Can someone remind we why we elected this racist orange cheeto fucking moron of a president?
Can someone remind we why we elected this racist orange cheeto fucking moron of a president?
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I like to think Trump supporters are secretly Jews trying to run America into the ground
Build the wall
middle america is full of retarded yokels
you're a lot of wankers
We need to gas the jews and make America great again
Stupid and poor muffs like this that’s how
Not me. I didn't vote for him.
Too many pissed off retards did.
Especially the ones who are racists and vote against their own interests.
Because we're fucking stupid
cant veto the cheeto
Mexicunt detected.
You are damn fucking right I'm addicted to anal sex, enjoy your pedophile of a president
sadly there are an awful lot of stupid, easily duped fuckers in the red flyover states
Uneducated Voters, Cyber Warfare, Coordination with hostile foreign power, gerrymandering, criminal republican campaign team, rascism and of course fox propaganda
Because it was either him or Clinton. Defiantly corrupt vs probably corrupt. All then left had to do was put forward a candidate that wasn't Hilary, that was the one criteria that needed to be fulfilled and they couldn't manage even that.
cause you are americunt
cuz of hurr e-males
why didn't Bernie get picked over those two clowns
weird anomaly of a broken electorate that hasn't scaled for population properly for over 100 years.
And Hillary is a cunt. She should have gone to the midwest more.
Won the election against dusty old communist, a corrupted, dried up whore that suicides people and someone who no one even batted an eyelash at.
Over 4 years later, and there are so many improvements in the country and you niggers are still fucking butt rustled. That attempted impeachment was hilarious though, Nancy Pelosi is a fucking withered old hag career politician
In party backstabbery. Gotta make way for the First Female President.
BBC lover yakubian detected
>Defiantly corrupt
I do it just to spite everyone dumb enough to believe we had it significantly better pre-trump.
It was Hillary's turn.
Nah, even if Bernie was nominated Trump would have won too.
America was ready for Trump to show her true colors. Last dying breath of the GOP.
You mad liberal's
Because we're a country of lazy morons
to save america
Fuck. Off.
> does more for nonwhites than any other president.
> still somehow racist because media kikes say so and communists cant think for themselves.
honk honk.
If all of that is true, why hasn't Trump been able to do anything about it?
Sure - Crooked Hillary.
>What about Bitch Mconnell? Even worst career politician.
Me candidate good, other candidate bad.
The DNC is as corrupt as Tweety Amin.
no u
>muh hillary
Kill yourself braindead trumper.
Cope harder poltard
daaamn its true, and now he did 2020!!!. love trump
Trump doesn't need to do anything about it, they're exposing themselves for the whiny cunts that they are. It's getting close to election time now and they're all squirming in their seats and it shows.
I lol'd
lol. u fag.
But a hell of a good cocktail!
>drumptards actually believe this
Rape Nigger women
Unironic OP here, you're right kek and it's working.
we should have been dragging politicians into the street for execution years ago. instead we got clown world.
> poltard
pol is a little soft core for me.
trumo is best president
But why not use his justice department to lock them up for their crimes? Isn't that how it works, why are they free if this is true? Why can't they find the evidence?
literal grandma meme
Nigger mentality is what is killing america
Fuck the left
I can't believe impact font memes are still real
Because 8 years of a black guy as POTUS mobilized all of the USA's racist to register to vote and make it to the polls. When the fat drunk idiots who think women belong in the kitchen saw the orange clown was running against a woman, they mobilized just as hard. Now you have a bunch of turds who made that orange turd their messiah because they are sick of their hate being branded bad.
lol fuck u
He might not be stupid but......
what about the fact that hes rich as fuck and managed big BIG businesses. Obama was a nigger
you didn't
you a filthy jew
go back to israeli websites or get ready for the ovens
trump went bankrupt several times, old bastard can't even manage his own fucking diaper lmao
Because he acknowledged US citizens as real people with real concerns rather than intentionally insulting vast swathes of the nation to make other people feel superior.
Eratosthenes says hi, also stop copying his notes.
This one always triggers the right wing snowflakes
He lost a billion dollars over ten years.
nah he knows he system, he played it. he's rich as fuck now, thats what matters. meanwhile you're eating instant mashed potatoes and quickmeals get fucked poorfag
Nah no one in the right is a snowflake, except for the weak baby pc liberal left.
The difference between "your" and "you're"
wow, he has more money, that obviously means he's superior, crawl back into your hole
trump can stand ther eon the podium talking about how he likes gold. then say bigly 5000 times in a fucking row. and I would still vote for him. In fact i would vote for him even harder, with my dick erect knowing liberals would be crying and sobbing wondering why the world is so mean. fucking losers
Nah nigga you can say happy holidays all you want, but Merry Christmas to you sir or ma'am.
Yeah i guess you had to resort to Photoshoping huh
So true.
I wish we had somebody like Trump leading my country. All we have is liberals and muslims. And living among muslims will make you dislike them. There is no way around it.
oof, this did not age well.