He drugged and raped my sister last night, name is Charley Tilley lives in UK, Cheltenham, Bishops Cleeve, he is denying everything she is in tears.

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nudes of your sister or gtfo. you know the rules

Then why are you on b/? You should be kickin his ass. So there is nothing to be said here other then that. And OP is a larping faggot.

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Send this info to the police nigger, wtf do you want us to do, send him pizzas?

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he cute tho, it not rape

Hope he recorded the rape to share it with us

Not your personal army faggot

Drop his whole address I'll send him pizzas

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Did it feel good tho

Is that martin garrix

Show us his peen.

Why you posting my face online faggot? I said i didn't raped her.

This is my sister

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I'd fuck her

Nypa, tits or gtfo


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Plot twist... he raped u and he is your sister.

This is Charley. OP doesn't want to accept his sister is a slut. If I was raping her, the other guy she was sucking off while I fucked her certainly wasn't.



This sounds suspiciously like Ray Pist.

rape your sister as well to assert dominance

Got any nudes of him?

I did fuck her. It was okay

Hey mates, Charley. Nipped a bit o pussy last night chaps

He could have chosen better to rape, she is ugly

whats the issue tho? he's hella cute (if legal)

Cool, I'd rape her too

Charley hide the chloroform

Stale pasta. Get out.

My nigga's rockin the north face that's all the proof I need to know he's not guilty. Tell your sister to cut it with the metoo bs

This but unironically.

Plots twist. Charley Tilley is real and I have a friend in common with him on fb...

>a teenager is fucking your 29 year old sister and you want to m'lady your sister

Huntsmans Close, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL52 8JG.

>why don't you go and shoot...
Crap that ain't gonna work
>Then take a knife and sta...
Fuck, that's no good either
>Or take a club and sma...
Goddamn we're running out of options here

Better just go buy him a pint and talk things over user.

NYPA. Go to LEO. Hopefully your sister reported it and got a rape kit analysis


And it looks like the mods are awake. Kudos to The People's Champions

Do you have any evidence? She should go to the authorities before she showers.

Did you even finish her off?

Nice larp virgin. And why is rape bad? Cuz your religion that u don't even live by says so?
So many fucking retards here

Go call his parents

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I guarantee if you confront him he will beat you up Maybe even rape you too.

OP is mad that some lil Chad fucked his sister
OP is an incestuous fag who lusts over his sister

>he is denying everything
Wow yeah. If he were innocent he would be confessing. You definitely have a stellar case for doxing somebody here.

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Better vote against mass immigration from now on, huh? Lesson learned.

Man up and take care of him yourself.

Just get to him alone and take care of him.

I wouldn't voluntarily rape her...

idiot, the nonce is white