Why is JEB! married to a goblin? I mean he should have been able to get something better than that right?

Why is JEB! married to a goblin? I mean he should have been able to get something better than that right?

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She was hot in the 70s. Got himself a hot piece of Latina ass for being the nerd he is.

But like all Latinas she aged like milk.

What the fuck, she is literally a fucking goblin.

That's what happens when you accidentally knock up the nanny.

Donald knows when to cut losses. JEB!, well, he earned that.

>But like all Latinas she aged like milk.

in my experience they age pretty well, compared to other woman.

If you beat it, it drops treasure

Jeb is a mess

Can you imagine her as first lady?

Jeb clearly has some inferiority issues. Remember that first debate where he stood on his tip-toes for a picture even though he was already taller than everybody else? He probably thought he would be able to exert control over a 4 foot tall literal peasant but he said in an interview that he isn't allowed to speak English in the house.

Holy shit your experience is wrong, man.

There are not a lot of latina milfs. They get fat and old at around age 18.

He married the maid to prevent her from being deported, its not like Jeb wouldve been able to find a wife otherwise.

-Barbara Bush

Because he's a Beta cuck who couldn't wrangle a white. Just guac my bowl up.

Pic related is Trump with first wife.

this one is 50

You should read the story of how he met her. He was in college, and was a virgin, and he was on some Christian-charity mission in Mexican slums with his college Christian frat. He was in some Mexican slum and he saw a midget peasant girl and says he fell in love at first sight. She converted him to Catholicism and married him for a green card. Then Bush devoted his life to a treasonous political ideology that, with Jeb's luck, is now falling out of fashion, dooming his political prospects. The failure. The disappointment. The end of a dynasty. The autistic christfag virgin gets beat the fuck up by the sexy Chad.

Jeb's entire life is a sad state of affairs. It's so pathetic it's unamerican, really.

>cherry picking

He got guac taco fever.

I had it once, when i met a girl in WOW. She was half white and half Honduran.

Brown pussy can be good for a while, but in the long run no.

Ex was 5.0 and im 6.2.




His children are abomination as well. like his ugly and fat daughter.

This should end NWO Bush dynasty.

sorry, she's 45

pic related is 41

How... how tall is she?


She's not even a real mexican. Her parents inmigrated from fucking Guatemala back when she was little.

Jeb is stuck with a knock-off like his career.

Jeb, start the reactor

5"11. Jeb is 6ft.

Jeb is a mess.

>back when she was little

Y-you got m-more brasilbro???

>trumps wife turns out to be a dumb ass
>like their trump bully they turn around pick on someone weak

like clockwork

That can't be a real pic.

Her arms are like spaghetti noodles...fuck.

She really is a goblin.


I wouldn't touch either.

To be fair at least she speaks English


>be beta fag in collage
>meet qt3.14 in class
>little short but whatever I bet my 4 inches will make her squirt
30 years later she shrinks 3 inches

This is our alpha president and his 30 years younger wife.

Jeb threads were so funny. I miss them


I need to convince my dad to take me to Brasil instead of Russia, where can one find these women?

Is Yeb even relevant anymore? Did he crawl back into his little cave in obscurity once more?

They look right together to be honest.

>30 years younger

Why does she look the same age as him.

Women really are shit.

Wow you fucking racist.

She's a house elf ffs

>tfw no elf on a shelf midget waifu

why even live desu

*Mexican/Guatemalan/Honduran milfs. Spanish and many southern American sans perhaps Brazil chicks age just fine. Take a look at Selma Hayek, that fast and the furious girl, and a couple others I can't name at 5am. It's the central American ones that turn into goblins

>his President didn't marry to a Lebanese slave owner

She's wearing flyknits tho.

Jews genes got cucked hard.

> for being the nerd he is.

speaking about this is it possible that jeb might be a bit autistic? he definitely came off as that during his attempt at a campaign compared to the chad trump.

He's written a few butthurt anti-Trump articles. So much for that famous Bush honor.

Is jeb bush even related to George senior?


True story is that Prescot Bush used to be a sailor and in the south pacific he found a little island with a tribe of cannibals.

The chief of the tribe taught Bush how to summon demons from deep below and that they will trade riches with you, in exchange for human sacrifices. So Bush went back to America and created Skull and Bones, a secret organisation devoted to the deep ones, and that's how he got his oil fortune.

Little did Bush know that the deep ones slowly grew more confident and demanding, visting Bush in his basement more and more often. Eventually they asked to live among the Bush family entirely, and that's how his first son met his first wife. Barbara.

You see, at first the deep ones look almost human, but with age their skin becomes scaly and reptile like, with demon like eyes that stare into your soul.

Now, same as his father Bush jr. offered his first born to the deep ones. Prescot himself is rumoured to be still alive too. Somewhere in Texas.

Really? I thought her parents are from GTO.

Jebs** fucking autocorrect

Mexican women can be among the most beautiful on Earth and Jeb didn't think he could do better than that.

Fucking lanklet

She's white you fucking monkey

Barbara "Allister Crowley's daughter'' Bush
>It all makes sense now

That family is insane.

Also Aleister Crowley is George and Jebs grandfather.

she's brazilian, aren't we all black?

Where were you when Jeb Bush became alpha?


For real?

Nigga that was never hot.

you were right the first time fampai

Bitch looks like she has some sort of syndrome. Did they meet at church or prayer group or something? Mealymouthed religious nuts have a habit of taking on pity cases.


Well, the silver lining is that I bet his dick looks massive in her wee little hands, so... he's got that going for him.