I feel so betrayed. I really wanted to lick her asshole but I cant believe she went and got implants

I feel so betrayed. I really wanted to lick her asshole but I cant believe she went and got implants.

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OP I have a challenge for you
try to say something even more boring than what you just said


who is this and how big is his dick?

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Donald Trump is just as bad as Hillary Clinton if not more so.

listen I didn't mean to be rude but caring about e-sluts giving the middle finger to god is faggot behavior come on user you are better than that

How many times have you made this thread?

>giving the middle finger to god
You believe in god. KEK

Do you also believe that if you don't donate money to the church, you'll go to hell? Because the Preist needs gas for his cadillac... I mean the orphans need food. Yes user. Be righteous.

it's just an expression, autismo

Nah man. You believe in some silly story from the bible because that's what you've been taught to do your entire life and never questioned yourself as to why.

The reason OP is appauling to you is because you say he goes against God's will (or this ethot goes against God's will) but god doesn't exist.

no it's just an expression it's from a movie though I can't remember which one

Error: Your post contained banned text.
Error: Your post contained banned text.

theres a nice big fuck you to the trannie jannies and the faggot mods cuz i need a vacation from this shit hole.

connect that link up that and try and post it, and watch as u get insta banned for 2 or 3 days (I forgot it was a nice vaction). its a global rule but i can't find where it is on the list its like being accused of a crime because i broke some secret law I couldn't have known about. kinda gay tbh

Your sense of betrayal is false. You were never in a relationship with her.

You dont know that, user. The relationship was strictly business but still... how could she do that to me?

What if you just kill her? Will that make you feel better?

Exactly, instead of giving up your dream of licking her, you should punish her for ruining her body.

Killing her would be too quick.

She needs to suffer for what she did...

Do implants alter the flavor of the asshole in some way.

Attached: carlichu 2.png (1076x1008, 311K)

I'm sure she wanted a retarded faggot like you anywhere close to her anus. Fuck off and talk to a real girl this doesn't matter dude.

Youd be surprised

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Because she could care less about you, you are just a dollar sign to her. She's a sex worker, it's completely meaningless to her and you're either lying to yourself or a serious dumbass.

Retard, she's telling you what you want to hear because she's a sex worker and wants your money. How fucking stupid are you to assume this is genuine? Seriously you have to be stupid to think you mean anything to a camgirl on the internet, she only cares about her boyfriend.

and her boyfriends name is Benjamin