Waifu New Year's Resolve

Waifu New Year's Resolve.

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Hirasawa Yui

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I already gave u on my resolution.

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still here


what was it?

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1080p ?

das a nice mug you got there...

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Still queer

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how is your journey into survival horror going?

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I didn't have one.


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Happy new year you people I love you so much and I also love my waifu because they're good for me and a thing like them is the best that can happen to someone like me.

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s-sorry ;_;
i was meant joke :(

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never mind i'm not sleeping

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i spent two minutes on the captcha so let me spend 2 more to update my post
never mind it was under 1 minute
Relm says hi
Red Vox is based
hello Earth i missed you, i was really hoping to see you today

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I didn't understand it.

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My new year's resolve is; getting stronger.

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oh it's okay.. was biggg lame anyways °-°
i just hope you had a nice evening fren

gonna play some more wow... maybe the tsugu fren shows up.. though they have been of for 22 days now

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thanks nice feet you got there
its going ok. i stopped so no real progress

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I saw it I was too slow. Sorry for not posting I don't know when to post.
I have the special version of those song in my folder I will post them on the next victory lap
don't stay awake too long dear anone, sleeping is based and you need to keep up your rythm or drift into insanity
-- how much stronger?
Maybe Tsugu is getting more powerful off-screen and will return in the future with lots more resolve gathered while pursuing their life goals

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that's pretty good
it's okay, don't worry, you're fine. i'm glad you're here anyway. hello. thank you
special version? i bought the discography. i never heard the one you posted before!!
it's okay, it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's oayk it's okay it's okay it's okay it'sk oay it's okay it's okay its aoky it's aoky it's okay i'ts aoky it's okay it's okay,. it's okay

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did you find Richard?

Should be getting a better waifu.

Have fun then.

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i did find him. he died after i got the serum.

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merry new year everyone :3

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you into feet or something ^w^

i really wanna watch the tomo now... maybe this evening, once im done with what im watchign currently

uh huh.

but doesn't that mean you are weak right now?
-now, i strike!
+pulls out dagger

oh im having fun :3 doing bunch of dungeons in starting region that i was too weak for in the beginning
killing everyone in one shot is so cool :) like biggg aoe attacks obliterating everyone feels gud man


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it's oaky, here:
they messed up on the youtube uploads with three of these and accidentally put an extra audio track in.
to you too cutie, you think this year will be better than the last one?
that's just mean, man

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a little. if you find the time let me know!

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punch my abs now
is that a 3d render or a drawing?
hey you, good prenoon
thank you, you're nice. thank you. thank -you-. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you.
that's really interesting. that's really cool. i like that... is this a SiIvagunner reference?
are you having a good day? is it morning there? that's cool! so you're gonna be awake all day, huh? guess i am, too

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heylo there Supreme-chan, how are you today?! :3

cutie?! awwh that's sweet as fuck, although i'm not half-as adorable as you are

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did he actually die or did he just lay there?

I still need to find an MMO to get into.

Looks 3D to me.

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hello there user-san, sorry i wasn't ignoring you

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lay there. i mean i walked into the room and there was a zombo. that and i told i was actually retarded for not burning the zombs in thread.

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+shoots you

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your pics are very cute >w<
i like them all!!!! even if there's not much

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thanks tanks
I don't think it is... is it? I think it was probably a mistake and unintentional. But it's nice this way, I think..
I am having a super, I didn't go to bed yet but yes. I'm in the state of mind to not worry too much about things anymore and I didn't plan for this but now I will just spend the first day of the year doing things I love. I checked the foresty and seaside routes I used to wander a lot to clean up some of the tactical nukes people might have dropped there, but apparently, on new years, many decided to spare those areas of trash, despite them being very much accessible and desireable for building a rocket launch pad.
That really made my heart well up.
You drink a lot anone, I'm sure you can remain positive, after all, you're really good at making me remain positive!
It's like 1 PM soon I had a very cool night but I got pretty beat up during it so now I need to rest a bit before starting the new year.
hey what about you though I almost forgot to ask?

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oh nouuu~
where did you get such advanced technology!? i thought my dagger to be the fastest around these parts of the empire! witch!

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nice feet are cute sometimes

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Maybe I'll try it sometime. Warframe is a no-go though. I just can't play it anymore.

