YLYL original content

YLYL original content

Attached: back.gif (360x908, 1.84M)

Orginal content?
In Sup Forums?
You're serious?

yeah bro. do a reverse image search if you don't believe me

for what its worth op i thought it was kinda funny

I got the idea from here.

Attached: 1577797251810.gif (331x1003, 1.13M)

what an amazing thread op

Should I create another one?

op i lost to your picture

yes I enjoy

Attached: wisely.jpg (700x851, 92K)

Attached: I Have Achieved Comedy.jpg (789x610, 74K)

Here you go. Original content. Freshly exported from photoshop.

Attached: coffee.gif (357x785, 1.34M)

Trying to make this the first meme of 2020, wish me luck

Attached: LjOGLZx.jpg (1742x3000, 792K)

Attached: DtmD7I3VAAAFuQj.png (1200x1577, 1.94M)

Attached: cursors.jpg (1500x4171, 403K)

shit on you carpet. take a foto. much better

More original content. Reverse Google image search to confirm if you don't believe.

Attached: cards.gif (360x921, 1.51M)

Attached: unknown (1).png (773x848, 545K)

This is great, I post on Facebook. Yes Yes

Attached: arQpn7rY_700w_0.jpg (552x617, 51K)


Well played AHHAHAHAHA

Attached: 1573070986438.jpg (750x749, 43K)

This one always made me feel so sad for the guy. It's just sad on so many levels.

It sucks, don't make any more of this shit.