>come to Sup Forums for entertainment from my shitty lonely life
>browse the catalogue looking for decent conversations, funny content and lulz
>swim through a sea of skin, tiitts, pussy, cock and faggotry
>have to go to pornhub and fap just to handle all the sexual content shoved in my face
How has it become so bad Sup Forumsros?
i dont want to habe to become an /r9k/robot Sup Forumsack or /bant/fag just to chill with anons
Please guys, don't turn the last "free" place on the clearnet into a complete fapfest shithole
Come to Sup Forums for entertainment from my shitty lonely life
Sorry fam in these days you have to be able to filter through traps porn and shitty threads to find something good. If you don't wanna do that then you have to go to r9k. Sad but that's the only way.
use filters
the truth is most of the oldfags ran out to other sites, and Sup Forums has gradually became a safe place for edgy pubescent loners
From the sounds of it you should GTFO.
filters a thing of the past
bbc post always unique now
>From the sounds of it
developing ai-driven model to filter out dark skin and black dicks as we speak
same tbh. I wish people would just keep that shit to the porn boards.
I think the rest of us who want to use Sup Forums for stuff other than cocksucking should band together and start posting more lulz. Maybe someday it'll bump the tits and bbc off completly...
I get it, but it doesn't actually sort the problem out as the majority of content is porn based and most good threads just die and never kick off because they are lost in the sea of piss
Well making OC and threads that rise to the top is really the only solution to counter it
See this is the type of faggot who comes here now. Its some normie zoomer who purposely wants to derail threads for porn. Content that there are endless sites dedicated to all over the Internet.
Pissing in an ocean of piss