Why has there been a rise of single mothers?
Why has there been a rise of single mothers?
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nowadays they break up with you because you didn't get a haircut on time. no loyalty left. nobody cares about fighting for your love when you can find a new girl/dude in every bar/on tinder.
You shouldn't care about it, these people will always fuck themselves over. I was taught to stay away from those types of people even if they're the nicest in the world.
Or because you work a lot and dont give her attention. So she goes out and finds attention.
Because women can't plan for the future.
They simply can't.
satanic jew culture
It's easier for the state to raise your child instead of a husband/boyfriend. Also how society is now focused on pushing women out of their traditional roles as a housewife.
Because the government and ex husband still have to support the sluts
That kinda shit y
I have never met a woman with good forward planning skills, regardless of age. Even the ones who know better, and do some planning, never do enough.
Who is this semen demon?
because more and more males are seeing marriage as a bad deal in long term relationships and more females are beginning to ride the cock carousel.
No fault divorce and welfare, thanks reagan
My mom is like the only exception really.
I dont think so, it was just kept on the down low back in the day
Nice "girl"
Because they are subsidized by the government through welfare and don't have to learn from their mistakes.
Women got the vote.
Started to replace the husband with the state.
One sock...you're better off without her...she looks degenerate af.
>Why has there been a rise of single mothers?
Take a look at that .gif you posted as an example.
It is now NORMAL for young women to post stuff like that. It is now NORMAL for young women to be sluts and whores. And no normal man wants to date or marry a slut or a whore. It is ingrained into the male psyche not to respect a slut or a whore. Yes, we want to fuck them, but that's it.
There has been a rise of single mothers because no man wants to be monogamous with used goods. Any man that says he does is either lying or a cuck with a shattered soul and no self-esteem.
Modern women are garbage.
They can't cook, they won't clean, they don't want to have kids until there is a high risk of autism, they won't stay home and raise kids, they are at least 50% likely to take all of your shit, and when they are young they feel the need to have a lot of fun and not plan for the future.
They are overwhelmingly indoctrinated by leftist media, the vote against the national interest comma they believe that they need special laws to promote them at the expense of others the in the name of equality, and in general they are used to having everything handed to them.
Because of the rise in nigger fathers
Outside of feeding their kids, single mothers only plan on what they will post on Facebook. Everything else is spontaneous including the dozens of nigger cocks that miraculously spawn in their rancid banged out farty vaginas
every good boy's mommy is the exception!
+10 GBP for you
but really there are some women with sense and independence, they are just not common because its so easy to manipulate with pucci
eastern european gals are alright, particularly belarus since male suicide rate is so high there
Who is she?
She is captivating.
Because men have turned to shit over the past 50 years. Fucking mancchildren need to grow up, why the fuck would I want to be with one?
Some slag who will be too old would not bang in like three years tops.
why oh why did I expect a feminine penis...
There actually hasn't.
The early 90s were the peak.
Do singe fathers do better than single mothers?
No man wants you David
I blame jews I guess
>Why has there been a rise of single mothers?
because of tolerance
Pick one
The original plan for no-fault divorce included mandatory marriage counseling.
But you are correct. And marriage was further debased by the gays.
Basically this. A coworker actually quit his job working at a pretty nice CPA firm because his girlfriend kept complaining that he worked too much.
She didn't mind spending his money though
Men are also at fault here, at least normies, as they've been pushing their settle down age to at least 35 yo and many women don't want to be mothers that old.
Women suffer from being really boring creatures. Yet they want and require a certain amount of attention.
It's sad, really.
>Why has there been a rise of single mothers?+ 0 post omitted.
"Sexual liberation"
Cause a woman is so powerful if she has one night stands with a bunch of anonymous men. Then she ends up with a baby and she doesn't know who it belongs to and is conflicted not wanting to abort it.
Do you lack the self awareness to even hear how vain you sound?
Because they can and there is no incentive to stay with you.
Women bring sex into a relationship men resources and social status. When the state forces you to give her resources there is no repercussion for divorcing you.
Women always rode the cock carousel, but now social media and all makes it far less discrete, even glorifies it
>Some slag who will be too old would not bang in like three years tops.
I just wanna jerk off to pics of her mate
Dafuq, Is she into Wong's grope? But to answer to your question is idk afaik
>financial ruin
great choices.
Rise and domination of Black/African culture over the West, Black culture encourages YOLO, hump and dump, no usage of condom and abandoning of children
Because white "men" are bas husbands and beta by nature. Unlike alpha, Muslim men who can satisfy white women. Damn she's hot, like my ex in Kiwiland
i think thats his sister t b h desu
1. Sexual revolution
2. Abortion as contraception/mistaken belief in contraception being 100% effective
3. Welfare state
and after a while
4. The prevalence of single mothers
People are having sex not just out of wedlock but casually too. They don't consider that every casual romp could result in pregnancy regardless of contraception used, but hey there's always abortion. Of course abortions are quite a horrible experience so when confronted with the need to actually follow through with it they balk at the plan, which is made easier by the fact that daddy, some beta and the state will all play a role in raising your bastard spawn. Eventually single mothers become so common that men accept it (you wouldn't touch them with someone else's a hundred years ago) so there's no deterrent against becoming one and the sons raised by other single moms grow up having no idea how to be a man/father and create even more single mothers.
Women are only exciting for so long and usually don't pull their own weight so men bail.
That being said, theres also a lot of deadbeat fathers who pump and dump and never care for the children
Ironically enough it's because of Birth Control.
That shit isn't 100% effective but it lets women get used to fucking someone on the regular without worries and they stop being careful about their cycles and eventually they stop being careful with their meds or that 99% effectiveness rate kicks in and they get that 1% baby they thought was impossible.
