. I kicked it by doing a bunch of cocaine but still smoke in my dreams, very bizarre. Drop the habit, it's bad for your teeth.

easy the first time there is no second time

quit January of 2019 after like 14 years of smoking cold turkey, was pretty easy for me cause I just smoked weed the whole time but not everyone has that option so good on ya user for trying

Fucking hard. Even with a vape. Even with wanting to quit for a while before I quit. Also, even with being a “light” smoker- a pack every couple or so days.

by not going cold turkey Puritan abstinence, nothing kills you except in excess why is it so hard to understand that buying a nice pack or a few cigars like every 3 weeks or 4 weeks or maybe even less is fine given you live a very healthy lifestyle anyway just as it’s fine to drink on the weekends and spark up some bud every now and then, god is that how proof of how their brainwashing works on you?

Please stop been gay

New year's resolution eeh? I smoked my last blunt yesterday. I gave the rest of my weed to a friend.

Quit smoking? Lol people stopped to start with. Smoking since the 90's. That stuff causes cancer.

Took me literally two seconds after my first cigarette. Shit tastes like garbage. How anyone can be addicted to garbage I’ll never understand.

No one smokes anymore grandma.

Ipecac plus cigaret equals horrible memory.
not safe nor work safe, but it will work.
this was my first experince with Ipecac

This. They all suck robo cock now.

Beautiful ass. Source?