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i got captcha blocked for about 10 minutes
cool, thanks
it's fine, no worries
i'm okay.. tired, would you believe it?
wait not now i'm not doing pull-ups or whatever
tanks, huh? i think those burn a lot of oil and metal and stuff
how could you mistakenly put that in?
super yes yay yay yay
that sounds amazing... i wish it was morning enough for me to understand what outside looked like.. it's a bit cold, anyway. that sounds awesome. i hope you had an awesome time as awesome as you are.
that is amazing poetry. are you a poet? every word you put on this screen for me to consume is another realization of how inadequate i am and i can only stand in awe putting my own half-baked things on face type

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h-how >///<
i prefer thighs...

dm me when you do there's so much stuff and it's gud with a fren to help out in the beginning so it's not such a bad grindfest

ya i figure... you a veteran after all
haven't really played that many mmos really to suggest anything else...
i mostly do sp games

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they just are. thighs are nice too tho

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Have a good new year, weebs. You are alright.

heh im surprised im in the all right category

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you're right so do rockets next year I'll fly out with a balloon and a bugnet and catch them from the sky
Captcha Skynet just wants you to go to bed.
I don't know how maybe the person editing and uploading the things to youtube did a prank or someone mixed up a montage project with the music. Or magic.
You're way too nice on many occasions I am just tired. Usually, I don't have the throat to just post things I want but when I'm half asleep, my anxiety is just not as strong.
Which means that you might have to directly tell me when I annoy you for me to realize, sorry in advance.
you too user, thank you

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Maybe next week I'll start, but I've no idea what it's like.

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don't come to waifu thread tomorrow?
that sounds really fun! we gotta do that together!!!
captcha skynet is stupid!
yeah, i guesss... magic.
and you must be kidding, right? if your most beautiful posts are just half-asleep, sleep-drunken posts out of an already deteriorating psyche and mental stature, then i don't know what to believe!
give me a good reason you would annoy me

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so sad tho tomo has none :|
toma a plain one...

idk who this is but

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they have enough for me. like i could keep someone that has over the top attractive qualities happy really

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You too.

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Well, when I'm fully awake and aware of my surroundings I always overanalyze myself and construct a lot of what I say from what other people might like to hear, when I'm dozy I'm not capable of being that careful, and that can make some really cool posts, but it's not healthy in any way, I can't always have my brain be mushy.
I don't know why I would annoy you if I knew a reason I would stop the reason and then I wouldn't know anymore. So i hope you or anyone else notify me and tell me to shut up when it happens, thanks in advance.
cute post user but I don't think being attractive makes you more picky or less happy automatically

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fin then, as long as you are happy my dear fren ^w^


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well, if he didn't actually die then you'll get a surprise later on

i suppose not but it is easier to be one of those two at least? im odd and am not terribly good at actually holding a decent conversation. that isnt their fault. purely my own and how i act.
quite happy holding the pillow
damn how fast do i need to be?

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lol idk, you have to be fairly quick though. did you find the giant snake yet

No need.

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>captcha blocked again
you, too
what's wrong with having a brain softer than mashed potatoes? that's what i do!
i assure you that if anyone is to annoy anyone, it will with 10010101010105%%+100 be me

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Yui, too.

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nope but richard talked about it

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damn im too scared to get one myself... talked about this a lot but it's jsut too great of a risk man
im jealous of you kinda... >w<

take this
and that
and this too

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well. i kinda got it as a gift and since then ive been holding it close. its more sad then anything

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I don't like them.

I downloaded the video and extracted thousands of frames from it and went through all of them to pick the ones that I liked the most. I ended up with about 20 images, only use 10.

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Well, you can be very unattractive and less happy and very picky though, some people become more picky to compensate for barely ever being picked. Confidence is really just a choice that anyone can make with enough devotion.
You can become a different person and act a different way, or consider that maybe, your oddness and inability to make conventionally interesting conversation don't make you less desireable to have around, you had long been forced to develop qualities elsewhere which make you interesting now. I think both are okay you just have to choose.
I get where you're coming from though and it's a nice thought that them being "less conventionally attractive"(too stupid to word this better) makes them more perfect and reachable for you, but if Tomoko really went to have meaningful feelings for someone less attractive then I don't think they'd let something as garbage as "out of their league" stop them, even if it could make them hesitate at first.
If you were a really beautiful person, would you not like Tomoko anymore? In other words; do you think that dedication to yourself and her couldn't make up for thighs?
Also don't feel pathetic for liking a gift that's kinda been made to you.
captcha is now trying to turn me off
Well but if I keep saying anything that crosses my mind! I might end up saying something that I will regret saying at that point in time!
Also, I think sleep is elementary to my existence, as evident by the fact that I see actual illusions, like ghosts, and hear voices, when I am as tired as right now. And none of them are much like Earth chan, they are all like something else.

