Straight user only thread

straight user only thread

would you fuck her ass?

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Yes, I've seen pics and it looks very tight.

Post ass

You mean "his" ass, and no because I'm not a queer like you

Yes definitely.

You idiots need to go away. If a man has never made your dick hard, but a trap does guess fucking what? You are straight.


No. And anyone who replies with "yes" is factually not straight.


Same thing, Travis

Imagine both your hairy balls touch. Lmao YOU ARE A FUGHIN FAG. SORRY!

>being this delusional

A trap is a MAN dressed as a woman. You're still getting an erection to a man. This is not a heterosexual response.

Yeah being attracted to this sure is gay.

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all these straight fucks would fuck that 100% but are to chickenshit to admit it

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> not queer
> only posts in trap threads

how do you post with a dick in your mouth?

Gay or not gay?

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Like it really fucking mattersd you damned troll. If it makes you happy then have fun

Gay or not gay? (Two)

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You would fuck her and you know it. If you did not like it then you wouldn't be following this thread.



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Not gay?

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Yes it is gay
>to chickenshit to admit it
Sure that's how it works fag, not everyone wants to take a dick in the ass and be homo simply because a man likes to play dress up
That's a no from me fam
>only posts in trap threads
Lol I just find it it amusing how you justify being straight when you're clearly attracted to mens assholes. Sorry to say it but you're a homo in denial
Definitely gay, you can convince yourself all you like that it's a normal attraction
You would fuck "him" and you know it.
>If you did not like it then you wouldn't be following this thread.
Stay mad faggot, why is it so hard to just admit you're gay?
They have a mans face, I don't care if they're actually women and it's b8, still wouldn't smash

her? what? it's a dude, no

This is so sad and paranoid. Anyway half of those were pics were born women. Enjoy being terrified there's a dick lurking in the pants of every girl you are attracted to.

>having hairy balls

Majority of traps/trans are not even close to passable but the ones who are? Of course as soon as I found out there is a cock between his legs I'd bail as any heterosexual would

So it's only gay once you know there is or use to be a dick. And anal and blowjobs are always gay. Just vaginal making baby intercourse allowed?

everthing else is degenerate; even two dogs rutting know they're beta faggots hoping the alpha gets shot and they might step up

if it's a man, it's gay, it's pretty straightforward

Could of just saved time and just said you were crazy person at the start.

Yes it is gay if you're sucking a mans dick or fucking his asshole, and the likelihood of you coming across a passable trap is next to impossible. You'll know its a dude right away which makes you a homo

No. You a fag. Just admit it who cares.

if you wouldn't smash her asshole even if she has a cock yall must be fags in denial

You're all a bunch of faggots


If he didn't have tits hell yes I would. Just because I like tits and dicks it doesn't mean that I like them together. When will traps fucking learn?

I would not fuck a man, user.
I would not fuck him with a horn.
I don't care if there's a dress.
I will not touch that faggy mess.
Feminine the dick may be
Sucking cocks is for OP.

holy crap, source?

trying so hard to prove hes not gay kek

omg fresh sprog xD
*gives gold*