That and women who keep giving it up discover that they have limited to no value to a man other than sex and need something to trap a guy in a relationship when they start to feel lonely and need a partner. So they get pregnant and he'll put up with it for a while and skip out or he'll leave as quick as hell and she's stuck with it.
that's a boy
lol that image
>Why has there been a rise of single mothers?
Because cunts are the majority of the electorate and the vote in politicians that do everything to privilege single moms.
Hmmm... I wonder.
>men have to settle down with women their same age
This, exactly this.
>Confusing cause and effect that hard
It's because women have been brainwashed by media, feminism, social media, and television shows like the Kartrahians to believing they only deserve the very best.
Most women are immature and irresponsible and they've made to believe they're superior to men in general. Practically every television sitcom portrays the husband as a bumbling idiot who can't do anything right, et al.
Today's woman is arrogant, vain, immature, and lazy. They've been conditioned to always look for the upgrade - the better looking guy, the guy with the better job, etc. You see a lot more average looking, nothing special, women refusing to date anyone other than a young Brad Pitt - because they've been brainwashed into believed that's what they "deserve."
Jesus Fuck you sound like a killer
>Ignoring the role of Oxytocin and diminishing returns, in augmenting pair-bonding.
There hasn't been, unless you're living in Buttfuck, Kentucky.
"How the UK halved its teenage pregnancy rate: Political support at all levels, long-term commitment and changes to social norms behind success of public health strategy."
I'm confident that OP is contributing to this decline by refusing to inseminate any single woman. Congrats on your courageous stance, OP.
Killer or not - he's right.
There are a lot of single mothers because of people in their early 20s having romantic notions and then realizing that there is no financial bond to make the relationship worth more than the feeling of love that might just last 5 years.
To make relationships work in the long run people need careers and financial investments together as well as good families that are offering extra money to help with the home etc.
Lots of people dont have this so when trouble begins in the relationship its easier for them to cut ties than work through to the other side.
Dont get me wrong. There is love too but being financial partners helps put longevity in being love partners.
And you sound like a pathetic whiteknight virgin
because women dont need men anymore. daddy govt is there to protect her
Because the state became the man of the house.
It is bigger, richer and stronger than you will ever be, so they chose it instead.
Women don't mind sharing the state with each other, in fact, they are all for it! Being a part of an alphas harem is much more preferable to having their own beta.
> getting the joke
> kill yourself
Pick the second
gonna jerk me doodle to this slut tbqh
The only thing that changed was the availability of cameras. Women were always happy to show men their bodies.
It is a bit of a defective quality to want to show your body to ANYONE but there is the lure of being famous and making a living from it.
Grandma and grandpa dont tell you how when walking behind the hay shed, grandma pulled up her skirt and grandpa did her right then and there.
Only if a woman is willing to accept the bare minimum and this is not the type of woman anyone should be aiming for.
The actual answer.
GBP ? Teh fuck?
because niggers
Because generous welfare payments allow for it. Women no longer need husbands.
It's a man.
Kill them all.
>Do singe fathers do better than single mothers?
Yes, overwhelmingly.
Why is it her business to tell you when to cut your hair? The fuck??
women are told they don't need men and they believe it
how many were niglets one wonders
LOTS of reasons
>women being idiotic and get pregnant with douchbags they fuck in a public bathroom they met once at a party, don't want to abort, realise that the guy is an asshole
>women standards have changed, instead of being attracked to a guy that has a good and stable job, they tend to go for guys that just ''look hot'' but can't hold a job, then they get ''supprised'' if he turn out to be trash and worthless father.
>mudsharks (women dating black men, then the man leaves when she gets pregnant)
>feminism ''im a strong independent woman''
And you sound like a pathetic leftist basement dwelling little sperg. I'll take what you said as a compliment. Now get the fuck out of here.
There are no longer any serious consequences to becoming one. In the past, it meant social exclusion and posed a legitimate threat to their safety if they lost their man.
Nowadays the government redistributes money from men to these women in the form of handouts and has replaced the role of the father in the home.
Plus it's glorified a lot. Films and tv cater to these dumb cunts and prevent them from acknowledging the hit they have taken to their overall value by selling them on the idea that they can still lock down that billionaire quarterback despite being 35 with a half nigger kid and a busted-to-fuck vagina.
Plus the whole r9k thing where women only want chad and now since they dont have to worry about being cared for by a man, they can just take chads cum up their dumb cunt all day with zero repercussions.
1. prove it
2. you aren't gonna stop me jerking it desu
Only the ones who are happy to rent small apartments with their "sisters" the rest of their lives.
The way young women behave these days turns guys off though. Regardless of human nature. No normal guy wants to be monogamous with a woman that had multiple partners, or nude selfies on the Internet, or porn on the Internet. We don't.
Birth control. Reliable birth control has devalued sex. Sex being worth less means that relationships formed around it are less meaningful. We can choose when we want babies so sleeping around doesn't matter anymore. Moralfags still act like we don't have reliable birth control because it's the only way to accommodate their dying world view in a big scary world where whores just won't wear exactly what I want them to wear and fuck me ever.
Morality takes time to catch up with technology. In 100 years having sex with somebody won't be seen as a moral choice it will just be another leisure activity like drinking a glass of lemonade.
1) Wellfare making it so a woman doesn't need a man because she can get section 8 housing, along with food stamps, a government phone and so on...
2) The marriage industry is bullshit. No Hymen no diamond.
3) The rise of the homosexual agenda
4) A few of the alpha males are fucking most of the females. Then they want to settle for a beta when they get old, and that don't fly no more.
5) Divorce horror stories
6) Everyone is hopped up on happy pills nowadays
>no fault divorce
>slut culture
He's right roastie