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it's morning outside
poggers, this is totally getting highlighted
i dislike how her breasts are misaligned
oh no... we can't let the botnet split us apart... if only we had some sort of... alternative method of contact.
hm, like what? your full name, address, and your credit card details?
hey can i have your credit card info?
whoa... are you schizophrenic? perhaps you should sleep
when i get really tired i do a Joker impression

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what?! from who.... damn awesome fren you have there! °-°
no it's not ^w^
...just a little but is oki!!

okay... i guess you are happy then.

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heh confidence is a thing i feel rarely at this point. no. i know what fake conversation is and few can actually follow when i talk about things i truly feel something for. its not that they are more reachable or lesser its just that my nerd shit might actually make sense for more than 3 seconds. its a pathetic gift meant to negate loneliness and an inability to grow close to people. the person that gave it to me has accomplished that at least.
heh its okay sometimes
dont talk to them anymore. fell apart years ago at this point. ehh its a toss up on that last part.

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now im sad :(
hope you get together with them someday again...
is comfy i bet ^w^

i made soup...
i eat soup!

do you play any gaem fren?

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i dont want to really. they wanted to use me for things and it wasnt good. is comfy enough alone yes.

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I drink Müllermilch and will eat a banana.
I only play; Dead By Daylight, RoE, LoL and whatever new interests me nowadays.

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oh shit! didn't expect that, glad you got out of that °^°

l-like how comfy... what do you do... like just use it as cushion or something i wouldn't know i don't have one... only 'normal' cushions

oh! you have to be a kraut! i just know ^w^
banana not gud for me... gets stuck easy, i once ate like 6... was bad idea

RoE seems interesting... didn't know that one thanks!

all i ever play these days is wow and also some crew every now and then and some cs:go as of late... used to play warframe but kinda dropped it for wow, though want to get into it again someday

you a gud fren! ^w^ thanks for having normal conversation

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i dont talk about it much. it makes me feel bad. i wrap my arm around it and that seems like enough. i cant sleep fully wrapped around it. been sleeping like that for a while even if that sounds sad.

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please forgive me for bringing it up! won't happen again.
cute~ ^w^ and it's fine if you're not able to slep like that, everyone has their own slep position they find over the years
like for example, i can not slep on my back, only on tummy!
or the side works too but for the love of sata, i can not slep on my back like most people it's just impossible

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heh its okay. you dont bring it up as you wouldnt know its a weird spot for me. my back is the comfiest for me but i can do my side if need be. sleep tummy side on top of me tho tbh.

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Reality is kind of breaking apart in this little reply box up here but I think about the threat of accidentally doxxing myself a lot and am paranoid enough to have prepared mentally. I am more worried about disclosing important secrets, or saying something that I don't mean. I am not in control of myself.
Why do you need my card info I thought you have a lot of vbucks.
I didn't consider myself shizoid but considering that this is the 4th time I experience this phenomenon I might be, is that bad?
Is it a good Joker imperssion?
Also I forgot that part of your previous post existed while typing it and retyping it and et cetera... sorry. But I'll make sure to tell you extremely clearly and directly if you're ever annoying to me, until then, just imagine that I bathe in your posts like a flower in the sun.
I made like a really long blogpost for you and then I decided that I'm just gonna ask you to get rid of annoying parts of yourself as best as you can (which you can) and to no longer consider Tomokos thighs a leading factor in whether or not she would understand or even revel in your nerd-shit, because the volume of those body parts is mostly irrelevant to that, I am positive.
Every super attractive person is noteable, but not every noteable person notices you, because you're not noteable to every person.
And once you're attractive, being noteable to someone isn't special, and won't be special too long for them, if not for other reasons, anyways.

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i don't get how people slep on back... it just feel like you are more vulnerable... like what if bird comes and pecks eyes!?
of course OwO

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no. the parts that dont mesh well seem to be intrinsic to who i am. i wont change those as id be lying as to who i really am. tomokos thighs could be any size they are hardly a focus to me. i agree that their volume is unimportant. its not that im noticeable it that im hardly worth peoples time. granted i dont really help it to be worth it to them. im generally bitter and dont have much to say.
it just comes easiest that way minus my arm under something else. it will have a hard time beating a window. nice of you.

