Ladies and Gentleman... Abby Brown

Ladies and Gentleman... Abby Brown.

I was conflicted as to whether or not to post this individual here, as I know you guys have a habit of picking up a practice and running with it (see Chris Chan), but I decided that it’s a New Year, and I need to be a better person, yadda yadda yadda. So here you fucking go.

Introducing Abby Brown. Some of you may already know her from her wacky internet hijinks, but from what I can tell, she’s relatively unknown on the Sup Forums community. I’m going to bump the thread with some relevant content though. There’s pages of shit out there- mostly preserved on shadow accounts though, as she has a tendency to delete embarrassing posts when she realizes how much of a fucking moron she looks like (which happens a lot). Just admitted to beating the shit out of their ex boyfriend “Boss Hog” (also hounded by trolls now) AND their mother just hours ago.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, she’s a scene/emo/candy kid/butch/Jesus freak/adult baby/SoundCloud rapper, and is willing to do basically anything for attention- even capitalize on the “cringe” factor in her live videos in a semi-self aware, blatant call for attention.

She accepts some friends on FaceBook, although I wouldn’t hit her with the Pepe profile pic account just yet. Also the Instagram browntown_stocker_ does a good job of keeping up on her shenanigans, but if steps forward in trolling are made, I think you should establish some other form of monitoring.

I’ve been on Sup Forums a long time, and I haven’t come to this board with much- but I feel like you guys know what to do. Please keep the thread alive until the right type of crazy bastard sees it. I will bump with relevant content, and do my best for the kekistan army.

Happy New Years Sup Forumsrothers. I hope 2020 treats you well.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Cotton Candy phase. Got that shit tatted on her neck, I shit you not.

As the late, great Jimmy Wopo once said,
“Bitch I’m 8 Block for life, so I got that shit tatted.”

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Satanist phase

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Ur gay op

Pineapple su- I mean parakeet pug- I mean more emo phase.

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Disney princess phase

always one

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She looks like she’s having a subcultural identity crisis

Seriously though, just take it all in that this is one individual. Just ONE. There’s a massive amount of potential here, I’m telling you. Let me try and get a couple of screen shots of Facebook posts.

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>emo band shirt
>goth makeup
>hello kitty tattoos

Here’s some text

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Will, or Boss Hog himself

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Butch phase. Get it.

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She's legit just mentally ill

How could I have forgotten to post a link to the rap? It’s arguably the best/worst part. Other than how she uses her bipolar diagnosis to justify her shitty behavior.

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But she also *raps* about it.
I think you’re missing the lil xan appeal here.

she looks like an ugly jew

Thankyou OP, you are NOT a faggot today. Needed some good cringe

How empty can a person's life be to make them actually care about the dumb shit other people do.
Most of them end up offering themselves eventually, so who cares what they do in the meantime.

Think about it. You're in a board made primarily of trap, cuck and faggot threads and you're pointing out how trans are deviants?

Dinner is served, OP. Pic related.

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Last one for now, I’m fucking off if nobody is interested.

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not going to give any attention to a fucking jew attention whore.

I mean, you’re here too?

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>motionless in white
confirmed for grade-A, blue ribbon quality retard

Chris brought everything onto herself, no one "did" shit to her

You’re welcome. As long as one person got a kick out of it, I consider my job done. Make sure you message the IG page before adding them.

im interested. shes fucking nuts. makes me feel better about myself

Awesome, OP will deliver.

Also, look at that fucking chest piece.

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Also, sorry about the upload speed, I’m on mobile.

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the shading is just sad dark and light spots the whole piece is not symmetrical. jesus where did she get that tat

Last one for now, I gotta get going. I would recommend getting on this shit before she goes from lil xan to lil pee lol know what I’m sayin

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Have more. Happy New Year!

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That face tat tho

Forgot file. Whoops. Fuck mobile.

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Jesus nonsense

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How old is this individual?