Be me

>be me
>suspicious of my dad cheating on mom
>go through his phone
>checked deleted pictures in google drive
>found this pic of him kissing a man
Can someone explain wtf is going on. Is he gay or something cuz he’s the most masculine man I ever knew?!

Attached: AFD9730A-F011-4A54-978C-6B7AB94C294F.jpg (213x174, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fake. jog on

I wish.

worst shop 2020, and the year just started

Attached: 1577887445603.jpg (213x174, 15K)

Your father is gay which means you’re just a double cock guzzler, it’s genetics homie

Fuck off faggot

>faggot hurr durr
Says someone who has a fag father lol.

lots of married men are gay, they were born gay/bisexual, just because he wanted to get married to a woman and be a father does not mean he dont like gay sex too, let him live his life, if he is not hurting your mom then she should be fine with it, so dont break your mom's heart unnecessarily


Nice larp virgin

Looks like he's making out with a clone of himself so it's not really cheating

Attached: gayson.jpg (474x266, 83K)

good now blackmail him to fuck your white sissy pussy with his big daddy's dick

Attached: tumblr_pioacuAg2k1tf33lwo5_540.jpg (507x640, 30K)

Attached: 1533606696996.png (1080x1303, 883K)

>I ever knew?
But you type like a girl? So clearly its genetic?

Attached: op.png (600x483, 335K)

You’re both Faggots congrats

Fuck off pussy, that's the coward way

Tell your mom your dad is sucking cock before she learns 20 years later and die of a streak, don't waste anyone's time, and fuck all of you faggots who think they're morally superior by lying and being a shit son

Dude it's a shoop. That little faggot OP is having a fantasy. I'll bet he doesn't even know his dad.

Attached: 2e5[1].jpg (400x602, 77K)

Why the fuck does it matter if he's gay, faggot? Doesn't change the fact that he raised you like a proper man. He's a grown man. He can do what ever the fuck he wants.

Besides, nothing is more manly, than letting another man pork you in the anus.

Faggot spotted

Are you ducking retarded?

faggot spotter spotted

I suppose his white collar is for some reason two feet high on the left side, and both of their chins are really squiggly lines. Maybe you're right OP. Maybe you're not a faggot.

Attached: 1572907907197.jpg (604x340, 48K)

Are you really that much of a loser that you would spend all that time making a shitty photoshop just to shitpost and have it get called out?

POst the full size image so we can see your piss-poor shops skills properly.