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Kneesocks claimed

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welcome welcome

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no no no your arm isn't under anything, you just flip your joints around and have them reside on either side of you.
why beat window ;_; what'd win do?


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i dont like that. wrapped around a pillow or person sounds best. the bird beating window heh

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If that was true, then it would be in your nature to be conflicted, since your nature is ultimately also what determines whether or not you like certain personality traits of yours. After all, you is you, and if you dislike something about your situation, the parts of you disliking that something must be integral to you as well.
Maybe that's possible, but if so, then why not fight it? You would have nothing to lose and maybe you could find comfort with facettes of yourself you're not designed to find comfort with, despite the odds.
Also, as anonymous and as clueless as text replies on /waifu/ might be, I see evidence suggesting the opposite of what you say about yourself might be true in your posts every other time you make a post, which is why I am typing this to begin with; because you produce value that makes it worth my time to concern myself with you.

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oh well, as long as you are comfy is gud :)
ohhhh!! of course! ya! the window...

back to wow i go

is that one of those concentrated camp sites? °-°
why tomo

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I'm not. RoE has playerbase issues, you'll only get full matches at certain hours. I played WoW on private server.
I got new clothes for my character.

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besides that uwu
sure but that doesnt mean those will change. hah comfort in things that make me feel miserable and want to recede further into myself any time they come up? you may concern yourself with me but that would be wasteful. ive tried friendships. ive tried more than that. it all just leads back to worse things. my fault or not i dont like it.
have fun with wow. it seems like a good time.

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One of my many past edits

My blood pressure owo

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fuck sorry to kill you umu

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No, comfort, rest, peace with being forever forced to hate certain parts that define who you are, which normally causes an everlasting internal conflict.
If that even can exist which I am not entirely convinced of yet since it would mean your psyche features self destruction by design and is hardwired to do that which seems impossible.
Why not? After all, you have nothing to lose, these aspects of your nature that you dislike are still there, no matter if you fail to change them or don't try at all, so both by trying to change them or by learning to work on things you want to be despite them being permanent you can develop in no direction but into the direction you desire. Isn't this ultimately the advantage of having no advantage?
I'm not trying to be your friend I like you, your posts, and it would be a shame if someone who adds to me feels like they can't add to themselves in any similar or other way so I reach out. It's not exhausting to me.

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ah! thanks for the info... i won't be checking this out then if it's not that active anymore
but you don't play wow anymore right?
is fun tho... ^w^
that skirt doesn't look too... 'practical' eWe

well sure it is a gud time, but talking with you is more fun- still! i did need to finish some stuff there. don't you just love it when you take up like 12 quests and hand them in all together at the end? so gud UwU


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my pieces seem to fit wrong. the things i like or feel are just that much off. nothing to lose may make it easier for some but i dont like that. it can always grow worse. i dont even know what direction i really want. it feels hollow to think i would want otherwise. this is a mess of a statement and i know that. it is very kind of you to think that. i feel like it will all just end in failure and regret. i dont want anymore of that.
watching small numbers slowly get bigger is one of my favorite pastimes!

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No I don't. Private servers are often empty and I always played alone once in a while. Not gonna drop $$ on subscription for a game that I would play for a week then quit.

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third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eight captcha block... no matter how human i try, i keep getting blocked... somehow it just worked... an easy captcha, too. they must be laughing at me
it took me almost an hour to make a single post...
super cute cat maid
oh... okay, sorry.. that makes sense, yeah... i understand
i don't have a lot of vbucks, now give me your money and your dox
nah, it's probably like... a spectrum or something... you're probably fine.. see a doctor if you're worried...
no, it's a bad one. you know the bad Joker, the one nobody likes? it's like that Joker except worse
it's okay, please no worries. eEarth is nice and smiles and yay. i'll try to imagine that... but it's really hard for me to do so becuase i'm scared i'll do something wrong. thank you for being so considerate. i owe you a good time........... ha i die now
good night

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that she is. night.

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ohi didn't know, never been on one
ya man i been thinking about that part too cuz until a few days ago i didn't really play much this month.... but idk ill leave it on still cuz i find i come back to it every now and then and it jsut like 20€ or so anyways so is fine

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*pat pat*

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